A Chip-8 Interpreter. Passes all tests in Timendus's Chip8 Test Suite
Keyboard | ---> | Chip8 |
1 2 3 4 | ---> | 1 2 3 C |
Q W E R | ---> | 4 5 6 D |
A S D F | ---> | 7 8 9 E |
Z X C V | ---> | A 0 B F |
Ctrl+R | Reset current program |
Space | Pause / Unpause |
Either of the following:
- Drag n drop files onto the window to load them
- Use
Chip8.exe <file>
- corax89's Chip8 Test Rom
- Timendus's Chip8 Test Suite
- mattmikolay's Chip8 Wiki
- Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference
- Chip8 Links
- Wiki
Space Invaders: