Requirements: Matlab
hcytra is the simulation source code for PreBOTRA and DABTRA paper as in H. M. Gursu; M. Vilgelm; W. Kellerer; M. Reisslein, "Hybrid Collision Avoidance-Tree Resolution for M2M Random Access," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1.
Please cite the paper in case you use the simulator in your work.
Contibutors: H. Murat Gürsu
- "dist" is the distribution variable:
- 1 is delta arrivals sets initial access to 1 for each user
- 2 is beta arrival distributes the users according to beta parameters
- 3 is poission arrivals distributes the users on a poisson based fashion
- "PB" is the Collision Avoidance parameter
- 0 no- prebackoff
- 1 prebackoff
- 2 dynamic Access Barring
- 3 PDFSA (Another hybrid protocol similar to "access barring + tree")
"PBP" is he prebackoff size parameter it is also used for back-off in cases without prebackoff or AB
"T_A" is the activation time of the beta distribution
branchsize is the tree algorithm parameter for branching size
- 1 for non-tree algorithms
- > for any branchsize as wished
- Other variables are self explanatory
- coll_rat = Ratio of collided slots to all slots used
- drop_rat = Ratio of dropped users to all users
- suc_rat = Ratio of accessed users to all users (should be 1 - drop_rat (sanity check))
- mean_delay = Mean delay of all successful users
- tp_mean = Ratio of succesful slots to all slots used
- mean_retx = Mean number of transmissions for each user