A python module which scraps flood details from various websites like Floodlist using frameworks like Scrapy.
To install the tool - follow the steps below :
- Clone the repo -
git clone https://github.com/tre3x/FloodScraper.git
- Navigate to
cd FloodScraper
- Switch to the Floodlist specific branch
git checkout floodlist
- Create working environment -
conda env create -f environment.yml
Once the tool is installed, navigate to the directory and follow the steps as suggested :
- Activate the conda package
conda activate floodscraper
To start crawling - python main.py --start <initial-date> --end <final-date> --country <country>
Parameters :
- initial-date : the initial date from which the flood details would be stored. Must be string formatted : "YYYY/MM/DD"
- final-date : the final date upto which the flood details would be stored. Must be string formatted : "YYYY/MM/DD"
- country : the country of interest