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This repository contains the code for our publication MeshLoc: Mesh-Based Visual Localization, presented at ECCV 2022.


This repository is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See the LICENSE file for full text.


If you are using the code in this repository, please cite the following paper:

  author = {Panek, Vojtech and Kukelova, Zuzana and Sattler, Torsten},
  title = {{MeshLoc: Mesh-Based Visual Localization}},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
  year = {2022},


Make sure you have COLMAP installed on your system. If not, please follow the instructions on the COLMAP website. The current version of MeshLoc was tested with COLMAP 3.11, but should be compatible with any version >= 3.9.

This version of MeshLoc uses the Image Matching Toolbox for feature matching. Immatch package unfortunately cannot be directly installed as a package from GitHub due to the way it downloads the individual matching methods as submodules. Therefore, it has to be installed from the source. The full installation process is as follows:

git clone
cd image-matching-toolbox
git submodule update --init
conda create --name immatch python=3.7
conda activate immatch
pip install Cython loguru jupyter scipy matplotlib opencv-python torch==1.13.1 torchvision pytorch-lightning faiss-gpu h5py==3.6.0
pip install -e .
cd pretrained
cd ../..
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd meshloc_release
pip install -e .

In case the Image Matching Toolbox fails to download the pretrained models, you might need to switch to a more recent branch of the submodules. Example for Patch2Pix:

cd image-matching-toolbox/third_party/patch2pix
git checkout main


Current implementation contains localization scripts for two datasets - Aachen v1.1 and 12 Scenes. The scripts should be launched from image-matching-toolbox directory so the scripts have direct access to the feature matching configuration files. Also activate the prepared immatch conda environment with all necessary packages.

Example on Aachen v1.1 dataset:

cd <image_matching_toolbox_dir>

conda activate immatch

python3 <mesh_loc_dir>/ \
--db_image_dir <meshloc_dataset_path>/aachen_day_night_v11/images/images_db_undist_800 \
--db_depth_image_dir <meshloc_dataset_path>/aachen_day_night_v11/db_renderings/AC14_depth_800_undist \
--colmap_model_dir <meshloc_dataset_path>/aachen_day_night_v11/db_colmap_models/800_undist_underscores \
--query_dir <meshloc_dataset_path>/aachen_day_night_v11/images/images_q_night_800 \
--query_list <meshloc_dataset_path>/aachen_day_night_v11/night_time_queries_with_intrinsics_800_basenames.txt \
--out_prefix <experiment_outputs_dir_path> \
--match_prefix <experiment_matches_dir_path> \
--method_name patch2pix \
--method_config aachen_v1.1 \
--method_string patch2pix_aachen_v1_1_ \
--retrieval_pairs <meshloc_dataset_path>/aachen_day_night_v11/retrieval_pairs/NetVLAD_top50_underscores.txt \
--top_k 50 \
--max_side_length -1 \
--ransac_type POSELIB+REF \
--min_ransac_iterations 10000 \
--max_ransac_iterations 100000 \
--reproj_error 20.0 \
--use_orig_db_images \

Example on 12 Scenes dataset:

cd <image_matching_toolbox_dir>

conda activate immatch

python3 <mesh_loc_dir>/ \
--db_image_dir <12_scenes_dataset_path>/office1/manolis/data \
--db_depth_image_dir <meshloc_dataset_path>/12_scenes/db_renderings/12_scenes_apt1_kitchen_depth \
--colmap_model_dir <meshloc_dataset_path>/12_scenes/db_colmap_models/apt1_kitchen \
--query_dir <12_scenes_dataset_path>/office1/manolis/data \
--query_list <meshloc_dataset_path>/12_scenes/queries_with_intrinsics/apt1_kitchen_queries_with_intrinsics.txt \
--out_prefix <experiment_outputs_dir_path> \
--match_prefix <experiment_matches_dir_path> \
--method_name loftr \
--method_config default \
--method_string loftr_default_ \
--retrieval_pairs <meshloc_dataset_path>/12_scenes/retrieval_pairs/apt1_kitchen_DVLAD_top20.txt \
--top_k 20 \
--max_side_length -1 \
--ransac_type POSELIB+REF \
--min_ransac_iterations 10000 \
--max_ransac_iterations 100000 \
--reproj_error 20.0 \

