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Building Graphs


Classes and functions for building TensorFlow graphs.

Core graph data structures

class tf.Graph {#Graph}

A TensorFlow computation, represented as a dataflow graph.

A Graph contains a set of Operation objects, which represent units of computation; and Tensor objects, which represent the units of data that flow between operations.

A default Graph is always registered, and accessible by calling tf.get_default_graph(). To add an operation to the default graph, simply call one of the functions that defines a new Operation:

c = tf.constant(4.0)
assert c.graph is tf.get_default_graph()

Another typical usage involves the Graph.as_default() context manager, which overrides the current default graph for the lifetime of the context:

g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
  # Define operations and tensors in `g`.
  c = tf.constant(30.0)
  assert c.graph is g

Important note: This class is not thread-safe for graph construction. All operations should be created from a single thread, or external synchronization must be provided. Unless otherwise specified, all methods are not thread-safe.

tf.Graph.__init__() {#Graph.init}

Creates a new, empty Graph.

tf.Graph.as_default() {#Graph.as_default}

Returns a context manager that makes this Graph the default graph.

This method should be used if you want to create multiple graphs in the same process. For convenience, a global default graph is provided, and all ops will be added to this graph if you do not create a new graph explicitly. Use this method with the with keyword to specify that ops created within the scope of a block should be added to this graph.

The default graph is a property of the current thread. If you create a new thread, and wish to use the default graph in that thread, you must explicitly add a with g.as_default(): in that thread's function.

The following code examples are equivalent:

# 1. Using Graph.as_default():
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
  c = tf.constant(5.0)
  assert c.graph is g

# 2. Constructing and making default:
with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
  c = tf.constant(5.0)
  assert c.graph is g

A context manager for using this graph as the default graph.

tf.Graph.as_graph_def(from_version=None, add_shapes=False) {#Graph.as_graph_def}

Returns a serialized GraphDef representation of this graph.

The serialized GraphDef can be imported into another Graph (using import_graph_def()) or used with the C++ Session API.

This method is thread-safe.

  • from_version: Optional. If this is set, returns a GraphDef containing only the nodes that were added to this graph since its version property had the given value.
  • add_shapes: If true, adds an "_output_shapes" list attr to each node with the inferred shapes of each of its outputs.

A GraphDef protocol buffer.

  • ValueError: If the graph_def would be too large.

tf.Graph.finalize() {#Graph.finalize}

Finalizes this graph, making it read-only.

After calling g.finalize(), no new operations can be added to g. This method is used to ensure that no operations are added to a graph when it is shared between multiple threads, for example when using a QueueRunner.

tf.Graph.finalized {#Graph.finalized}

True if this graph has been finalized.

tf.Graph.control_dependencies(control_inputs) {#Graph.control_dependencies}

Returns a context manager that specifies control dependencies.

Use with the with keyword to specify that all operations constructed within the context should have control dependencies on control_inputs. For example:

with g.control_dependencies([a, b, c]):
  # `d` and `e` will only run after `a`, `b`, and `c` have executed.
  d = ...
  e = ...

Multiple calls to control_dependencies() can be nested, and in that case a new Operation will have control dependencies on the union of control_inputs from all active contexts.

with g.control_dependencies([a, b]):
  # Ops constructed here run after `a` and `b`.
  with g.control_dependencies([c, d]):
    # Ops constructed here run after `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`.

You can pass None to clear the control dependencies:

with g.control_dependencies([a, b]):
  # Ops constructed here run after `a` and `b`.
  with g.control_dependencies(None):
    # Ops constructed here run normally, not waiting for either `a` or `b`.
    with g.control_dependencies([c, d]):
      # Ops constructed here run after `c` and `d`, also not waiting
      # for either `a` or `b`.

N.B. The control dependencies context applies only to ops that are constructed within the context. Merely using an op or tensor in the context does not add a control dependency. The following example illustrates this point:

def my_func(pred, tensor):
  t = tf.matmul(tensor, tensor)
  with tf.control_dependencies([pred]):
    # The matmul op is created outside the context, so no control
    # dependency will be added.
    return t

def my_func(pred, tensor):
  with tf.control_dependencies([pred]):
    # The matmul op is created in the context, so a control dependency
    # will be added.
    return tf.matmul(tensor, tensor)
  • control_inputs: A list of Operation or Tensor objects which must be executed or computed before running the operations defined in the context. Can also be None to clear the control dependencies.

A context manager that specifies control dependencies for all operations constructed within the context.

  • TypeError: If control_inputs is not a list of Operation or Tensor objects.

tf.Graph.device(device_name_or_function) {#Graph.device}

Returns a context manager that specifies the default device to use.

