This project has a sample for the three types of Carol Apps: Online, Batch and Web.
Language supported: python.
Goal: Execute an application online. This kind of application will provide a custom back-end.
Language supported: python.
Goal: Execute an application that will process the data in batch. The process can be scheduled to run automatically.
Language supported: python.
Goal: Execute a Python application that will process the data in batch, and has the example to submit the build through Operator. The process can be scheduled to run automatically.
Language supported: any HTML framework (T-Faces).
Goal: Allow the Carol App to provide a customizable experience to the final user through Web technologies and frameworks.
Language supported: Python.
Goal: Create a simple web page using the Dash python library. The Dynamic Report runs like an online carol app with flask backend. The template is ready to execute the flask and dash servers, you just have to update the file dynamic-report/app/dashapp/ with your code.
Languages supported: Python and Html/Javascript.
Goal: Create an interactive data visualization web page, built on top of D3 (v5), DC and Crossfilter. This Dynamic Report runs like an online Carol app with Flask backend. The template is ready to execute Flask and serve endpoints (available in app/
Carol App divide the resources into the three types:
The Web resource, related to the Front-end, should be zipped, and the app content should be inside a folder named site
, as follow:
├── NunitoSans-Bold.51066f4d1d33630cd761.ttf
├── NunitoSans-ExtraLight.bc36a8726e20804a94da.ttf
├── NunitoSans-Regular.fb98ed1700e8dfaf0764.ttf
├── TotvsIcon.1642008454153acd9ef7.svg
├── TotvsIcon.4e1607e6f3f53fbb5e01.woff
├── TotvsIcon.683aa55aa3feb2d437b7.ttf
├── TotvsIcon.ab04e6bef307c5a4847d.eot
├── assets
│ ├── arrows
│ │ ├── arrow-down.png
│ │ ├── arrow-up.png
│ │ └── arrow-zero.png
│ ├── campaigns.png
│ ├── face.png
│ ├── flags
│ │ ├── EN.png
│ │ ├── PT.png
│ │ ├── china.png
│ │ ├── en-uk.png
│ │ └── spain.png
│ ├── general.png
│ ├── icon.png
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── order-ascending.svg
│ │ ├── order-descending.svg
│ │ ├── order-unselected.svg
│ │ ├── totvs-avatar-default.svg
│ │ ├── totvs-loading-icon.svg
│ │ ├── totvs-logo-grey.svg
│ │ ├── totvs-logo-menu.svg
│ │ └── totvs-logo-page-login.svg
│ ├── logo.png
│ └── zoom.png
├── favicon.ico
├── index.html
├── inline.bundle.js
├── main.bundle.js
├── polyfills.bundle.js
├── scripts.bundle.js
├── styles.bundle.js
├── vendor.bundle.js
The content of an Online Carol App should be zipped, and the app content should be inside a folder named ai-script
, as follow:
├── manifest.json
├── requirements.yml
├── logging.cfg
├── luigi.cfg
├── manifest.json
├── requirements.yml
Both Carol App (Online/Batch) need pyCarol ( Python 3.6 is required for both Carol App (Online/Batch).