Releases: tsarbuig/WalletHunter
Now compatible with SONIC
Now compatible with AVAX! (TraderJoe) and BASE!
Releases notes
✅ v0.64.0 : WalletHunter is now compatible with TraderJoe on AVAX C-Chain!
You can use it scanning mempool if you have access to a Validator node (lucky you) or 1 block later if you don't, just like in Arbitrum chain
Use EXCHANGE : "traderjoe"
to make it work
✅ v0.64.0 : WalletHunter is now compatible with CRONOS! (at least VVS and Mad Meerkat)
Use EXCHANGE : "cronos"
to make it work
✅ v0.64.0c : 3 new Uniswap and custom methods added to the bot
✅ v0.64.1 : WalletHunter can now clone only successful Tx! BUT BE CAREFUL:
you can only know if a Tx is successful after the Tx is mined --> this will make you buy 1 blocks later.
To enable it, use : SCAN_MODE: "1_block_after_only_success"
✅ v0.64.2 : solved a bug with 1_block_after_only_success mode
✅ v0.64.3 : solved an Approval error on BSC
✅ v0.64.4 : solved another bug on Approval
✅ v0.64.5 : WalletHunter is now compatible with Uniswap on Base!
Use EXCHANGE : "uniswap-base"
to make it work
✅ v0.64.6 : Autosell now has a 3rd take profit target! (tip : if you don't want to use it, set AUTOSELL_AMOUNT_TARGET_3: "0%"
✅ v0.64.6 : if MAX_GAS_FOR_AUTOSELL is reached, WalletHunter will compare it with MarketGas. If MAX_GAS_FOR_AUTOSELL > MarketGas --> it will create a Tx with MAX_GAS_FOR_AUTOSELL. It will avoid you to cancel Tx and waste money
✅ v0.64.7 : Making evolve Gas control, now that Tx can be made with Gas = 1 on BSC
✅ v0.64.8 : BASE gas bugfix for autosell
✅ v0.64.8b : BASE gas bugfix for autosell n°2
✅ v0.64.8c : Fixed a bug on Autosell created on last version
✅ v0.64.9 : Fixed a bug on Gas for Pancaswap when using BOOST mode
✅ v0.64.10 : Fixed a bug when using BUY_AMOUNT with fixed value (like "0.01") and trying to copy Tx with value = 0
✅ v0.64.11 : Fixed another bug when using BUY_AMOUNT with fixed value (like "0.01") --> should be much more reliable now
✅ v0.64.12 : new SIMULATION MODE
: if you want to know what your WalletHunter configuration would have done when you copy a Tx, you can now use Simulation mode 👍
HOW TO LAUNCH IT? Launch the bot with "--simu" option, and you will see :
1/ All the details of the Tx that WalletHunter would have created (without creating it)
2/ The original Tx decoded
✅ v0.64.13 : bugfix for Autosell when Trailing stop is activated and Target 3 is directly reached
✅ v0.64.14 : bugfix for Autosell
✅ v0.64.15 : bugfix for Cronos chain + sell amount calculation improvement for SigmaSell + log improvements
✅ v0.64.16 : new slippage calculation mode
: WalletHunter is now able to calculate slippage automatically, depending on token buy/sell tax, to avoid you being frontrunned
1/ SLIPPAGE_MODE : "automatic_over_tax"
2/ Use values like:
SLIPPAGE_FOR_BUY : "tax+25%"
✅ v0.64.16 : several bugfixes for Autosell
✅ v0.64.17 : bugfix when converting a buy per tokens in buy per ETH if max buy is reached
✅ v0.64.18 : solved a bug who stopped the bot when facing a non-clonable Tx...
✅ v0.64.19 : big cleanup on AUTOSELL code, to avoid some bugs and some loops, creating infinite Failed Tx...
✅ v0.64.20 : bugfix for AUTOSELL to avoid TargetProfit n°2 reached not being taken into account
Now compatible with Arbitrum!