The device_name_or_function argument may either be a device name string, a device function, or None:

  • If it is a device name string, all operations constructed in this context will be assigned to the device with that name, unless overridden by a nested device() context.
  • If it is a function, it will be treated as a function from Operation objects to device name strings, and invoked each time a new Operation is created. The Operation will be assigned to the device with the returned name.
  • If it is None, all device() invocations from the enclosing context will be ignored.

For information about the valid syntax of device name strings, see the documentation in DeviceNameUtils.

For example:

with g.device('/gpu:0'):
  # All operations constructed in this context will be placed
  # on GPU 0.
  with g.device(None):
    # All operations constructed in this context will have no
    # assigned device.

# Defines a function from `Operation` to device string.
def matmul_on_gpu(n):
  if n.type == "MatMul":
    return "/gpu:0"
    return "/cpu:0"

with g.device(matmul_on_gpu):
  # All operations of type "MatMul" constructed in this context
  # will be placed on GPU 0; all other operations will be placed
  # on CPU 0.

N.B. The device scope may be overridden by op wrappers or other library code. For example, a variable assignment op v.assign() must be colocated with the tf.Variable v, and incompatible device scopes will be ignored.

  • device_name_or_function: The device name or function to use in the context.

A context manager that specifies the default device to use for newly created ops.

tf.Graph.name_scope(name) {#Graph.name_scope}

Returns a context manager that creates hierarchical names for operations.

A graph maintains a stack of name scopes. A with name_scope(...): statement pushes a new name onto the stack for the lifetime of the context.

The name argument will be interpreted as follows:

  • A string (not ending with '/') will create a new name scope, in which name is appended to the prefix of all operations created in the context. If name has been used before, it will be made unique by calling self.unique_name(name).
  • A scope previously captured from a with g.name_scope(...) as scope: statement will be treated as an "absolute" name scope, which makes it possible to re-enter existing scopes.
  • A value of None or the empty string will reset the current name scope to the top-level (empty) name scope.

For example:

with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
  c = tf.constant(5.0, name="c")
  assert == "c"
  c_1 = tf.constant(6.0, name="c")
  assert == "c_1"

  # Creates a scope called "nested"
  with g.name_scope("nested") as scope:
    nested_c = tf.constant(10.0, name="c")
    assert == "nested/c"

    # Creates a nested scope called "inner".
    with g.name_scope("inner"):
      nested_inner_c = tf.constant(20.0, name="c")
      assert == "nested/inner/c"

    # Create a nested scope called "inner_1".
    with g.name_scope("inner"):
      nested_inner_1_c = tf.constant(30.0, name="c")
      assert == "nested/inner_1/c"

      # Treats `scope` as an absolute name scope, and
      # switches to the "nested/" scope.
      with g.name_scope(scope):
        nested_d = tf.constant(40.0, name="d")
        assert == "nested/d"

        with g.name_scope(""):
          e = tf.constant(50.0, name="e")
          assert == "e"

The name of the scope itself can be captured by with g.name_scope(...) as scope:, which stores the name of the scope in the variable scope. This value can be used to name an operation that represents the overall result of executing the ops in a scope. For example:

inputs = tf.constant(...)
with g.name_scope('my_layer') as scope:
  weights = tf.Variable(..., name="weights")
  biases = tf.Variable(..., name="biases")
  affine = tf.matmul(inputs, weights) + biases
  output = tf.nn.relu(affine, name=scope)

NOTE: This constructor validates the given name. Valid scope names match one of the following regular expressions:

[A-Za-z0-9.][A-Za-z0-9_.\\-/]* (for scopes at the root)
[A-Za-z0-9_.\\-/]* (for other scopes)
  • name: A name for the scope.

A context manager that installs name as a new name scope.

  • ValueError: If name is not a valid scope name. The rules are the

A Graph instance supports an arbitrary number of "collections" that are identified by name. For convenience when building a large graph, collections can store groups of related objects: for example, the tf.Variable uses a collection (named tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) for all variables that are created during the construction of a graph. The caller may define additional collections by specifying a new name.

tf.Graph.add_to_collection(name, value) {#Graph.add_to_collection}

Stores value in the collection with the given name.

Note that collections are not sets, so it is possible to add a value to a collection several times.

  • name: The key for the collection. The GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.
  • value: The value to add to the collection.

tf.Graph.add_to_collections(names, value) {#Graph.add_to_collections}

Stores value in the collections given by names.

Note that collections are not sets, so it is possible to add a value to a collection several times. This function makes sure that duplicates in names are ignored, but it will not check for pre-existing membership of value in any of the collections in names.

names can be any iterable, but if names is a string, it is treated as a single collection name.

