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The Game Physics Template - An Introduction

Software Setup:

  1. install CMake

  2. install a C++ compiler (if you don't have one already), for example:

    ... or whatever you prefer

  3. install Git

  4. clone this repository

    git clone
  5. Open the project in your IDE, for example [Visual Studio Code] (, and add src and thirdparty to the include directories. This is just for autocomplete. The build will work without it.

Note that currently WSL2 on Windows is not supported as there are issues with using webGPU on it, however, both Visual Studio 17 (2022) directly on Windows and MinGW are supported as alternatives. If you are facing issues on Windows in general, try cloning the repository again into a path without any spaces and retry the build process. We will be adding a compatibility and common issues list soon.

Building and Running the Project

  1. Everytime you add new files, and once in the beginning, run
cmake . -B build
  1. Build the project
cmake --build build

The output will tell you where the executable is located. You can run it from the command line or from your IDE.

Project Structure

Each exercise has its own branch, usually only providing some additional code needed for the exercise.
The intro branch already has the completed tutorial code, so you can start from the main branch to go along.

The relevant directories:

  • Scenes should contain all code relevant to your submission.
  • src contains the engine source code. Feel free to take a look and play around with it. Make sure your submissions run without changes to theses files.
  • thirdparty contains external libraries, including glm for vector math and imgui for UI.
  • resources contains all resources loaded at runtime, such as shaders and colormaps. Especially the postprocessing shader is fun to play with.


glm math library

This library is used for all vector, matrix and quaternion math.

Include <glm/glm.hpp> to get started.

All vectors and matrices have loads of useful overloads, such as glm::vec3(0) for a zero vector. vec4 can be implicitly cast to vec3 and vec2, and so on.

Useful knowledge:

  • The quaternion constructor is glm::quat(w,x,y,z), while the list initializer is glm::quat test = {x,y,z,w}
  • You can include <glm/gtx/string_cast.hpp> to print vectors, matrices and quaternions with glm::to_string(vec)
  • The glm:: namespace contains many useful functions, such as glm::length(vec), glm::normalize(vec), glm::dot(vec1, vec2), glm::cross(vec1, vec2), glm::inverse(matrix), glm::transpose(matrix) and many more.
  • glm has math functions that work on vectors, e.g. glm::sin(vec)
  • Instead of using namespace glm, you can use private using vec3 = glm::vec3 in your class header to avoid conflicts with other libraries.

imgui UI library

This library is used for all UI elements. It should only be used in the onGui method of a scene.

Include <imgui.h> to get started.

Useful knowledge:

  • You can use logarithmic sliders with ImGui::SliderFloat("Slider", &value, min, max, "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags_Logarithmic)
  • ImGui has many functions for interactiviy, such as ImGui::IsKeyDown(), ImGui::GetMousePos() and many more.
  • ImGui::GetIO() contains more information about the input, even PenPressure and DisplaySize.
  • Use using namespace ImGui:: inside the onGui method to avoid writing ImGui:: all the time.

Drawing objects

The draw methods are documented in the Renderer documantation. The renderer object is provided in the onDraw method of a scene.
You can use it to draw lines, ellipsoids, spheres, cubes, quads, and images.

You have to keep track of the objects yourself!

How you do this is up to you.
A memory safe way to do this would be to store the objects in a vector in your scene class. Initialize the objects in init(), modify them in the simulateStep() method, and visualize them in the onDraw() method.

#include <vector>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
std::vector<YourObject> objects;
// or
std::vector<glm::vec3> positions;
// ... or whatever you need

Drawing Images

You can draw Images with the drawImage method.

void onDraw(Renderer &renderer) override {
    // the data should not be declared in the draw method
    std::vector<float> data = {1,0,0,0,1,0};
    int width = 3;
    int height = 2;
    renderer.drawImage(data, height, width);
    // This will draw an image to the full screen looking like this:
    // 1 0 0
    // 0 1 0
    // The colors are defined by the optional colormap parameter.
    // Note that the pixels will be stretched, if the aspect ratio of the image does not match the aspect ratio of the screen.

Adding a new scene or source file

Add scene:

  1. Create a new class that inherits from Scene in the Scenes directory.
  2. Add the scene to the SceneIndex in Scenes/SceneIndex.h.
{"The Scene's Name", creator<TheSceneClass>()},
  1. Run cmake . -B build again before building the project.
  2. override only the functions you need and implement them in the scene's source file.
    void onDraw(Renderer &renderer) override;
    void onGui() override;
  1. After building, you can select the scene in the UI.

Add source file:

  1. Add the source file to the Scenes directory.
  2. Run cmake . -B build again before building the project.

Further reading:

If you would like to know more, or work through a demo example look at our guide in this repository, which you can find in the file. This guide works through input handling, extending scenes and further details like adaptive timestepping and will be updated over time too.