Software department curriculum has a curriculum of variety of major requirements, major choices, and track classes.
We decide to find a way to familiarize students with a difficult and complex curriculum. Through games, students become familiar with these difficult and complex curriculums.
Reference Game : Tomcat
The character moves from side to side or jumps to contact the software objects, and avoids the rest. Take a software curriculum object to get additional points. When character collide with the rest, points get reduced.
User can choose camera perspective that user wants by pressing 1~7 key while playing game.
Game difficulty rises as game round gets higher. You can see that obstalces are moving faster in round 4.
After each round, user can check out description of software curriculum. Each round corresponds to grade, so when round 1 is over, description of first year curriculum appears.
After round 4, user can see curriculums they have collected and missed and graudation determination message appears. If user has collected all the curriculums that meets graduation requirements, Graudation Success message appears. If not Graduation Failure message appears.
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