  • names: The keys for the collections to add to. The GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.
  • value: The value to add to the collections.

tf.Graph.get_collection(name, scope=None) {#Graph.get_collection}

Returns a list of values in the collection with the given name.

This is different from get_collection_ref() which always returns the actual collection list if it exists in that it returns a new list each time it is called.

  • name: The key for the collection. For example, the GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.
  • scope: (Optional.) If supplied, the resulting list is filtered to include only items whose name attribute matches using re.match. Items without a name attribute are never returned if a scope is supplied and the choice or re.match means that a scope without special tokens filters by prefix.

The list of values in the collection with the given name, or an empty list if no value has been added to that collection. The list contains the values in the order under which they were collected.

tf.Graph.get_collection_ref(name) {#Graph.get_collection_ref}

Returns a list of values in the collection with the given name.

If the collection exists, this returns the list itself, which can be modified in place to change the collection. If the collection does not exist, it is created as an empty list and the list is returned.

This is different from get_collection() which always returns a copy of the collection list if it exists and never creates an empty collection.

  • name: The key for the collection. For example, the GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.

The list of values in the collection with the given name, or an empty list if no value has been added to that collection.

tf.Graph.as_graph_element(obj, allow_tensor=True, allow_operation=True) {#Graph.as_graph_element}

Returns the object referred to by obj, as an Operation or Tensor.

This function validates that obj represents an element of this graph, and gives an informative error message if it is not.

This function is the canonical way to get/validate an object of one of the allowed types from an external argument reference in the Session API.

This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.

  • obj: A Tensor, an Operation, or the name of a tensor or operation. Can also be any object with an _as_graph_element() method that returns a value of one of these types.
  • allow_tensor: If true, obj may refer to a Tensor.
  • allow_operation: If true, obj may refer to an Operation.

The Tensor or Operation in the Graph corresponding to obj.

  • TypeError: If obj is not a type we support attempting to convert to types.
  • ValueError: If obj is of an appropriate type but invalid. For example, an invalid string.
  • KeyError: If obj is not an object in the graph.

tf.Graph.get_operation_by_name(name) {#Graph.get_operation_by_name}

Returns the Operation with the given name.

This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.

  • name: The name of the Operation to return.

The Operation with the given name.

  • TypeError: If name is not a string.
  • KeyError: If name does not correspond to an operation in this graph.

tf.Graph.get_tensor_by_name(name) {#Graph.get_tensor_by_name}

Returns the Tensor with the given name.

This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.

  • name: The name of the Tensor to return.

The Tensor with the given name.

  • TypeError: If name is not a string.
  • KeyError: If name does not correspond to a tensor in this graph.

tf.Graph.get_operations() {#Graph.get_operations}

Return the list of operations in the graph.

You can modify the operations in place, but modifications to the list such as inserts/delete have no effect on the list of operations known to the graph.

This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.


A list of Operations.

tf.Graph.seed {#Graph.seed}

The graph-level random seed of this graph.

tf.Graph.unique_name(name, mark_as_used=True) {#Graph.unique_name}

Return a unique operation name for name.

Note: You rarely need to call unique_name() directly. Most of the time you just need to create with g.name_scope() blocks to generate structured names.

unique_name is used to generate structured names, separated by "/", to help identify operations when debugging a graph. Operation names are displayed in error messages reported by the TensorFlow runtime, and in various visualization tools such as TensorBoard.

If mark_as_used is set to True, which is the default, a new unique name is created and marked as in use. If it's set to False, the unique name is returned without actually being marked as used. This is useful when the caller simply wants to know what the name to be created will be.

  • name: The name for an operation.
  • mark_as_used: Whether to mark this name as being used.

A string to be passed to create_op() that will be used to name the operation being created.

tf.Graph.version {#Graph.version}

Returns a version number that increases as ops are added to the graph.

Note that this is unrelated to the GraphDef version.

tf.Graph.graph_def_versions {#Graph.graph_def_versions}

The GraphDef version information of this graph.

For details on the meaning of each version, see GraphDef.


A VersionDef.

tf.Graph.create_op(op_type, inputs, dtypes, input_types=None, name=None, attrs=None, op_def=None, compute_shapes=True, compute_device=True) {#Graph.create_op}

Creates an Operation in this graph.

This is a low-level interface for creating an Operation. Most programs will not call this method directly, and instead use the Python op constructors, such as tf.constant(), which add ops to the default graph.

