This repository contains configuration files used to create a nice Vancouver map using Open Data and Mapnik. Here is what vancouver-light-compiled.xml looks like:
Recomended tools:
- Mapnik
- Quantum GIS (with Quantumnik plugin)
- Cascadenik
- TileLite
To compile and run:
- Compile with Cascadenik: vancouver-light.mml > vancouver-light-compiled.xml
- Run with TileLite: -b 2048 vancouver-light-compiled.xml
- Open map.html in a browser and it will connect to TileLite and show your tiles!
Data used:
- Local area boundary data:
- Building Footprints 1999:
- Parks (polygon features):
- City streets package:
Summary of files:
- 9x9_transparent.png - a 9x9 pixel PNG to create a diagonal stripe
- map.html - basic OpenLayers map page centered on Vancouver and set to load tiles from TileLite at http://localhost:8000
- vancouver-dark.qgs - Quantum GIS file with a couple layers and styles
- vancouver-dark.xml - Mapnik XML file generated by Quantumnik from within Quantum GIS
- vancouver-light.xml - Mapnik XML file generated by Quantumnik from within Quantum GIS
- vancouver-light.mml - Cascadenik layers file which sets map info, stylesheet to use, and layer precedence.
- vancouver-light.mss - Cascadenik stylesheet with some basic styles
- vancouver-light-compiled.xml - Mapnik XML file compiled from vancouver-light.mml using Cascadenik