To edit it, open geneva-vending.sln
in Visual Studio (or an equivalent).
To build it, run build.cmd
. To run it, run the following commands to make a symbolic link in your server data directory:
mklink /d X:\cfx-server-data\resources\[local]\geneva-vending dist
Afterwards, you can use ensure geneva-vending
in your server.cfg or server console to start the resource.
- Automatic resetting of vending-machines, after three (3) minutes of the vending machine running out of soda cans, it will reset back to it's starting stock.
- Uses modern practices. Statebags, and not extremely horrible code.
- Fairly optimized unless you're standing right next to the vending-machine.
- It's a pretty 1:1 replication of actual vending-machines from vanilla GTA5!
- Cleanup code.