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Chart Tool

NOTE: This project is still in alpha, and not yet ready to be deployed at large. Until it's ready, you might experience some bugs.

Chart Tool is a D3.js-based tool for creating beautiful, embeddable charts. It's made up of two parts: a front-end for loading and visualizing charts, built using Gulp, and a back-end for creating data, storing it in a database and generating the embed code and exported charts, powered by Meteor and automated by Gulp. Chart Tool's goals are as follows:

  • Responsive: Charts should work on mobile and tablet devices, UIWebViews (ugh), and have fallbacks for NoScript or non-SVG-capable browsers (like IE8).
  • “Chart in a minute”: once you have your data, it shouldn't take you more than 60 seconds to generate a usable chart.
  • Forgiving with data: Chart Tool doesn't care what kind of data you give it. TSV, CSV, weird formatting, whatever.
  • Fast: Chart Tool's only dependency on the front-end is D3.js.
  • Exportable: Chart Tool can generate PNGs along with its standard embed code, and PDFs for print using wkhtmltopdf.

Chart Tool uses MongoDB paired with Meteor as a database for storing chart data. Generated charts are entirely static data-wise, relying only on D3.js, the custom Chart Tool library a chart loading function to be rendered, meaning the Mongo database is entirely archival.

Chart Tool library


Generating documentation

Chart Tool interface

Backend routes

On the Meteor-side of things, Chart Tool uses Iron Router. There are several routes you can access:

  • /new: make a new chart (also the default route)
  • /list: list and search through all generated charts
  • /chart/_id: preview an individual chart, a handy link for sharing with colleagues
  • /chart/edit/_id: edit or export a chart based on its Mongo ID
  • /chart/pdf/_id: preview what an exported PDF will look like (warning: it'll be tiny due to fonts being sized for print)


API for charts. This is a work in progress. Only one endpoint for now:

  • /api/get/_id: get the full database entry for a chart based on its Mongo ID

Getting started

Curious to try out Chart Tool, but don't want to go through the process of setting it up? Try out our hosted demo version [COMING SOON].

If you'd like to set up your own hosted, customized Chart Tool, read on.

Setting up your own Chart Tool

First, you'll need Node.js >=0.10.36 installed. This is important: anything lower and Meteor will fail in spectacular and unexpected ways. This project prefers a default of Node 0.10.38, as per the .nvmrc file, which you can use by installing nvm. Next, you'll need Meteor:

$ curl | /bin/sh

You'll also need Gulp.

$ npm install -g gulp

Then, clone the Chart Tool repo, install your NPM dependencies, which will make sure Gulp is set up and can run your project:

$ git clone [git-repo-url] && cd chart-tool
$ npm install

(Depending on your setup, you might have to run some of these commands as sudo.)

After that, you'll need to do cd meteor && meteor to get Meteor running for the first time, which installs all the dependencies it'll need (this might take a minute). After that, you're in business. Stop the Meteor server (CTRL-C on a Mac), cd back to the parent directory and pick one of the Gulp commands below.

Gulp commands

You have several Gulp commands at your disposal:

  • gulp: Default command, will start up both a Gulp.js and a Meteor.js server for development. Equivalent to running gulp lib-serve && gulp meteor-serve.
  • gulp meteor-serve: Will start up a local Meteor.js instance of the interface at localhost:3000 and watch for file changes.
  • gulp lib-serve: Will start up a local Gulp.js instance of the frontend at localhost:3030 and watch for file changes.
  • gulp meteor-build: Will build the backend into a tarball, ready for deployment to a server.
  • gulp lib-build: Will build the static assets for the front-end loader.
  • gulp set-version: Propagates the current version in package.json to all files that require a version string. Automatically run for all other gulp tasks.
  • gulp documentation: Uses JSDoc to build documentation on the Chart Tool library to the ./documentation/ folder.
  • gulp buildver: Returns the buildVer variable present in package.json. Optionally, can accept a set argument which edits the buildVer value. For instance, gulp buildver --set=12 will set the buildVer in package.json to "12".




Chart Tool is still under active development, so better, more comprehensive documentation is forthcoming. If you've got any questions in the meantime, feel free to send us an email:

Tom Cardoso
Jeremy Agius
Michael Pereira
Matt Frehner

License note

While the main codebase is available under the MIT license, one element is not: the fonts used for this project. Fonts residing under /src/styles/settings/_fonts.scss and /meteor/client/stylesheets/partials/base/_fonts.scss are copyright of The Globe and Mail. These will be removed for the first release of the Chart Tool. Please do not copy them.


A responsive charting application







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  • CSS 52.9%
  • JavaScript 34.1%
  • HTML 13.0%