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Wecolme to iPint! For merchants and businesses accepting payments is limited to 'fiat currencies' through traditional means. Traditional method are costly, inefficient and risk prone. They are geographically restrictive.

iPint allows businesses to accept crypto payments by its secure, easy to use and easy to integrate payment service.

Step 1

Customer selects cryptocurrency as payment method.

Step 2

Customer selects specific coin & amount of USD to be deposited. QR code/invoice generated with amount & address. Transfers crypto within time limit.

Step 3

Payment is confirmed on blockchain. Customer gets deposit in his account. Merchant is informed in realtime. Merchants settlement happens in USDT.

Check Demo

Step 1

Complete registration process at

Once your account get activated, API Credentials will be shared on the registered email address.

Step 2

Check Integration Options

Step 1

Complete registration process at

Once your account get activated, API Credentials will be shared on the registered email address.

Step 2

Once PSP account gets verified, PSP can onboard merchant

It requires

  1. merchant’s confirmation that merchant is agree with iPint’s Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and AML/CFT Policy

  2. merchant’s confirmation that PSP can share merchant’s kyc details with iPint

  3. confirmation that PSP has done KYC/AML check on merchant

  4. merchant’s kyc details to be shared with iPint

  5. merchant fee (%) to be charged from merchant

  6. merchant’s kyc documents

    a. Proof of Business Entity: Company's registration document such as Certificate of Incorporation or business license issued by the government.

    b. Proof of Business Address: Current utility bill or business lease/ rental agreement.

    c. Photo ID of Beneficial Owner: Passport or National ID.

    d. Bank Statement: 3 Months bank statements to be submitted.

    e. Tax ID documents: EIN Verification document, IRS letter or W9 form, or previously filed tax return form. [ For US, Netherlands & German Merchants]

For requirements in above 5 points, you need to call /aggregator/merchants endpoint

To share merchant’s kyc documents, get aws s3 link from /merchant/account endpoint.

Step 3

Provide Merchant's Settlement Info at /preferences endpoint.

Step 4

Check Integration Options

  • Custom APIs

    Fully customizable integration into any online shop or website.

    To integrate with this option you need to call iPint’s secure APIs. API Doc :

  • Simple to implement, open in iPint secure page. You just need to redirect on iPint’s checkout page.

    To open iPint's checkout page, you need to call /checkout endpoint with HTTP POST Method, you will get 'payment_process_url' in response, just redirect on it.

    As mentioned in API Reference, use Mainnet Base URL ( for production. To start with integration and testing purpose, use Testnet Base URL(

  • Pop-in iFrame

    Displaying within your web page. For this option, you need to add the code given as below on your website.

    <iframe width="1270" height="740" src="payment_process_url-from-checkout-endpoint"></iframe>


    <iframe width="1270" height="740" src=""></iframe>
  • WooCommerce Plugin

    Instant setup for your WooCommerce store. Find the plugin here.

Before testing with actual crypto, make sure you have tested the complete payment process on testnet with testnet coins. In order to test, you need to have a wallet app on your phone which has testnet coins.

  • We recommend Coinomi wallet for testnet. Please download it from here
  • After downloading wallet, you need to fill this with testnet bitcoin. For receiving testnet bitcoins you can search for any faucet (this one looks good and get testnet bitcoins. Please use your testnet bitcoin receiving address of coinomi wallet (add 'Bitcoin Test' from the list of coins). Once your wallet has testnet bitcoin, you can make payments to invoices which you generate by scanning QR code with your coinomi wallet app.

You can check this article to understand how to test iPint on testing environement (use testnet)?

  • All endpoints return either a JSON object or array.
  • In case of POST method, request data will be JSON
  • Mainnet Base URL (Use in Production)
  • Testnet Base URL (Use for testing and integration purpose)

To get 'payment_process_url' and redirect on it to open iPint's checkout page

  • URL


  • Method


  • Headers

    apikey: your-api-key

  • URL Params


  • Data Params

    Required: client_email_id, client_preferred_fiat_currency, merchant_website

    Conditional: merchant_id, to be used if B2B

    Optional: amount

        "client_email_id": "client-email-address-for-unique-reference-id",
        "client_preferred_fiat_currency": "local-currency-code",
        "amount": "amount-in-local-currency-upto-two-decimal-places",
        "merchant_id": "ipint-merchant-id",
        "merchant_website": "redirect-url-of-the-page-where-you-want-to-redirect-the-customer-after-payment",
        "invoice_callback_url": "to get callback when payment status gets changed"

    curl sample request

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'apikey: your-api-key' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "client_email_id": "[email protected]",
        "client_preferred_fiat_currency": "INR",
        "amount": "4999.65",
        "merchant_website": "https://merchant.redirect",
        "invoice_callback_url": "https://merchant.web/callback"
  • Success Response

    Code: 200

    {"session_id":"id-to-be-fetched-in-the-url-to-redirect-to-ipint", "payment_process_url":"payment-process-url"}

    sample response

    For Mainnet (if you are using mainnet base url


    For Testnet (if you are using testnet base url


    Note: Use this id to get status after the payment (call /invoice endpoint)

  • Error Response

    Code: 400

    {"error": true, "message": "error-messsage"}

To get payment status and details. Use the id that you got from the /checkout endpoint.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Headers

    content-type: application/json

    apikey: your-api-key

    signature: hmac-signature-using-your-api-secret

    nonce: current-unix-time

  • URL Params

    id : the id you got from /checkout endpoint

  • Data Params


curl sample code

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'apikey: your-api-key' \
--header 'signature: hmac-signature-using-your-api-secret' \
--header 'nonce: current-unix-time' 

sample response

{'data': {'blockchain_confirmations': '0/6',
  'blockchain_transaction_status': 'PENDING',
  'depositor_email_id': '[email protected]',
  'invoice_amount_in_local_currency': '4999.65',
  'invoice_amount_in_usd': '67.58',
  'invoice_creation_time': '1633960704',
  'invoice_crypto_amount': '0.11065324',
  'invoice_id': 'voZ3pYmiE16FLaSfFmytouwFfcjR4Zom8',
  'local_currency_code': 'INR',
  'received_amount_in_local_currency': '4999.65',
  'received_amount_in_usd': '67.58',
  'received_crypto_amount': '0.11065324',
  'transaction_crypto': 'BCH',
  'transaction_hash': '',
  'transaction_onclick': '',
  'transaction_status': 'CHECKING',
  'transaction_time': '',
  'wallet_address': 'qrk2dnecws4c6fm2av0mkuf5g4d4wm7lrcr0k2lmrh'},
 'user_data': {'company_name': 'merchant-name',
  'depositor_id': '[email protected]',
  'email_id': '[email protected]',
  'website': '#'}}

Note :

  1. To mark customer's payment, see transaction_status in the response from /invoice (GET).

    CHECKING means checking for transation on blockchain

    PROCESSING means transaction hit blockchain but confirmations are less than 3, see blockchain_confirmations in the response

    COMPLETED means transaction is completed, you can mark the payment successful. If you get this status, do not query further.

    FAILED means customer didn't pay the invoice or transaction is pending on blockchain, see blockchain_transaction_status in the response. If you get this status, do not query further.

    CANCELLED means customer didn't complete payment and closed process before qr code is generated. If you get this status, do not query further.

  2. To check whether invoice is full in paid, compare invoice_amount_in_local_currency, invoice_amount_in_usd, invoice_crypto_amount with received_amount_in_local_currency, received_amount_in_usd, received_crypto_amount respectively

  3. Invoice Callback is HTTP POST message sent from the iPint server to the merchant’s server.The primary purpose of callback is to alert the merchant’s server that the status of an invoice has changed.

    i. HTTP POST Message (JSON) is to be sent to the invoice_callback_url provided by merchants when creating the invoice by calling /checkout endpoint.

    ii. It is sent for the invoice statuses COMPLETED, FAILED

    iii. The body consists keys invoice_id and status

    iv. Make sure to not rely on whitelisting iPint’s sending IP addresses, as these IP addresses are subject to change without notice.

    v. Make sure to use HTTPS for your invoice_callback_url.

    vi. iPint does not send a signed request, so the information in the body should not be trusted outright. It shall be used as a trigger to verify the status of a specific invoice. This is to be done via the GET /invoices endpoint since the invoice_id is provided in the body of invoice callback.

    vii. The iPint server expects an HTTP 200 response with an empty body. Any other HTTP response is considered by iPint as a failed delivery. The iPint server attempts to send request on the invoice_callback_url multiple times until the send is either successful or the iPint server gives up.