✅ v0.63.11 : WalletHunter is now compatible with BASE chain ! You can clone BaseSwap tx :) to do so, use a BASE node and EXCHANGE : "baseswap"
✅ v0.63.11 : you can now sell more than 10 tokens at the same time with Autosell mode, when you press "S" key
✅ v0.63.11 : 5 new custom methods implemented
✅ v0.63.11b : better copy of a Bananagun-kind of Tx (no need to wait 1 block anymore)
✅ v0.63.12 : new control on Autosell Gas calculation, to prevent Priority Gas to be higher than Max Gas (which cause a Tx failure)
✅ v0.63.12 : TOKENS_BLACKLIST now works for buy AND SELL Tx (before, it was only for buy)
✅ v0.63.13 : better decoding of BananaGun Tx : "universal way" to decode them + now decoding SELL Tx
✅ v0.63.13 : new Maestro method decoding
✅ v0.63.11 : changed the method used to copy some custom Tx, to avoid failed Tx with "Uniswap:K" error
✅ v0.63.14 : fixed a bug on ARBITRUM chain
✅ v0.63.15 : fixed a calculation bug on a specific swapExactTokensForTokens usecase
Let the bot calculate SLIPPAGE 🧮
🚀 WalletHunter now gives you the ability to calculate Slippage autonomously 🧮
New parameter: SLIPPAGE_MODE
Available values:
- "regular" --> regular slippage, using SLIPPAGE_FOR_BUY/SELL parameters
- "copy_original" --> copy the original slippage value, and add some more eventually with ADDITIONAL_SLIPPAGE_FOR_BUY/SELL parameters
Slippage is set by:.
: "10%", // for SLIPPAGE_MODE : "regular" --> bot will use this slippage for BUY txSLIPPAGE_FOR_SELL
: "20%", // for SLIPPAGE_MODE : "regular" --> bot will use this slippage for SELL tx
✅ v0.63.1 : new parameters to give the bot the ability to auto-retry to make a BUY if first Tx failed for INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT (slippage too low) reason :
✅ v0.63.2 : WalletHunter is now able to clone KyberSwap Tx :)
✅ v0.63.2b : lots of new methods cloning implemented
--> I implemented this : if this situation happens, the bot will auto-switch to "copy_original" slippage calculation
, like it has always been before
✅ v0.63.3 : new parameter MINIMAL_GASLIMIT
to avoid being scammed by fake swap Tx with low GasLimit ending up in failure
✅ v0.63.3 : lots of new methods cloning implemented
✅ v0.63.4 : GAS setting : you can now tell WalletHunter to add a specific number to the original Tx Gas, by writing a "+" in the value.
Example for BSC
with Tx_GAS_FOR_BUY : '+2' :
- original Tx GAS = 10
- your Tx GAS = 10 + 2 = 12
Example for ETH (EIP 1559)
with Tx_GAS_FOR_BUY : '+2' :
- original Tx Max Gas = 10 / Max Priority = 3
- your Tx Max Gas = 10 + 2 = 12 / Max Priority = 3 + 2 = 5
✅ v0.63.7 : new parameter MIN_GAS
to give you the ability to set a minimal Gas for copying Tx (Nota bene : WalletHunter is already comparing Tx Gas with market Gas to avoid fake Tx with low gas, so it's a second control for you)
✅ v0.63.8 : ANTIRUG new parameters to give the bot the ability to transfer funds to another wallet if you're Blacklisted :
✅ v0.63.9 : WalletHunter is now compatible with many, many more custom methods, including the new BananaGun bot
✅ v0.63.5 : SLIPPAGE and AUTOSELL fixes when buying with "exotic" liquidity pair, like USDT pair
✅ v0.63.6 : sorry guys I made a mistake in my v0.63.5 fix, this version will be okay
✅ v0.63.8 : another bugfix for "regular" slippage calculation for swapExactTokensForTokens Tx
Use Custom RPC to protect your Tx from MEV frontrunning 🥷
🚀 WalletHunter now gives you the ability to use a custom RPC to make your trades, to avoid being frontrunned 🥷
USE_CUSTOM_RPC_TO_CREATE_TX available values :
- disabled
--> do NOT use custom RPC
- for_buy
--> use custom RPC for BUY tx only
- for_sell
--> use custom RPC for SELL tx only
- for_both
--> use custom RPC for BUY AND SELL tx
Read this to understand better how it works :
Enjoy 👍
✅ v0.61.1 - AUTOSELL now takes into account your real token balance when Take Profit Price 1 is reached --> it will sell the good amount of tokens of you bought in several Tx
✅ v0.62.0 : new parameters to allow you better control on MINIMUM_EARNINGS_IN_DOLLARS :
--> for AUTOSELL_STOPLOSS parameter
--> for AUTOSELL_PROFIT_TARGET_1 parameter
--> when Antirug triggers
✅ v0.62.1 : when you want to copy HIDDEN tx with "both" mode, WalletHunter now pre-checks if the original Tx is a success. If it was a failed Tx, it will be ignored, to make you save fees.
✅ v0.62.2 : WalletHunter is now able to copy Majesty bot Tx (Unbeaten / UnbeatenSilenced / UnbeatenNoMercy)
✅ v0.62.2 : WalletHunter is now compatible with Pulsechain ! Enter EXCHANGE = "pulsechain" in parameters
✅ v0.62.3 : new parameter : MIN_AND_MAX_LIQUIDITY_IN_DOLLARS
. The bot won't make BUY order if token liquidity not in this range. Make it empty --> [] for no control.
✅ v0.62.3 : new SCAN_MODE value : buy_only_hidden_tx
--> bot will ONLY buy hidden Tx sent through MEV transactions with this value
✅ v0.62.4 : new parameters :
// Autosell checks Market Gas before creating Tx and will apply this boost. Example : Market Gas = 20 and GAS_BOOST_FOR_AUTOSELL = 40% --> will create a swap with GAS = 28PRIORITY_GAS_FOR_AUTOSELL : 2
// For EIP1559 chains (such as ETH) --> Priority Gas
✅ Solved a bug with Hidden Tx additional slippage who could cause failures
✅ v0.61.1 - I forgot to apply USE_CUSTOM_RPC_TO_CREATE_TX to AUTOSELL and FORCESELL --> Fixed
(I did not apply it to ANTIRUG to keep best speed)
✅ v0.61.2d - Solved a bug who could cause use of Custom RPC by mistake
✅ v0.62.2 - Solved a bug with ADD_SLIPPAGE_FOR_HIDDEN_SWAPS with swap per tokens
✅ v0.62.3b - Solved a bug with MIN_AND_MAX_LIQUIDITY_IN_DOLLARS with tokens with exotic decimals
Don't miss Hidden Tx from MEV transactions !
🚀 WalletHunter now has several modes, to make you not miss any Tx ! New parameter : SCAN_MODE
SCAN_MODE available values :
- regular
--> will scan mempool and buy in same block (Tx sent through MEV transactions will be missed)
- 1_block_after
--> will scan mined blocks (no Tx missed but bot will buy 1 block after) --> use this for Arbitrum
- both
--> will scan mempool AND mined blocks and will buy both
In short :
mode will work like before1_block_after
is for Arbitrumboth
mode will work like before AND make you buy hidden Tx 1 block after
Enjoy 👍
--> define slippage for Autosell and Forcesell modes
But you can still use it for now if you already know token sell tax in advance. Example : sell tax = 30% --> set AUTOSELL_AND_FORCESELL_SLIPPAGE = 35% to have a 5% "real" slippage
✅ v0.60.3 - new parameters if you're buying HIDDEN SWAPS 1 block later :
--> add more slippageTx_GAS_FOR_BUY_HIDDEN_SWAPS
--> specify a dedicated BUY GAS for hidden swapsTx_GAS_FOR_SELL_HIDDEN_SWAPS
--> specify a dedicated SELL GAS for hidden swapsGAS_BOOST_FOR_BUY_HIDDEN_SWAPS
--> if you use 'BOOST' for Tx_GAS_FOR_SELL_HIDDEN_SWAPS
✅ v0.60.1 - solved a bug on "regular" mode causing double Tx detection
✅ v0.60.3b - solved a bug with BigNumber who could cause failures with tokens with big decimals
PancakeV3 compatibility
✅ WalletHunter is now able to clone PancakeSwap V3 Tx !
