Provides an NPM module and script which will require a CJS formatted .js
file or treat all other files as JSON
in addition to stripping any comments. Once the file is loaded an search for an array object entry occurs and if found
all entries in the array are executed by child_process->execSync
For a comprehensive ES6 build / testing / publishing NPM module please see typhonjs-npm-build-test as it combines this module along with transpiling ES6 sources with Babel, pre-publish script detection, ESDoc dependencies, testing with Mocha / Istanbul and an Istanbul instrumentation hook for JSPM / SystemJS tests. For a full listing of all TyphonJS NPM script modules available please see typhonjs-node-npm-scripts organization on GitHub.
To configure the script runner provide this entry in package.json
scripts entry:
"devDependencies": {
"typhonjs-npm-scripts-runner": "^0.4.0"
"scripts": {
"runme": "node ./node_modules/typhonjs-npm-scripts-runner/scripts/runner.js <file path> <script entry>",
<file path>
must be defined relative to the root path and contain a JSON formatted object hash with entries that end with an Array
of strings
. To invoke the above example execute npm run runme
For example here is a JSON formatted file .scriptdata
located in the root path with muliple entries. The first copy.files.scripts
copies files the second run.npm
runs three other NPM scripts defined in package.json
* You can provide comments in script runner data files.
"cp ./templates/file2.js ./destination/file2.js",
"cp ./templates/file2.js ./destination/file3.js"
"scripts": ["npm run script1", "npm run script2", "npm run script3"]
Given the above data file here are the entries in package.json
to run them:
"scripts": {
"copy": "node ./node_modules/typhonjs-npm-scripts-runner/scripts/runner.js .scriptdata copy.files.scripts '<optional custom message>'",
"runmult": "node ./node_modules/typhonjs-npm-scripts-runner/scripts/runner.js .scriptdata run.scripts '<optional custom message>'"
For programmatic usage see the following example; you may include a 3rd string parameter for a custom message:
var runner = require('typhonjs-npm-scripts-runner');'.scriptdata', 'copy.files.scripts', '<optional custom message>');
Please note that you can add comments to the script JSON data file.