A function that minifies your javascript or css files, and all the javascript or css files in your nested folders as well. Minify-All can be used as a CLI or can be run in your code. By giving it a directory, Minify-All will walk through the depth of your folders and minify all the javascript that it sees.
> npm install -g minify-all
> minify-all [folder] [compression type]
function has 3 parts: directory, options, and callback, such that
minifyAll([directory], [options], [callback])
The callback outputs 2 options:
- error: the error of each file
- minified: the output of the minified file
var minifyAll = require("minify-all");
minifyAll("./", { silent: true }, function(err){
silent If silent mode is on, then logs of which files has been found won't be displayed
type Determines the compression type the file should be put through. As Minify-All depends on node-minify, these types are defined by node-minify and can be found here. If a type is not specified, then by default it is uglifyjs