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Dependent Select

dependent-select is a Formtastic 1.2 compatible extension which provides a select where the available options depend on the current value of another field. When the parent field's value is changed, the options of the dependent_select are updated via an AJAX request. Much of the functionality is implemented in a jQuery plugin which could be used independenly of Formtastic.

Simple Example

<%= semantic_form_for @user do |f| %>
<%= f.inputs do %>
  <%= f.input :department, :as => :select,           :collection => Department.find(:all) %>
  <%= f.input :division,   :as => :dependent_select, :parent_method => :department, :collection => (@user.department ? @user.department.divisions : []) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

In this example each Department has many Divisions. Whenever the department field changes value, the division field is updated to contain only the Divisions of the selected Department.

URL template

The URL used to request the updated option values is controlled by a simple template option, url_template, which defaults to:


In the above example, assuming the selected department ID is 47, this would translate to /departments/47/divisions.json

The default URL template can also be overridden globally:

DependentSelect.default_url_template = '/${plural_resource_name}.json?${parent_resource_name}=${value}'

Option template

The server must return JSON records. The new option tags are then generated via the option_template, which defaults to:

<option value="${id}">${name}</option>

If the returned objects do not have an id and name attribute, option_template must be overridden.


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