To onboard a merchant of an aggregator

  • URL


  • Method


  • Headers

    content-type: application/json

    apikey: your-api-key

    signature: hmac-signature-using-your-api-secret

    nonce: current-unix-time

  • URL Params


  • Data Params

    All the details are of your merchant business.

    Sample Data

      "legal_name_of_business": "Legal Name of Merchant Business",
      "business_registration_country": "Name of Country of Merchant Business Registration",
      "legal_status_of_business": "e.g. Sole Trader", // options: Sole Trader, Partnership, Incorporated Company, Government Organization, Non-Profit
      "business_type": "e.g. B2B",  // options: B2B, B2C, Both
      "industry": "e.g. Financial Services",  // you can check at
      "annual_revenue": "e.g. $ 0-1 Million",  // options: $ 0-1 Million, $ 1-25 Million, $ 25-100 Million, $ More than 100 Million
      "trade_name_of_service": "Trade Name of Merchant Business",
      "business_registration_number": "Business Registration Number",
      "main_business_activity": "Main Activity of Business",
      "target_website": "Website where API to be used",
      "date_of_incorporation": "Date of Merchant Company Incorporation",  // Date format : YYYY-MM-DD
      "expected_maximum_amount_single_transaction": "e.g.10000", // in usd
      "expected_yearly_transaction_volume": "e.g.10000000",  // in usd
      "merchant_tool": "API",
      "legally_registered_business_address": {
        "house_number": "e.g.23",
        "street_name1": "e.g.near saw mill",
        "street_name2": "e.g.Lotus Vihar",
        "city": "e.g.Philadelphia",
        "state": "e.g.Pennsylvania",
        "postal_code": "e.g.19092"
      "contact": {
        "phone_number": "e.g.79832689342",
        "country_phone_code": "e.g.+1",
        "website": "",
        "support_email": "[email protected]",
        "notification_email": "[email protected]"
      // Merchant Business Beneficial Owner Info
      "business_beneficial_owner": {
        "first_name": "First Name",
        "last_name": "Last Name",
        "date_of_birth": "Date of Birth",  // Date Format : YYYY-MM-DD
        "relation_with_organization": "e.g. Managing Director/CEO",  // options: Managing Director/CEO, Director, Promoter, Principal, Other
        "other_relationship": "mention other relationship",  // if Other
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "country_phone_code": "e.g.+91",
        "phone_number": "e.g.7835211996"
      "merchant_fee": "fee (in percentage, int or float value) to be charged from merchant",
      "is_merchant_kyc_done_by_psp": "YES",  // confirmation by aggregator
      "can_psp_share_merchant_data_with_ipint": "YES",  // confirmation by merchant - "We agree that you can share our 'Merchant KYC Details' with iPint."
      "is_merchant_agreed_with_ipint_policies": "YES"  // confirmation by merchant - "We agree with iPint's Terms of Service (, Privacy Policy ( and AML/CFT Policy ("
  • Response 200

    {"message": "OK", "merchant_id": "Merchant ID"}

  • Response 400

    {"error": true, "message": "description for error"}

To share merchant’s kyc documents, get aws s3 link. Get a new link to share each document.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Headers

    content-type: application/json

    apikey: your-api-key

    signature: hmac-signature-using-your-api-secret

    nonce: current-unix-time

  • URL Params

    id : Merchant ID

    key : filename e.g. Proof of Business Entity

  • Data Params


  • Response 200

    {"presigned_url": presigned url to upload a single document}

  • Response 400

    {"error": true, "message": "description for error"}

To provide settlement info for a merchant of an aggregator

  • URL


  • Method

    POST - to be called only once per merchant to add settlement info

    PUT - to update merchant settlement info

  • Headers

    content-type: application/json

    apikey: your-api-key

    signature: hmac-signature-using-your-api-secret

    nonce: current-unix-time

  • URL Params


  • Data Params

    Merchant wallet details to do settlement.

