Welcome traveler!
This repository also features a number of great software (in the words of their creators):
- Browsersync - time-saving synchronised browser testing (once you go live-reload, you'll never come back)
- Sass - CSS with superpowers
- PostCSS - a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins
- Autoprefixer - adding vendor prefixes by the rules of Can I Use
- Webpack - a bundler for javascript and friends
- ESLint - the pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX (with preconfigured ruleset by Google)
Make sure Node.js is installed on your system (or even better, use Yarn), then clone this repository and install its dependencies:
$ git clone https://github.com/two-brain/twobrain.io.git
$ cd twobrain.io
$ npm install // (or simply `yarn`)
$ mv secrets.json.example secrets.json // contains example configuration for file sync via rsync
$ npm run assets // (or `yarn run assets`) - generates static assets (only needed once), later on you go straight to ..
$ npm start // (or `yarn run start`)
I'd like to thank everybody that's making great software - you people are awesome.
- responsive images (bonus points for pixel-loading effect)
- custom 404