This was a one-time workaround for an urgent situation. The features that this script offers have been incorporated into istdrupal-updates-apply
and wps sites:updates
with the options --minimal
, --quick
, --no-rr
This code is not maintained.
This started as a bare-bones bash script
which allows applying
Pantheon upstream updates to a single site.
The script intentionally neglects to create a backup of the site or run any
clone content
terminus commands, because it is intended for use when the
Pantheon infrastructure is under stress (Drupalgeddon scenario) and those
workflows are very slow.
(We use a much more robust update procedure under normal circumstances.)
$ ./ $sitename $last_downstream_environment $distribution_version
reads from a cohort.php file (which should contain a $sites
array listing sitenames in a cohort.) It runs multiple site updates in
the background. It accepts a maximum processes argument. It syncs logs to an S3
bucket. If the cohort file name contains "-test" it's assumed that the last
downstream environment for those sites is the 'test' environment. (We take
pains not to create the 'live' environment when applying upstream updates.)
$ php update_cohort.php /path/to/cohort.php 9.9.9 10