    Sample Data

      "merchant_id": "Merchant ID",
      "settlement_accounts": [
          "wallet_title": "My USDT Wallet",
          "address": "0x00556a16efc8bbfa9cd462c4ae31bee126efcba2",
          "currency": "USDT",
          "percentage": "100%"
      "settlement_cycle": "Weekly"  // options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly
  • Response 200

    {"message": "OK"}

  • Response 400

    {"error": true, "message": "description for error"}

Check this directory for java code

const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js') // Standard JavaScript cryptography library
const request = require('request')

const apiKey = 'paste key here'
const apiSecret = 'paste secret here'

const apiPath = '/say' // Example path
//const apiPath = '/say?id=123' // Example path with query params

const nonce = ( * 1000).toString() // Standard nonce generator. Timestamp * 1000

const body = {} // Field you may change depending on endpoint

let signature = '/api/' + nonce + apiPath  // GET method
// let signature = '/api/' + nonce + apiPath + JSON.stringify(body)  // POST method
// Consists of the word api as it is and  then nonce, api path and request body
// if api method is GET, also add query params along with the api path if any and do not add body

const sig = CryptoJS.HmacSHA384(signature, apiSecret).toString()
// The authentication signature is hashed using the private key

const options = {
url: ''+apiPath,
headers: { 'nonce': nonce, 'apikey': apiKey, 'signature': sig }, body: body, json: true }

// to call GET method
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
// Logs the error if one occurred
console.error('error:', error); 

// Logs the response status code if a response was received
console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode); 

// Logs the response body
console.log('body:', body); 


//  // to call POST method
//, (error, response, body) => { //  // Logs the error if one occurred
//  console.error('error:', error);

//  // Logs the response status code if a response was received
//  console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode);
//  // Logs the response body
//  console.log(body);
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import requests
import time
BASE_URL = ""  # mainnet
# BASE_URL = ""  # testnet
API_KEY = "your ipint api key"
API_SECRET = "your ipint api secret"
NONCE = str(int(time.time()))

class TestiPint:
    def __init__(self, api_key=API_KEY, api_secret=API_SECRET, base_url=BASE_URL, nonce=NONCE):
        self.apikey = api_key
        self.apisecret = api_secret
        self.nonce = nonce
        self.baseurl = base_url
    def hmacsha384(self, message):
        inp = message.encode()
        secret = self.apisecret.encode()
        digest_maker =, inp, hashlib.sha384)
        res = digest_maker.hexdigest()
        return res
    def get_headers(self, api_path, body=None):
        print("\nfunction get_header received params: ")
        print("\napi_path: ", api_path)
        print("\nbody: ", body)
        nonce = self.nonce
        if body:
            signature = "/api/{}{}{}".format(nonce, api_path, json.dumps(body))
            signature = "/api/{}{}".format(nonce, api_path)
        print("\nsignature ", signature)
        sig = self.hmacsha384(signature)
        headers = {
        'nonce': nonce,
        'apikey': self.apikey,
        'signature': sig,
        'content-type': "application/json"
        return headers
    def ping(self):
        api_path = '/say'
        url = self.baseurl + api_path
        print("\napi url ", url)body = {}
        headers = self.get_headers(api_path, body)
        res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    def onboard_client(self, client_email_id, client_preferred_fiat_currency='INR'):
        api_path = '/onboard'
        url = self.baseurl + api_path
        print("\napi url ", url)
        body = {
        "client_email_id": client_email_id,
        "client_preferred_fiat_currency": client_preferred_fiat_currency
        headers = self.get_headers(api_path, body)
        json_body = json.dumps(body)
        res =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
    def get_invoice(self, invoice_id, hist=False):
        api_path = '/invoice?id={}'.format(invoice_id)
        if hist:
        api_path += '&hist=true'
        url = self.baseurl + api_path
        body = {}
        headers = self.get_headers(api_path, body)
        res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        return res.json()


iPint API Documentation






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