  • op_type: The Operation type to create. This corresponds to the field for the proto that defines the operation.
  • inputs: A list of Tensor objects that will be inputs to the Operation.
  • dtypes: A list of DType objects that will be the types of the tensors that the operation produces.
  • input_types: (Optional.) A list of DTypes that will be the types of the tensors that the operation consumes. By default, uses the base DType of each input in inputs. Operations that expect reference-typed inputs must specify input_types explicitly.
  • name: (Optional.) A string name for the operation. If not specified, a name is generated based on op_type.
  • attrs: (Optional.) A dictionary where the key is the attribute name (a string) and the value is the respective attr attribute of the NodeDef proto that will represent the operation (an AttrValue proto).
  • op_def: (Optional.) The OpDef proto that describes the op_type that the operation will have.
  • compute_shapes: (Optional.) If True, shape inference will be performed to compute the shapes of the outputs.
  • compute_device: (Optional.) If True, device functions will be executed to compute the device property of the Operation.
  • TypeError: if any of the inputs is not a Tensor.
  • ValueError: if colocation conflicts with existing device assignment.

An Operation object.

tf.Graph.gradient_override_map(op_type_map) {#Graph.gradient_override_map}

EXPERIMENTAL: A context manager for overriding gradient functions.

This context manager can be used to override the gradient function that will be used for ops within the scope of the context.

For example:

def _custom_square_grad(op, grad):
  # ...

with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
  c = tf.constant(5.0)
  s_1 = tf.square(c)  # Uses the default gradient for tf.square.
  with g.gradient_override_map({"Square": "CustomSquare"}):
    s_2 = tf.square(s_2)  # Uses _custom_square_grad to compute the
                          # gradient of s_2.
  • op_type_map: A dictionary mapping op type strings to alternative op type strings.

A context manager that sets the alternative op type to be used for one or more ops created in that context.

  • TypeError: If op_type_map is not a dictionary mapping strings to strings.

Other Methods

tf.Graph.building_function {#Graph.building_function}

Returns True iff this graph represents a function.

tf.Graph.clear_collection(name) {#Graph.clear_collection}

Clears all values in a collection.

  • name: The key for the collection. The GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.

tf.Graph.colocate_with(op, ignore_existing=False) {#Graph.colocate_with}

Returns a context manager that specifies an op to colocate with.

Note: this function is not for public use, only for internal libraries.

For example:

a = tf.Variable([1.0])
with g.colocate_with(a):
  b = tf.constant(1.0)
  c = tf.add(a, b)

b and c will always be colocated with a, no matter where a is eventually placed.

NOTE Using a colocation scope resets any existing device constraints.

If op is None then ignore_existing must be True and the new scope resets all colocation and device constraints.

  • op: The op to colocate all created ops with, or None.
  • ignore_existing: If true, only applies colocation of this op within the context, rather than applying all colocation properties on the stack. If op is None, this value must be True.
  • ValueError: if op is None but ignore_existing is False.

A context manager that specifies the op with which to colocate newly created ops.

tf.Graph.container(container_name) {#Graph.container}

Returns a context manager that specifies the resource container to use.

Stateful operations, such as variables and queues, can maintain their states on devices so that they can be shared by multiple processes. A resource container is a string name under which these stateful operations are tracked. These resources can be released or cleared with tf.Session.reset().

For example:

with g.container('experiment0'):
  # All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be placed
  # in resource container "experiment0".
  v1 = tf.Variable([1.0])
  v2 = tf.Variable([2.0])
  with g.container("experiment1"):
    # All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be
    # placed in resource container "experiment1".
    v3 = tf.Variable([3.0])
    q1 = tf.FIFOQueue(10, tf.float32)
  # All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be
  # be created in the "experiment0".
  v4 = tf.Variable([4.0])
  q1 = tf.FIFOQueue(20, tf.float32)
  with g.container(""):
    # All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be
    # be placed in the default resource container.
    v5 = tf.Variable([5.0])
    q3 = tf.FIFOQueue(30, tf.float32)

# Resets container "experiment0", after which the state of v1, v2, v4, q1
# will become undefined (such as uninitialized).
tf.Session.reset(target, ["experiment0"])
  • container_name: container name string.

A context manager for defining resource containers for stateful ops, yields the container name.

tf.Graph.get_all_collection_keys() {#Graph.get_all_collection_keys}

Returns a list of collections used in this graph.

tf.Graph.is_feedable(tensor) {#Graph.is_feedable}

Returns True if and only if tensor is feedable.

tf.Graph.is_fetchable(tensor_or_op) {#Graph.is_fetchable}

Returns True if and only if tensor_or_op is fetchable.

tf.Graph.prevent_feeding(tensor) {#Graph.prevent_feeding}

Marks the given tensor as unfeedable in this graph.

tf.Graph.prevent_fetching(op) {#Graph.prevent_fetching}

Marks the given op as unfetchable in this graph.

class tf.Operation {#Operation}

Represents a graph node that performs computation on tensors.

