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How to create the AWS IoT device certificate?

Samson Chen edited this page May 1, 2021 · 8 revisions

Use AWS IoT to make your own MQTT Broker

AWS IoT is a component of the AWS cloud. You can create a free account to start using the service. Since the traffic of this application is quite low, the cost should be covered by its free-tier pricing.

AWS Console

A lot of other cloud service providers have the similar MQTT service component. We will use AWS IoT as an example.

Create AWS IoT policy

After you log in the AWS cloud, go to AWS IoT.


Go to Policies -> Create a policy.

create a policy

Let's give the policy a name, mycontrol. This policy needs to grant 4 different permissions.

Actions to allow

Action Descriptions
iot:Connect Determine the client IDs that are allowed to connect. Let's make a simple one by allowing all client IDs by using *. Replace replaceWithAClientId with a asterisk.
iot:Subscribe Determine the topic that this client is allowed to subscribe. Since we already know the topic is mycontrol, replace replace replaceWithATopicFilter with topicfilter/mycontrol/*
iot:Publish Determine the topic that the client is allowed to publish messages to. Replace replaceWithATopic with topic/mycontrol/*
iot:Receive Determine the topic that the client can receive the messages from. Replace replaceWithATopic with topic/mycontrol/*
policy actions

Now you have a policy named mycontrol

policy created

Create certificate-key pair

Go to Certificates -> Create a certificate.

create a certificate

Let's use the simple step by letting AWS IoT create the certificate for us.

one-click certificate

Make sure the certificate, the private key, and the public key are all downloaded. Once you leave this page, there is no way you can download them again. The public key is not actually used for this application.

certificate download

Attach a policy

Click Attach a policy. You can see the policy, mycontrol, we just created is listed there. Check the policy, mycontrol, then click Done.

certificate policy

Activate the certificate

You need to activate the certificate before you can use it.

certificate activation

Congratulations, your X.509 certificate-key pair is ready to go.

certificate activated

Build with the ESP32 client

The downloaded X.509 certificate-pair shall be placed in the esp32/main/certs. Rename the certificate to my-tls-certificate.pem.crt and the private key to my-tls-private.pem.key. Build the ESP32 client with it.

ESP32 certificate

X.509 certificate-key pair for the app

The same downloaded X.509 certificate-pair is also used in the app. Paste the content of the certificate to the system settings -> Certificate and the private key to the system settings -> Private Key. You are good to go.