Sending messages from group to group in Telegram using a bot, the main difference between a user and a bot is the ability to edit messages.
If you want to send messages as a USER, use: fuserbot
version 3.x works with Telegram Python bot ver 21+
version 2.x works with Telegram Python bot ver 20-21
version 1.X works with Telegram Python bot ver 13.15 and below!!
The bot must be granted deletion privileges in order to delete messages user leave or join the group, and also commands by users other than the bot owner.
A simple Telegram Python bot running on Python3 to automatically forward messages from one chat to another.
Automatic deletion of messages after a specified period of time, please note that you cannot delete messages of another bot, Because of Telegram limitations.
Languages can be added in
, the default language is the user's language, if the user's language cannot be found or in channels the default is English.
Please make sure to use the latest Python version. (Recommended)
Configuring your bot: a config.env
and chat_list.json
This file should be placed in tzbot
folder, alongside the
file .
This is where your bot token will be loaded from, and most of your other settings.
Template env may be found in sample.config.env
. Rename it to config.env
and fill in the values:
- Telegram bot token. You can get it from @BotFather -
- An integer or a comma-separated list of consisting of your owner ID. -
- set toTrue
if you want to remove the tag ("Forwarded from xxxxx") from the forwarded message. -
= An integer or a comma-separated list of consisting of groups from which you want to delete messages after the set time. -
= An integer to set time to delete in seconds. -
= Default language when the user language cannot be retrieved and in channels, if blank defaults to English.
Template chat_list may be found in chat_list.sample.json
. Rename it to chat_list.json
This file contains the list of chats to forward messages from and to. The bot expect it to be an Array of objects with the following structure:
"source": -10012345678,
"destination": [-10011111111, "-10022222222#123456"]
"source": "-10087654321#000000", // Topic/Forum group
"destination": ["-10033333333#654321"],
"filters": ["word1", "word2"] // message that contain this word will be forwarded
"source": -10087654321,
"destination": [-10033333333],
"blacklist": ["word3", "word4"] // message that contain this word will not be forwarded
"source": -10087654321,
"destination": [-10033333333],
"filters": ["word5"],
"blacklist": ["word6"]
// message must contain word5 and must not contain word6 to be forwarded
An example config.env
file could be:
BOT_TOKEN = 1234567890:Abcdef1234567890GHIJ
OWNER_ID = 1234567890, 0987654321
GROUPS_TO_DELETE = -1001234567890, -1234567890
- The chat ID of the chat to forward messages from. It can be a group or a channel.If the source chat is a Topic groups, you MUST explicitly specify the topic ID. The bot will ignore incoming message from topic group if the topic ID is not specified.
- An array of chat IDs to forward messages to. It can be a group or a channel.Destenation supports Topics chat. You can use
string to forward to specific topic. Example:[-10011111111, "-10022222222#123456"]
. With this config it will forward to chat-10022222222
with topic123456
and to chat-10011111111
. -
(Optional) - An array of strings to filter words. If the message containes any of the strings in the array, it WILL BE forwarded. -
(Optional) - An array of strings to blacklist words. If the message containes any of the string in the array, it will NOT BE forwarded.
You may add as many objects as you want. The bot will forward messages from all the chats in the source
field to all the chats in the destination
field. Duplicates are allowed as it already handled by the bot.
Install the necessary python dependencies by moving to the project directory and running:
$ git clone
$ cd tzbot
If you are using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are using advanced versions of linux that pip cannot be used:
$ sudo apt install python3-anyio python3-certifi python3-h11 python3-httpcore python3-httpx python3-idna python3-dotenv python3-python-telegram-bot python3-rfc3986 python3-sniffio python3-apscheduler
This will install all necessary python packages.
- Docker
- docker compose
Before launch make sure all configuration are completed (config.env
and chat_list.json
Then, simply run the command:
docker compose up -d
You can view the logs by the command:
docker compose logs -f
Once you've setup your database and your configuration (see below) is complete, simply run:
$ python3 -m tzbot
Can be run in a screen with the following command:
$ screen -dmS tzbot python3 -m tzbot
Based on: MrMissx - Telegram_Forwarder