Demonstrates how to download a flat file containing meta-reviews of all hotels in TrustYou's database from the "trustyou-api" Amazon S3 bucket, and how to process the downloaded JSON data.
The Python example ( runs with Python 2 or 3. It uses the boto3 library. The example written in Bash ( needs the AWS Command Line Interface. Both can be installed by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: you need to contact TrustYou to receive your AWS access key and secret key before running these.
Run this once to configure your AWS access key and secret:
aws configure
Download the latest meta-review dump into a folder called meta-review-dump
./ meta-review-dump
Using s3 sync to download all hotel dumps into a folder called hotel-dump
aws s3 sync s3://trustyou-api/hotels/ hotel-dump