List of localization script arguments:

  • db_image_dir = directory with database images
  • db_depth_image_dir = directory with depth database images (assume _depth.npz postfix)
  • rendering_postfix = postfix of rendered database images if used (our IBMR rendering pipeline produces either _rendered_color.png or _rendered_no_color.png depending on shader preset)
  • colmap_model_dir = directory of a COLMAP model defining the database cameras - images file contains subpaths from db_image_dir to the images
  • query_dir = directory with query images
  • query_list = list of query images with intrinsics - contains subpaths from query_dir to the images
  • out_prefix = prefix (including path) of output file (with estimated query poses) in format accepted by The Visual Localization Benchmark
  • match_prefix = prefix (including path) for files containing local matches between query and database images
  • method_name = matching method name - see file names in image-matching-toolbox/configs - e.g. patch2pix
  • method_config = one of the method configurations - see configurations inside individual YAML files (e.g. image-matching-toolbox/configs/patch2pix.yml) - e.g. aachen_v1_1
  • method_string - string used for your identification of matching method in output files - e.g. patch2pix_aachen_v1_1_
  • retrieval_pairs = file from a retrieval step containing similar database images for each query image (text file, each line contains query_image_file database_image_file)
  • top_k = number of top retrieved database images, which will be used for localization
  • max_side_length = longer side of the database images - for scaling of the query intrinsics (-1 for full resolution)
  • ransac_type = RANSAC type (possible values: POSELIB, POSELIB+REF)
  • min_ransac_iterations = minimum number of RANSAC iterations
  • max_ransac_iterations = maximum number of RANSAC iterations
  • reproj_error = reprojection error RANSAC threshold
  • use_orig_db_images = set if using original images (not renderings) for db_image_dir
  • triangulate = set to use triangulation instead of 3D points from depth maps
  • merge_3D_points = set to select one of multiple 3D points available per query feature
  • cluster_keypoints = set to cluster keypoints (applicable only for patch2pix)
  • covisibility_filtering = set to use covisibility filtering
  • all_matches_ransac = use all possible 2D-3D matches in RANSAC
  • refinement_range = range for the +REF refinement
  • refinement_step = step size for the +REF refinement
  • bias_x = bias term for x-direction for feature detections
  • bias_y = bias term for y-direction for feature detections

The pose estimates from the localization pipeline on Aachen v1.1 can be evaluated by benchmark at The pose estimates on 12 Scenes can be evaluated by the repository, which also contains links to 12 Scenes COLMAP models.


We used Aachen v1.1 and 12 Scenes datasets for the evaluation in our paper.

The data derived from the above mentioned datasets (such as meshes, renderings, or COLMAP models) can be found in our data repository at

You can use the download script to easily get the meshes and renderings. The repository also contains resized and undistorted images for Aachen v1.1 dataset and corresponding COLMAP models.

Script parameters:

  • if no parameters are passed, the whole data repository will be downloaded to current directory
  • -n < all | aachen | 12_scenes > - specifies which dataset to download
  • -p < string > - specifies the directory where the data will be downloaded
  • -z - unzips everything and removes the zip files

Note that all the images and renderings for Aachen v1.1 in our repository use a flattened data structure - all database images are in a single directory and their original relative path is in their names (db/1883.jpg --> db_1883.jpg), query images use only their basenames (query/night/nexus5x_additional_night/IMG_20170702_005927.jpg --> IMG_20170702_005927.jpg). We provide database COLMAP models and retrieval files for both the original data structure (800_undist, NetVLAD_top50.txt) and flattened data structure (800_undist_underscores, NetVLAD_top50_underscores.txt). All the provided images and COLMAP models are undistorted and some are resized to 800px on the longer side.


This repository is heavily using PoseLib, RansacLib and Image Matching Toolbox. We would like to thank all the contributors of these repositories.


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