Watchlist integrates with to make it easy to keep track of all the series and movies you're watching.
You can launch showw and movies in your web browser, or play them directly on your Google TV.
When using GoogleTV as a player there is a full remote control for selecting Profiles and Episodes.
Would love assistance in adding more integrations (FireTV, others?) and writing tests and documentation.
- $ mkdir -p /usr/share/watchlist/android/
- $ mkdir -p /usr/share/watchlist/data/
- $ cp .env.example /usr/share/watchlist/.env/ # and edit with your values
- # Add the Trakt secrets (found at to the .env file
- # For art you will need to get API keys for one or all of FanArt, TVDB, and/or TMDB and add them to your .env file
- $ docker run --name=watchlist --volume=/usr/share/watchlist/android/:/root/.android/ --volume=/usr/share/watchlist/data/:/usr/src/watchlist/data/ --network=host --restart=unless-stopped --env-file=/usr/share/watchlist/.env --detach=true
- Setup an ngrok account, this allows a tunnel to your development machine: In the setup instructions click on 'Static Domain' to get your free static domain
- Put your auth token in your .env file as NGROK_AUTHTOKEN
- Put your staic domain in your .env file as NGROK_DOMAIN
- Create a account and setup an oauth app on
- Under Redirect URI add (put in the actual text there is no variable expansion supported): [NGROK_DOMAIN]/api/auth/trakt/callback
- Under CORS add: [NGROK_DOMAIN]
- $ npm i
- $ cp .env.example .env
- # Add the Trakt secrets (found at to the .env file
- # For art you will need to get API keys for one or all of FanArt, TVDB, and/or TMDB and add them to your .env file
- $ npm run start-dev
- npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name User --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string --models-path=models --migrations-path=migrations
- npx sequelize-cli migration:create --migrations-path=migrations/ --name my_migration_name
- npx sequelize-cli db:migrate