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Music Psychology Data challenge

This is an internal training exercise for the Durham Music and Science Music Psychology Lab, where all members—working individually or in small groups—are invited to develop models that explain data in a reliable and robust way. We assume that most participants have a basic understanding of statistics and are familiar with constructing regression models, which serves as the foundation for this task.

To make the exercise more challenging and promote the acquiring better modeling principles, I have built in some inherent challenges to the task:

  1. We have an abundance of data, particularly predictors
  2. We lack a guiding theory to form our assumptions
  3. We want the analyses to be transparent (notebooks or sets of codes that can run independently)

It would be also desirable to be able to explain what the model does in plain language.

Present task: Explain emotion ratings using acoustic descriptors

For this task, let’s focus on static ratings (a single aggregated mean rating for the whole excerpt) using static musical features already extracted from music using MIR tools. We have a good dataset for this.

Dataset: PMEmo – A Dataset For Music Emotion Computing

Dataset is available at and fully at and this is the description by the authors:

PMEmo dataset contains emotion annotations of 794 songs as well as the simultaneous electrodermal activity (EDA) signals. A Music Emotion Experiment was well-designed for collecting the affective-annotated music corpus of high quality, which recruited 457 subjects.

The dataset is publically available to the research community, which is foremost intended for benchmarking in music emotion retrieval and recognition. To straightforwardly evaluate the methodologies for music affective analysis, it also involves pre-computed audio feature sets. In addition to that, manually selected chorus excerpts (compressed in MP3) of songs are provided to facilitate the development of chorus-related research.

For more details, see paper by Zhang et al., (2018).

The data allows to explore various aspects of emotion induction, including (a) predicting arousal and valence from acoustic features, (b) predicting participants’ electrodermal activity (EDA) from continuous musical features, and (c) to explore the impact of lyrics or other data on either of these. Let’s start with the easiest task, predicting the rated emotions with acoustic features.

Loading data

To facilitate analysis and to avoid everyone downloading the full dataset (1.3 Gb), I share the minimal data in GitHub (just copy this repository).

# get static annotations
anno <- read.csv('data/static_annotations.csv',header = TRUE)
# get static acoustic features
feat <- read.csv('data/static_features.csv',header = TRUE)
# combine ratings and features (leave metadata out for now)
df <- merge(anno,feat,by="musicId")
musicId Arousal.mean. Valence.mean. audspec_lengthL1norm_sma_range audspec_lengthL1norm_sma_maxPos audspec_lengthL1norm_sma_minPos audspec_lengthL1norm_sma_quartile1
1 0.4000 0.5750 7.318236 0.7164319 0 2.245124
4 0.2625 0.2875 6.558082 0.7033989 0 1.606873
5 0.1500 0.2000 8.152512 0.3680324 0 1.404577
6 0.5125 0.3500 8.527122 0.2817285 0 2.106767
7 0.7000 0.7250 7.756963 0.9589230 0 3.683783
8 0.3875 0.2250 9.172951 0.5589192 0 3.131285

In the dataframe df we have everything we need for the task, where the first column contains the musicId and the columns 2 and 3 are the arousal and valence mean (ratings) and the rest of the columns are individual acoustic features. Note the size of the dataset, 767 rows representing excerpts with 6376 columns representing variables (musicId,Arousal.mean., Valence.mean. and 6373 more columns with exotic names related to audio features).

Meta-data (not used in this task)

It might be useful to see the metadata in the meta dataframe. If you wish to get the audio examples, this data is useful to link up the audio and gives the track names and artist and album names. For a visualisation, you might want join the two dataframes (df and meta), but for the sake of the task, working with df is sufficient.

