Hi. I'm a Unity developer who jumped ship to Godot. I'm used to Unity's coroutines, so I decided to make something that recreates how coroutines work in Godot.
This is specifically for Godot 3.
This is started as of 9/16/2023.
Current Supported Wait Classes:
WaitForSeconds(float seconds)
WaitForSecondsRealtime(float seconds)
Current Supported Methods
/// Runs the provided coroutine.
Coroutine CoroutineRunner.Run(Node owningNode, IEnumerator enumerator);
/// Stops all coroutines of the same type as the provided "IEnumerator"s
/// that were started by the provided Node.
void CoroutineRunner.Stop(Node owningNode, IEnumerator enumerator);
/// Stops a specific "Coroutine" instance started by the owning node.
void CoroutineRunner.Stop(Coroutine coroutine);
/// Stops all coroutines started by the owning node.
void CoroutineRunner.StopAllForNode(Node owningNode);
Pause/Resume methods is currently under consideration.
Simple Usage:
using U2GCoroutines;
public override void _Ready()
CoroutineRunner.Run(this, PrintAfter10Seconds());
// Will wait 10 seconds then print a message.
private IEnumerator PrintAfter10Seconds()
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(10);
GD.Print("10 Seconds have passed!");
Cached coroutine example:
using U2GCoroutines;
// Reference to a specific ran coroutine.
private Coroutine _moveLoop;
public override void _Ready()
_moveLoop = CoroutineRunner.Run(this, MoveLoop());
CoroutineRunner.Run(this, DelayedStop());
// moves object to the right continously
private IEnumerator MoveLoop()
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
Translation += Vector3.Right;
// will stop the move loop after 10 seconds.
private IEnumerator DelayedStop()
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(10);
- Download the repo.
- Throw it into your project.
- Goto Project > Project Settings > AutoLoad
- Add CoroutineRunner.tscn to your AutoLoad.
You should be good to go.