✅ New parameters to let you fine tune your MAX / MIN buys. You are now able to define separate min/max for:
- "regular" swaps (ex: swap 0.05 ETH for xxx tokens)
- "per tokens" swaps (ex: buy 1000000 tokens for xxx ETH)
✅ New custom contracts methods cloning implemented (tx made by 0x: Exchange Proxy)
✅ v0.51.5d : added new Uniswap Universal tx decoding
✅ v0.51.5g : added a more robust control to make sure you don't buy USDT / USDC tokens..
✅ v0.51.6 : WalletHunter now check original Tx deadline, because some wallets were creating fake Tx in the past to trick you
✅ v0.51.6d : WalletHunter now tells you if token owner has renounced ownership (tx example) if you activates antirug
✅ v0.51.6d : BETA VERSION - WalletHunter is now able to detect Tx HIDDEN from mempool (= MEV transactions)
How to activate:
use this flag when running WalletHunter : --beta
--> ./Wallethunter --beta
I'm preparing a "slow mode" where WalletHunter could buy at block +1 all the transactions hidden from mempool
✅ v0.51.6f : added new method for Uniswap Universal tx decoding (0b000c)
✅ Antirug was not displaying token balance correctly at startup --> solved
✅ v0.51.5d : Solved the UNPREDICTABLE_GAS_LIMIT error on some Tx
✅ v0.51.5g : Solved amountOutMinimum calculation bug for swap per tokens, when using SELL_AMOUNT = 100% which was causing Tx failures
✅ v0.51.5h : (similar as above) Solved amountOutMinimum calculation bug for swap per tokens, when using SELL_AMOUNT = "same_strategy" which was causing Tx failures
AUTOSELL - Sell instantly with keyboard shortcuts!
✅ Autosell can now sell instantly tokens with a keyboard shortcut! Just press "S" button during bot execution and you'll see this:
✅ Bot will automatically detect when a Dropped and Replaced Tx is created and wallet send himself 0 ETH to cancel the transaction. This is made to make you copy scam tokens --> WalletHunter will do the same and cancel your Copy Tx too (#61)
✅ Instead of checking MAX GAS and compare it to MAX_GAS_FOR_ANTIRUG, bot will now check market Gas price --> it will be more accurate (#62)
✅ v0.50.4h - New hidden parameter : BUY_ONLY_IF_TOKEN_IS_RECENT --> this parameter is made if you don't want to snipe old tokens.
Example: with BUY_ONLY_IF_TOKEN_IS_RECENT : 10000
you will tell the bot NOT to buy token if his contract has been created more than 10000 blocks ago.
I let you do the maths :
- on BSC, there is approximately 30000 blocks / 24h
- on ETH, it's 5760 blocks / 24h
✅ v0.51.2d - Added 1 more swap method when decoding Uniswap Universal Router Tx (000000)
✅ v0.51.3 - WalletHunter is now compatible with ShibaSwap ! do not change anything, let "uniswap" in Echange value, and it will also decode and launch swaps on ShibaSwap when necessary
✅ v0.51.4 - EDIT for ShibaSwap : the way I implemented it in v0.51.3 was causing lots of troubles. If you want to copy ShibaSwap tx, please now create a second instance of the bot (copy/paste bot folder) and use EXCHANGE : "shibaswap" in second file.
