npm install
complete the .env template file with the values received.
npm run serve
go to : http://localhost:8081/
npm install --global serve
run in project root: cd dist && serve
This project uses a text input to search an user and it's gists using the github api. The input has 3 validations: -Required -Don't begin with "-" -Smaller than 39 characters If an user is found, the informations will be presented andthe gists are loaded, otherwise, a message is presented. If the request fails, a message is presented.
The forks are loaded on a gist file click for faster initial loading. On file click, the code is loaded & highlighted.
For a better memory management, only the gists & user data is stored as variables. Code blocks & forks are loaded on click and inserted directly into html using vanilla javascript.
The project is responsive, but the code blocks (the library breaks the responsiveness)
In the next steps, a better design should be added and code blocks colors should be fixed. The user and the gists could be optimized and inserted also directly into document.