An Operation is a node in a TensorFlow Graph that takes zero or more Tensor objects as input, and produces zero or more Tensor objects as output. Objects of type Operation are created by calling a Python op constructor (such as tf.matmul()) or Graph.create_op().

For example c = tf.matmul(a, b) creates an Operation of type "MatMul" that takes tensors a and b as input, and produces c as output.

After the graph has been launched in a session, an Operation can be executed by passing it to is a shortcut for calling tf.get_default_session().run(op). {}

The full name of this operation.

tf.Operation.type {#Operation.type}

The type of the op (e.g. "MatMul").

tf.Operation.inputs {#Operation.inputs}

The list of Tensor objects representing the data inputs of this op.

tf.Operation.control_inputs {#Operation.control_inputs}

The Operation objects on which this op has a control dependency.

Before this op is executed, TensorFlow will ensure that the operations in self.control_inputs have finished executing. This mechanism can be used to run ops sequentially for performance reasons, or to ensure that the side effects of an op are observed in the correct order.


A list of Operation objects.

tf.Operation.outputs {#Operation.outputs}

The list of Tensor objects representing the outputs of this op.

tf.Operation.device {#Operation.device}

The name of the device to which this op has been assigned, if any.


The string name of the device to which this op has been assigned, or an empty string if it has not been assigned to a device.

tf.Operation.graph {#Operation.graph}

The Graph that contains this operation., session=None) {}

Runs this operation in a Session.

Calling this method will execute all preceding operations that produce the inputs needed for this operation.

N.B. Before invoking, its graph must have been launched in a session, and either a default session must be available, or session must be specified explicitly.

  • feed_dict: A dictionary that maps Tensor objects to feed values. See for a description of the valid feed values.
  • session: (Optional.) The Session to be used to run to this operation. If none, the default session will be used.

tf.Operation.get_attr(name) {#Operation.get_attr}

Returns the value of the attr of this op with the given name.

  • name: The name of the attr to fetch.

The value of the attr, as a Python object.

  • ValueError: If this op does not have an attr with the given name.

tf.Operation.traceback {#Operation.traceback}

Returns the call stack from when this operation was constructed.

Other Methods

tf.Operation.__init__(node_def, g, inputs=None, output_types=None, control_inputs=None, input_types=None, original_op=None, op_def=None) {#Operation.init}

Creates an Operation.

NOTE: This constructor validates the name of the Operation (passed as Valid Operation names match the following regular expression:

  • node_def: node_def_pb2.NodeDef. NodeDef for the Operation. Used for attributes of node_def_pb2.NodeDef, typically name, op, and device. The input attribute is irrelevant here as it will be computed when generating the model.
  • g: Graph. The parent graph.
  • inputs: list of Tensor objects. The inputs to this Operation.
  • output_types: list of DType objects. List of the types of the Tensors computed by this operation. The length of this list indicates the number of output endpoints of the Operation.
  • control_inputs: list of operations or tensors from which to have a control dependency.
  • input_types: List of DType objects representing the types of the tensors accepted by the Operation. By default uses [x.dtype.base_dtype for x in inputs]. Operations that expect reference-typed inputs must specify these explicitly.
  • original_op: Optional. Used to associate the new Operation with an existing Operation (for example, a replica with the op that was replicated).
  • op_def: Optional. The op_def_pb2.OpDef proto that describes the op type that this Operation represents.
  • TypeError: if control inputs are not Operations or Tensors, or if node_def is not a NodeDef, or if g is not a Graph, or if inputs are not tensors, or if inputs and input_types are incompatible.
  • ValueError: if the node_def name is not valid.

tf.Operation.__repr__() {#Operation.repr}

tf.Operation.__str__() {#Operation.str}

tf.Operation.colocation_groups() {#Operation.colocation_groups}

Returns the list of colocation groups of the op.

tf.Operation.node_def {#Operation.node_def}

Returns a serialized NodeDef representation of this operation.


A NodeDef protocol buffer.

tf.Operation.op_def {#Operation.op_def}

Returns the OpDef proto that represents the type of this op.


An OpDef protocol buffer.

tf.Operation.values() {#Operation.values}

DEPRECATED: Use outputs.

class tf.Tensor {#Tensor}

Represents one of the outputs of an Operation.

A Tensor is a symbolic handle to one of the outputs of an Operation. It does not hold the values of that operation's output, but instead provides a means of computing those values in a TensorFlow Session.

This class has two primary purposes:

  1. A Tensor can be passed as an input to another Operation. This builds a dataflow connection between operations, which enables TensorFlow to execute an entire Graph that represents a large, multi-step computation.

  2. After the graph has been launched in a session, the value of the Tensor can be computed by passing it to t.eval() is a shortcut for calling tf.get_default_session().run(t).

In the following example, c, d, and e are symbolic Tensor objects, whereas result is a numpy array that stores a concrete value:

# Build a dataflow graph.
c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
d = tf.constant([[1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
e = tf.matmul(c, d)

# Construct a `Session` to execute the graph.
sess = tf.Session()

# Execute the graph and store the value that `e` represents in `result`.
result =

tf.Tensor.dtype {#Tensor.dtype}

The DType of elements in this tensor. {}

The string name of this tensor.

tf.Tensor.value_index {#Tensor.value_index}

The index of this tensor in the outputs of its Operation.

tf.Tensor.graph {#Tensor.graph}

The Graph that contains this tensor.

tf.Tensor.op {#Tensor.op}

The Operation that produces this tensor as an output.

tf.Tensor.consumers() {#Tensor.consumers}

Returns a list of Operations that consume this tensor.


A list of Operations.

tf.Tensor.eval(feed_dict=None, session=None) {#Tensor.eval}

Evaluates this tensor in a Session.

Calling this method will execute all preceding operations that produce the inputs needed for the operation that produces this tensor.

N.B. Before invoking Tensor.eval(), its graph must have been launched in a session, and either a default session must be available, or session must be specified explicitly.

  • feed_dict: A dictionary that maps Tensor objects to feed values. See for a description of the valid feed values.
  • session: (Optional.) The Session to be used to evaluate this tensor. If none, the default session will be used.

A numpy array corresponding to the value of this tensor.

tf.Tensor.get_shape() {#Tensor.get_shape}

Alias of Tensor.shape.

tf.Tensor.shape {#Tensor.shape}

Returns the TensorShape that represents the shape of this tensor.

The shape is computed using shape inference functions that are registered in the Op for each Operation. See TensorShape for more details of what a shape represents.

The inferred shape of a tensor is used to provide shape information without having to launch the graph in a session. This can be used for debugging, and providing early error messages. For example:

c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])

==> TensorShape([Dimension(2), Dimension(3)])

d = tf.constant([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])

==> TensorShape([Dimension(4), Dimension(2)])

# Raises a ValueError, because `c` and `d` do not have compatible
# inner dimensions.
e = tf.matmul(c, d)

f = tf.matmul(c, d, transpose_a=True, transpose_b=True)

==> TensorShape([Dimension(3), Dimension(4)])

In some cases, the inferred shape may have unknown dimensions. If the caller has additional information about the values of these dimensions, Tensor.set_shape() can be used to augment the inferred shape.


A TensorShape representing the shape of this tensor.

tf.Tensor.set_shape(shape) {#Tensor.set_shape}

Updates the shape of this tensor.

This method can be called multiple times, and will merge the given shape with the current shape of this tensor. It can be used to provide additional information about the shape of this tensor that cannot be inferred from the graph alone. For example, this can be used to provide additional information about the shapes of images:

_, image_data = tf.TFRecordReader(...).read(...)
image = tf.image.decode_png(image_data, channels=3)

# The height and width dimensions of `image` are data dependent, and
# cannot be computed without executing the op.
==> TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(None), Dimension(3)])

# We know that each image in this dataset is 28 x 28 pixels.
image.set_shape([28, 28, 3])
==> TensorShape([Dimension(28), Dimension(28), Dimension(3)])
  • shape: A TensorShape representing the shape of this tensor.
  • ValueError: If shape is not compatible with the current shape of this tensor.

Other Methods

tf.Tensor.__abs__(x, name=None) {#Tensor.abs}

Computes the absolute value of a tensor.

Given a tensor of real numbers x, this operation returns a tensor containing the absolute value of each element in x. For example, if x is an input element and y is an output element, this operation computes \(y = |x|\).

  • x: A Tensor or SparseTensor of type float32, float64, int32, or int64.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor or SparseTensor the same size and type as x with absolute values.

tf.Tensor.__add__(x, y) {#Tensor.add}

Returns x + y element-wise.

NOTE: Add supports broadcasting. AddN does not. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, float32, float64, uint8, int8, int16, int32, int64, complex64, complex128, string.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor. Has the same type as x.

tf.Tensor.__and__(x, y) {#Tensor.and}

Returns the truth value of x AND y element-wise.

NOTE: LogicalAnd supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor of type bool.
  • y: A Tensor of type bool.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__bool__() {#Tensor.bool}

Dummy method to prevent a tensor from being used as a Python bool.

