CyberSpaceHQ Calculator: a sleek, functional calculator built with JavaScript, TailwindCSS & HTML. User-friendly interface & fast performance for all your arithmetic needs. Available on GitHub under a permissive open-source license, use & contribute to this modern tech-powered calculator today!
A sleek, functional calculator built with JavaScript, TailwindCSS, and HTML
- User-friendly interface
- Fast performance for all your arithmetic needs
- Built with modern web development technologies
#Getting Started #Prerequisites -> A Modern Web Browser
- Clone or download this repository
- Open the index.html file in a web brower (in Code Folder)
#License This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.
#Contributions We welcome contributions to CyberSpaceHQ Calculator! If you have any suggestions or bug fixes, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
- JavaScript
- TailwindCSS