Simulations for the cosinor model.
virtualenv -p python3.7 python37env
source python37env/bin/activate
git clone
cd simcosinor
pip install .
cd ..
Just run 10000 simulations using the defaults:
simcosinor -e threesubs_modality1
Run the simulations using 24 random times points only.
simcosinor -e threesubs_modality1 -rand -ns 24
Run the simulations with eveningly dispursed time-points, but limited from 11:30am until 11:30pm.
simcosinor -e threesubs_modality1 -rand -ns 72 -sr 11.5 23.5 -er
Run the simulations with randomly dispursed time-points.
simcosinor -e threesubs_modality1 -rand -ns 72 -sr 0 24
Run simulation and generate plots of the right insula gyrus
simcosinor -e threesubs_modality1 -rand -ps -pp -pw 24 -ppm -roi rh.R_Ig
Console output:
Running 10000 simulations...
ROI = rh.R_Ig
[Metric] [Mean] [Standard Deviation]
R2 = 0.3062 [0.0832]
Acro24[24.0] = 16.8039 [0.7275]
-logP = 12.8674 [4.2322]
Simulation plot:
Residual plot of the cosinor model (used to estimate the error):
Sliding window (size = 24):
Cosinor plot with permutation testing: