Firefox / Chrome extension that allows quick copying of links.
Normally, if you want to copy a link you just right click on the link and then
select Copy Link
from the context menu. That's easy enough, just two clicks,
so why obther with this extension?
The problem is that the context menu is rather long, and you have to scan down
the list until you find Copy Link
. To make matters worse, the context menu
is dynamic so the ordering depends on what is being shown on the page and other
extensions running on the browser.
When you are working in a state of "flow", the act of scanning the
context menut to finding Copy Link
takes mental effort and that breaks your
state of flow.
By replace this mentally taxing way of copying links with one that is based on
physical action (Ctrl+C
or shift click
) that can be offloaded to your muscle
memory, you can stay in your flow state and continue doing whatever you are
working on without losing concentration.
Move the cursor over a link and use
to copy it to the clipboard (but if there is already a selection then Ctrl+C will copy the selection rather than the link.) -
Alternatively, hold the
shift key
and then usemiddle mouse click
on the link to copy it (this works regardless of whether or not there is a selection.) -
To copy multiple links, hold the
shift key
and then useleft mouse click
on the link to add it to the links already copied to the clipboard. -
Alternatively, select the links, then click on the
click copy link toolbar icon
to copy them all into the clipboard. -
Last but not least, turn on the
Auto hover copy
option so that when the cursor hover over a link longer theAuto hover delay
then it will be copied automatically to the clipboard.