This overload raises a TypeError when the user inadvertently treats a Tensor as a boolean (e.g. in an if statement). For example:

if tf.constant(True):  # Will raise.
  # ...

if tf.constant(5) < tf.constant(7):  # Will raise.
  # ...

This disallows ambiguities between testing the Python value vs testing the dynamic condition of the Tensor.



tf.Tensor.__div__(x, y) {#Tensor.div}

Divide two values using Python 2 semantics. Used for Tensor.div.

  • x: Tensor numerator of real numeric type.
  • y: Tensor denominator of real numeric type.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

x / y returns the quotient of x and y.

tf.Tensor.__eq__(other) {#Tensor.eq}

tf.Tensor.__floordiv__(x, y) {#Tensor.floordiv}

Divides x / y elementwise, rounding toward the most negative integer.

The same as tf.div(x,y) for integers, but uses tf.floor(tf.div(x,y)) for floating point arguments so that the result is always an integer (though possibly an integer represented as floating point). This op is generated by x // y floor division in Python 3 and in Python 2.7 with from __future__ import division.

Note that for efficiency, floordiv uses C semantics for negative numbers (unlike Python and Numpy).

x and y must have the same type, and the result will have the same type as well.

  • x: Tensor numerator of real numeric type.
  • y: Tensor denominator of real numeric type.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

x / y rounded down (except possibly towards zero for negative integers).

  • TypeError: If the inputs are complex.

tf.Tensor.__ge__(x, y, name=None) {}

Returns the truth value of (x >= y) element-wise.

NOTE: GreaterEqual supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float32, float64, int32, int64, uint8, int16, int8, uint16, half.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__getitem__(tensor, slice_spec, var=None) {#Tensor.getitem}

Overload for Tensor.getitem.

This operation extracts the specified region from the tensor. The notation is similar to NumPy with the restriction that currently only support basic indexing. That means that using a tensor as input is not currently allowed

Some useful examples:

# strip leading and trailing 2 elements
foo = tf.constant([1,2,3,4,5,6])
print(foo[2:-2].eval()) # => [3,4]

# skip every row and reverse every column
foo = tf.constant([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
print(foo[::2,::-1].eval()) # => [[3,2,1], [9,8,7]]

# Insert another dimension
foo = tf.constant([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
print(foo[tf.newaxis, :, :].eval()) # => [[[3,2,1], [9,8,7]]]
print(foo[:, tf.newaxis, :].eval()) # => [[[3,2,1]], [[9,8,7]]]
print(foo[:, :, tf.newaxis].eval()) # => [[[3],[2],[1]], [[9],[8],[7]]]

# Ellipses (3 equivalent operations)
print(foo[tf.newaxis, :, :].eval()) # => [[[3,2,1], [9,8,7]]]
print(foo[tf.newaxis, ...].eval()) # => [[[3,2,1], [9,8,7]]]
print(foo[tf.newaxis].eval()) # => [[[3,2,1], [9,8,7]]]
  • tf.newaxis is None as in NumPy.
  • An implicit ellipsis is placed at the end of the slice_spec
  • NumPy advanced indexing is currently not supported.
  • tensor: An ops.Tensor object.
  • slice_spec: The arguments to Tensor.getitem.
  • var: In the case of variable slice assignment, the Variable object to slice (i.e. tensor is the read-only view of this variable).

The appropriate slice of "tensor", based on "slice_spec".

  • ValueError: If a slice range is negative size.
  • TypeError: If the slice indices aren't int, slice, or Ellipsis.

tf.Tensor.__gt__(x, y, name=None) {}

Returns the truth value of (x > y) element-wise.

NOTE: Greater supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float32, float64, int32, int64, uint8, int16, int8, uint16, half.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__hash__() {#Tensor.hash}

tf.Tensor.__init__(op, value_index, dtype) {#Tensor.init}

Creates a new Tensor.

  • op: An Operation. Operation that computes this tensor.
  • value_index: An int. Index of the operation's endpoint that produces this tensor.
  • dtype: A DType. Type of elements stored in this tensor.
  • TypeError: If the op is not an Operation.

tf.Tensor.__invert__(x, name=None) {#Tensor.invert}

Returns the truth value of NOT x element-wise.

  • x: A Tensor of type bool.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__iter__() {#Tensor.iter}

Dummy method to prevent iteration. Do not call.

NOTE(mrry): If we register getitem as an overloaded operator, Python will valiantly attempt to iterate over the Tensor from 0 to infinity. Declaring this method prevents this unintended behavior.

  • TypeError: when invoked.

tf.Tensor.__le__(x, y, name=None) {#Tensor.le}

Returns the truth value of (x <= y) element-wise.

