Put tasks in a queue and process them one by one, but not too often.
npm install tasks-queue
var TasksQueue = require('tasks-queue'),
q = new TasksQueue();
// The queue should not execute more than one task in 500 ms.
q.pushTask('sample task',{n:5});
q.pushTask('sample task',{n:32});
q.pushTask('sample task',{n:98});
q.pushTask('sample task',{n:33});
q.on('sample task', process);
q.on('stop', logResults);
function process(jinn,data) {
var q = jinn.getQueue();
q.setVar('value', data.n + q.getVar('value'));
jinn.done(); // important!
function logResults(jinn) {
console.log( jinn.getQueue().getVar('value') );
TasksQueue class inherits from EventEmitter.
Create a new queue object. options
object may be passed to the constructor.
Default: true
. Emit a 'stop' event when the queue is empty. If explicitly
set to false
the queue does not emit 'stop' event. It waits for minTime
and checks if there are some tasks to do.
See also autostop()
and noautostop()
Append a task to the tail of the queue
is a string, that is used to distinguish the different
classes of tasks. taskData
is any data that given task needs.
Prepend the task to the head of the queue.
Arguments are the same as in pushTask
argument to pushTask
and unshiftTask
is used to
distinguish between the different calsses of tasks. The queue
emits an event named after the taskType
of the current task at
the head of the queue.
For example, the user has two types of tasks: 'simple', and 'not so simple'. Then the code may look like this:
queue.pushTask('simple','some data');
// ...
queue.pushTask('not so simple',{/*...*/});
// ...
queue.on('simple',function(jinn,taskData) {/*...*/; jinn.done(); });
queue.on('not so simple', function(jinn,taskData) {/*...*/; jinn.done(); });
The arguments passed to the event listeners are an instance of Jinn
and taskData
When there is no more tasks in the queue it emits 'stop' event, passing an
instance of Jinn
to the listeners.
queue.on('stop',function(jinn) { /* ... */ });
Return the number of tasks the queue keeps.
Set the value of the variable named name
to the object
Return the value of the variable named name
Set the minimal time interval between the tasks' executions to minTime
Return the minimal time interval between the tasks' executions.
Execute the tasks in the queue.
When the queue is not empty take the task from top and emit a taskType
Listeners are called with an instance of Jinn
as the first argument and
the taskData
as the second one. taskType
and taskData
are the arguments passed
to pushTask()
or unshiftTask()
methods. Jinn
class is discussed below.
Every task listener should call jinn.done()
method to specify the end of task execution
(see taskDone()
method). This allows the queue to continue execution.
What happens when the queue is empty depends on the autostop
option passed to the
constructor. By default autostop
is true
and the queue immediately emits a 'stop'
event. If autostop
option was explicitly set to false
the queue starts
a timer that waits for minTime
milliseconds and calls execute()
Usually you don't need this method.
Return an instance of Task corresponding to n
-th task in the queue.
is between 0 and queue.length()-1
Usually you don't need this method.
This method is called when a user calls Jinn.done()
from the taskType
event listener.
If minTime
or more milliseconds was passed since the last taskType
event was emitted
it calls execute()
If the method is called before minTime
is passed, then it returns immediately. execute()
however will be magically called again when the minTime
will pass.
Usually you don't need this method.
Returns true if the task is executed and Jinn.done()
was not called yet
Usually you don't need this method.
Returns true if the time passed since the beginning of the current task
is less than minTime
Returns false
if autostop is not allowed. See TasksQueue
You may need this method if autostop: false
option was used. It simply
makes the queue to autostop. I.e. when the execute()
method finds that
the queue is empty, it immediately emits 'stop' event.
The opposite of autostop()
. Remember, if you call this method after
the queue emitted 'stop' event, you should manually call execute()
again to start execution.
This class provides useful methods to the event listeners, bound to the
TasksQueue events. An instance of Jinn
is passed as the first argument
to the listeners. Inherits from the EventEmitter.
Return an instance of queue which emitted an event.
Return event name: 'stop' or taskType
Return taskData
for taskType
Emit 'done' event. In the case of taskType
TasksQueue binds to this event a listener that
calls TasksQueue.taskDone()
This is an internal class that represents a task. The instance
of Task is returned by TasksQueue.getTask(n)
Set the data for a task.
Return the data for a task.
Set type of a task.
Return a taskType of a task.
- See examples directory,
- see request-queue project
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
April 11, 2013. V. 0.0.2. Added 'autostop' feature control.
April 1, 2013. V. 0.0.1. Basic functionality
Copyright (c) 2013 Andrei V. Toutoukine Licensed under the MIT license.