✅ v0.51.3e - Autosell list (when you use keyboard shortcut) now show you current profit of each Token :
✅ Bot now displays correctly all the Tx made if AMOUNT_OF_BUYS > 1
✅ v0.51.1 - Several fixes and improvements when using keyboard shortcut
✅ v0.51.2 - An error could appear when selling xx% of tokens with Autosell keyboard shortcut --> fixed
✅ v0.51.2c - GAS : an error appeared when using GAS = "105%" for instance --> fixed
✅ v0.51.3d - Fix for better displaying Transfer tx
✅ v0.51.4 - EDIT for ShibaSwap : the way I implemented it in v0.51.3 was causing lots of troubles. If you want to copy ShibaSwap tx, please now create a second instance of the bot (copy/paste bot folder) and use EXCHANGE : "shibaswap" in second file.
✅ v0.51.4 - Fix for sell amount calculation with using SELL_AMOUNT in % (example : 80%)
✅ Autosell can now sell with TRAILING STOP LOSS 🚀
✅ v0.50.1 - If trailing stop mode reaches a price > Target price 2, it will sell all your tokens
What is trailing stop-loss?
--> it's made to make you earn more money 💰 💰 💰
A trailing stop-loss is an intelligent version of a normal stop-loss, which is a limit sell that fills if the price dips below a certain point, preventing losses from happening.
- AUTOSELL_MODE available values : "normal" or "trailing_stop"
- AUTOSELL_TRAILING_STOP_LOSS is a percentage ("10%" for instance)
Workflow explanation :
- When Target Price is reached, Trailing stop starts
- If price goes up --> bot wait for selling, making you earning more money
- If price goes down, bot will sell if price reach ATH - AUTOSELL_TRAILING_STOP_LOSS // or if price goes below your target price
Click here for more details on our LimitSwap wiki (it's same philosophy)
✅ v0.50.2 - Changed trailing stop behaviour after community asked to :) (see
✅ New hidden parameter : EXPLORER_API_KEY
When you do not provide any Api key to your requests, Etherscan limits to 5 calls/seconds.
If you're using Antirug, WalletHunter gets contract's ABIs with this Api, so if you restart the bot with several tokens, it can end in failure.
--> if you see some failures when getting contract ABIs on startup, use this option and enter your API key.
It's not mandatory, so I've set it as an hidden option.
✅ v0.50.3b - Added 2 more swaps methods when decoding Uniswap Universal Router Tx (0a0800 and 0a090c)
✅ v0.50.4 - Added 1 more swap method when decoding Uniswap Universal Router Tx (000c00)
✅ v0.50.4e - New hidden parameter : BUY_ONLY_IF_OPEN_SOURCE --> tell the bot to buy only if contract is open source
✅ v0.50.4h - New hidden parameter : BUY_ONLY_IF_TOKEN_IS_RECENT --> this parameter is made if you don't want to snipe old tokens.
Example: with BUY_ONLY_IF_TOKEN_IS_RECENT : 10000
you will tell the bot NOT to buy token if his contract has been created more than 10000 blocks ago.
I let you do the maths :
- on BSC, there is approximately 30000 blocks / 24h
- on ETH, it's 5760 blocks / 24h
✅ Solved an error which could cause some error messages when restarting Antirug with several tokens
✅ Improved reliability of AMOUNT_OF_BUY_TX_BEFORE_THE_BOT_STOP
✅ v0.50.1c - solved #24
✅ v0.50.3 - some tokens could be lost on autosell / antirug on restart --> solved (#59)
✅ v0.50.3 - solved #60
✅ v0.50.3 - solved #47
✅ v0.50.3 - solved calculation issue when using SELL_AMOUNT = 80% for instance
✅ v0.50.4 - solved bugs on Auto-Restart for Autosell mode
✅ v0.50.4d - added more cases for AUTO_RETRY_AFTER_SELL_TX_FAIL when Error = INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT
New BUY+SELL+AUTOSELL mode / try again after Tx failed / Autosell check taxes
🚀 🚀 🚀 BIG UPDATE 🚀 🚀 🚀
✅ New mode! buy_and_sell_and_autosell
--> bot will copy all buy/sell Tx from wallet AND will use autosell mode in parallel.
