- Curl
- Curl extension for PHP
- Git
You can view all the installer options with the following command: curl -s https://raw.github.com/phpfog/pf/master/bin/installer | php -- -h
Download and install the pf command line tool
curl -s https://raw.github.com/phpfog/pf/master/bin/installer > installer && php installer
Missing Requirement: Cannot find git executable.
- Download and install git here: http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/
- Open a new terminal window and run the curl installer again.
Download and install the pf command line tool
curl -s https://raw.github.com/phpfog/pf/master/bin/installer > installer && php installer
Error: The program 'curl' is currently not installed. You can install curl by typing:
sudo apt-get install curl
Error: sudo: php: command not found. You can install PHP-CLI by typing:
sudo apt-get install php5-cli
Missing Requirement: The curl extension for php is not loaded. You can install the php curl extension by typing:
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
Missing Requirement: Cannot find git executable. You can install git by typing:
sudo apt-get install git-core
curl -s https://raw.github.com/phpfog/pf/master/bin/installer > installer && php installer
Error: sh.exe": php: command not found
Cause: The curl extension for PHP is not loaded.
Fix: uncomment out the curl extension in the php.ini
pf uninstall
Creates and uploads a public ssh key.
pf setup
Lists clouds, apps, and sshkeys.
pf list (clouds | apps [cloud_id] | sshkeys)
Shows an app's details.
pf details [<appname> | <app_id>]
Pull down an app for the first time.
pf clone [<appname> | <app_id>] [directory]
Wrapper for git pull.
pf pull
Wrapper for git push.
pf push
Deploys an app using git submodules.
pf update
Deletes a remote app or remote ssh key.
pf delete (app (<appname> | <app_id>) | sshkey <ssh_key_id>)
Shows the current username logged in.
pf whoami
pf login [username]
pf logout [username]