The Great Decoupling
Chill is now a multi-module project:
- chill-java which includes pooling for Kryo instances, code to ease configuration and java standard library serializers
- chill_(2.9.3|2.10) includes scala serializers and KryoInstantiators to create Kryo instances ready to use with scala
- chill-hadoop includes Hadoop Serialization support using Kryo.
- chill-storm gives you access to our configuration code in Kryo serialization on storm.
- chill-bijection_(2.9.3|2.10) lets you use twitter/bijection to ease implementation of Kryo serializers.
- Lots of refactoring around configuration (see chill.config in chill-java)
- Issue #94 KryoPool for pooling Kryo instances and Output buffers
- Issue #85 upgrade to bijection 0.5.2 and scala 2.9.3
- Issue #78 Some, Left, Right serializers in chill(-scala)
- Issue #70 create chill-java for Java only code
- Issue #67 add chill-storm
- Issue #65, #71 import cascading.kryo as chill-hadoop
- Issue #64 fix KryoInjection to be from Any to Array[Byte]
- Issues #61, #63 handle the case of small Map/Set in scala
- Issue #57 use CanBuildFrom in Traversable serialization
94 commits
- P. Oscar Boykin: 46 commits
- Sam Ritchie: 38 commits
- ryanlecompte: 5 commits
- Ngoc Dao: 2 commits
- Dao Ngoc: 1 commits
- Michael Schmitz: 1 commits
- Julien Le Dem: 1 commits