Detailed explanation :
- The sell signal can come either from “autosell” parameters OR from tracked wallet’s sell Tx
- For example, let’s say set my 1st and 2nd take profit targets are at 150% and 200% : if the price goes to 160% profit, Sell order will be made even if the tracked wallet hasn’t sold yet?
--> it's best of both worlds :)
✅ New parameters : AUTO_RETRY_AFTER_SELL_TX_FAIL : true
--> Bot will auto retry to create a SELL tx if failure = INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT (slippage too low)
Example :
if your original slippage = 30% and you use ADDITIONAL_SLIPPAGE_FOR_AUTO_RETRY_SELL = 50% --> new slippage = 30% + 30%*50% = 30% + 15% = 45+
✅ Added a new kind of SELL Tx made on Uniswap Universal Router
✅ v0.49.3 - Added a new Warning message if WalletHunter did not succeed to sell a token. This warning message will be displayed every 60s, and auto-disappear if you sell token manually :
✅ v0.49.4 - AUTOSELL now takes SELL TAX into consideration in his sell price! And shows you live current profit:
--> if sell tax is high, autosell won't try to sell and make you lose money
Let's take an example :
- you bought at token price = 1$
- you set AUTOSELL_PROFIT_TARGET_1 = 200%
- sell tax = 50%
--> if there was not tax target price should be 2$
But since there is 50% tax, you would need to sell at 4$ to reach 200% profit
--> bot will sell if price = 4$
✅ v0.49.4e - New parameter : CHECK_MAX_TX : true
--> you can now disable the "MAX Tx" check which is made before swap, to save a few milliseconds
✅ v0.49.4e - I'm making some efforts to improve logs :
- when detecting a Dropped and Replaced Tx, bot will tell you which was the original Tx
- when you have the "insufficient funds" error, it will tell you to add more ETH instead of showing an error log
✅ v0.49.4h - New parameter : AUTOSELL_MAX_SELL_TAX: "30%"
--> bot will not try to sell (or to stoploss sell) if SELL TAX > AUTOSELL_MAX_SELL_TAX
This parameter is important, because if you sel STOPLOSS = 85% for instance, bot would try to sell instantly if SELL TAX > 15% when you buy the token (because bot now takes sell tax into account when calculating price)
✅ v0.49.7 - AUTOSELL improvement : if your 2nd TP target is reached before you have sold the 1st TP target, bot will create ONE sell Tx with (TP1 amount + TP2 amount) instead of 2 separate sell tx --> will save you money!
✅ v0.49.7 - still some efforts to improve logs : when your Tx fail, error details will now be shown :
✅ v0.49.2b - Fixed a problem with honeypot check returning an error
✅ v0.49.2d - BUY_SEVERAL_TIME_SAME_TOKEN could end up in a "false negative" if you had first a buy FAILURE of this same token --> wallethunter considered the token was not bought, even if you bought it afterwards
✅ v0.49.4b - Fixed a bug on a certain Uniswap Universal Router method
✅ v0.49.4d - AUTOSELL - fixed a bug who made it crash before sell...
✅ v0.49.4g - Small mistake in logs when the Tx could not be created --> solved
✅ v0.49.5 - "big cleanup" of small errors, in antirug and in the bot code
✅ v0.49.5b - changed method to avoid errors when cloning Uniswap Universal Router Tx
✅ v0.49.5b - fix to avoid Tx Failed when trying to snipe more than MaxTxAmount
✅ v0.49.5b - logs improvements