# get metadata
meta <- read.csv('data/metadata.csv',header = TRUE)
musicId fileName title artist album duration chorus_start_time chorus_end_time
1 1.mp3 Good Drank 2 Chainz Def Jam Presents: Direct Deposit, Vol. 2 32.10 02:35 03:05
4 4.mp3 X Bitch (feat. Future) 21 Savage Savage Mode 28.09 03:00 03:26
5 5.mp3 No Heart 21 Savage Savage Mode 84.23 00:41 02:03
6 6.mp3 Red Opps 21 Savage Red Opps 29.53 02:16 02:44
7 7.mp3 Girls Talk Boys 5 Seconds Of Summer Ghostbusters (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 29.11 02:30 02:57
8 8.mp3 PRBLMS 6LACK FREE 6LACK 40.14 02:10 02:48

Building a bad model

The simplest model would be a linear regression predicting either arousal or valence using all features, and it could be done in R using (lm) in the following way:

bad_model <- lm(Arousal.mean. ~ ., 
  data = dplyr::select(df,-musicId,-Valence.mean.)) # discard unwanted columns
s <- summary(bad_model)
[1] 0.999

This bad model is pure nonsense because it tries to predict 767 ratings with 6373 predictors, and if you have more predictors than observations, you break any modelling assumptions and you will be explain all data even with random variables. As we can see, the model is “perfect” ($r^2$ = 0.999). To predict a variable, you need many more observations than predictors and the rule is to have 15 or 20 times more observations than predictors.

Just to demonstrate this, here we predict arousal with 770 random features, which is equally “good” as the previous bad model.

n <- nrow(df); reps <- 770; n1 <- 1
# create a data frame with 770 random variables 
tmp<-*n1), ncol=n1),
      matrix(sample(0:1, n*reps, replace=TRUE), ncol=reps)))
tmp$Arousal.mean. <- df$Arousal.mean. # add arousal to random data
random_model <- lm(Arousal.mean. ~ .,data=tmp)
s2 <- summary(random_model)
[1] 1

A perfect prediction obtained with noise! This illustrates that we need to be selective about the predictors as we can only afford to have a maximum of 30 predictors if using the rule of 20:1, but consider having only a handful predictors, if you want to be able to explain the model.

Building a good model

To do the modelling properly, consider some of the following steps:

  1. Divide the data into training and testing subsets (typically 80%/20%) to avoid overfitting.

  2. When building the model, consider normalising your predictors (the predictors contain widely different magnitudes, which could be a problem for interpretation and developing the models).

  3. When building the model with a training subset, consider cross-validation (to avoid overfitting).

  4. Have some kind of feature selection principle (theory, statistical operation, intuition, …).

  5. Try to create as simple a model as possible.

  6. Assess the goodness of the model with separate data (the testing subset typically serves this purpose).

  7. Explain what explains arousal and valence based on your analysis.

There are plenty of guides about how to create models in R and in Python, many of them using useful packages designed for building models such caret package or tidymodels or other guides such as YaRrr!. Classic statistics handbooks will give you solid guidance as well (Howell, 2010; Tabachnick et al., 2013), some of which come with R code (Lilja and Linse, 2016; Sheather, 2009; McNulty, 2021).

To submit your model

You can do the challenge individually or in groups. When you have done the exercise, you should be able:

  1. to show the analytical steps
  2. to summarise your best model using metrics such as $R^2$
  3. to explain the model by interpreting the model coefficients
  4. to tell others what did you learn while doing the exercise (note: fails and dead ends are important part of the learning process)

For the 3rd point, many of the acoustical descriptors might be quite difficult to interpret from the labels alone, but you can still explain the model principles even if the computation or the meaning of the exact feature may not be easily decipher.

Bonus points for visualising the original ratings and the model predictions.

We want the outcome to be shared as a notebook/document (Rmarkdown, Quarto, Jupyter or even pure R and Python) that will be able to run and produce your analysis in any computer (with the same data and packages). This part of the exercise encourages you to build transparent models that others will understand and can run.

If you enjoy the task, we could later on try a more challenging variant related to this where we attempt to explain the electodermal activity with musical features or bring information from lyrics or metadata to the models.