NOTE: LessEqual supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float32, float64, int32, int64, uint8, int16, int8, uint16, half.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__lt__(x, y, name=None) {}

Returns the truth value of (x < y) element-wise.

NOTE: Less supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float32, float64, int32, int64, uint8, int16, int8, uint16, half.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__mod__(x, y) {#Tensor.mod}

Returns element-wise remainder of division. When x < 0 xor y < 0 is

true, this follows Python semantics in that the result here is consistent with a flooring divide. E.g. floor(x / y) * y + mod(x, y) = x.

NOTE: FloorMod supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: int32, int64, float32, float64.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor. Has the same type as x.

tf.Tensor.__mul__(x, y) {#Tensor.mul}

Dispatches cwise mul for "DenseDense" and "DenseSparse".

tf.Tensor.__neg__(x, name=None) {#Tensor.neg}

Computes numerical negative value element-wise.

I.e., \(y = -x\).

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, float32, float64, int32, int64, complex64, complex128.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor. Has the same type as x.

tf.Tensor.__nonzero__() {#Tensor.nonzero}

Dummy method to prevent a tensor from being used as a Python bool.

This is the Python 2.x counterpart to __bool__() above.



tf.Tensor.__or__(x, y) {#Tensor.or}

Returns the truth value of x OR y element-wise.

NOTE: LogicalOr supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor of type bool.
  • y: A Tensor of type bool.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__pow__(x, y) {#Tensor.pow}

Computes the power of one value to another.

Given a tensor x and a tensor y, this operation computes \(x^y\) for corresponding elements in x and y. For example:

# tensor 'x' is [[2, 2], [3, 3]]
# tensor 'y' is [[8, 16], [2, 3]]
tf.pow(x, y) ==> [[256, 65536], [9, 27]]
  • x: A Tensor of type float32, float64, int32, int64, complex64, or complex128.
  • y: A Tensor of type float32, float64, int32, int64, complex64, or complex128.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor.

tf.Tensor.__radd__(y, x) {#Tensor.radd}

Returns x + y element-wise.

NOTE: Add supports broadcasting. AddN does not. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, float32, float64, uint8, int8, int16, int32, int64, complex64, complex128, string.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor. Has the same type as x.

tf.Tensor.__rand__(y, x) {#Tensor.rand}

Returns the truth value of x AND y element-wise.

NOTE: LogicalAnd supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor of type bool.
  • y: A Tensor of type bool.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__rdiv__(y, x) {#Tensor.rdiv}

Divide two values using Python 2 semantics. Used for Tensor.div.

  • x: Tensor numerator of real numeric type.
  • y: Tensor denominator of real numeric type.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

x / y returns the quotient of x and y.

tf.Tensor.__repr__() {#Tensor.repr}

tf.Tensor.__rfloordiv__(y, x) {#Tensor.rfloordiv}

Divides x / y elementwise, rounding toward the most negative integer.

The same as tf.div(x,y) for integers, but uses tf.floor(tf.div(x,y)) for floating point arguments so that the result is always an integer (though possibly an integer represented as floating point). This op is generated by x // y floor division in Python 3 and in Python 2.7 with from __future__ import division.

Note that for efficiency, floordiv uses C semantics for negative numbers (unlike Python and Numpy).

x and y must have the same type, and the result will have the same type as well.

  • x: Tensor numerator of real numeric type.
  • y: Tensor denominator of real numeric type.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

x / y rounded down (except possibly towards zero for negative integers).

  • TypeError: If the inputs are complex.

tf.Tensor.__rmod__(y, x) {#Tensor.rmod}

Returns element-wise remainder of division. When x < 0 xor y < 0 is

true, this follows Python semantics in that the result here is consistent with a flooring divide. E.g. floor(x / y) * y + mod(x, y) = x.

NOTE: FloorMod supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: int32, int64, float32, float64.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor. Has the same type as x.

tf.Tensor.__rmul__(y, x) {#Tensor.rmul}

Dispatches cwise mul for "DenseDense" and "DenseSparse".

tf.Tensor.__ror__(y, x) {#Tensor.ror}

Returns the truth value of x OR y element-wise.

NOTE: LogicalOr supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor of type bool.
  • y: A Tensor of type bool.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type bool.

tf.Tensor.__rpow__(y, x) {#Tensor.rpow}

Computes the power of one value to another.

Given a tensor x and a tensor y, this operation computes \(x^y\) for corresponding elements in x and y. For example:

# tensor 'x' is [[2, 2], [3, 3]]
# tensor 'y' is [[8, 16], [2, 3]]
tf.pow(x, y) ==> [[256, 65536], [9, 27]]
  • x: A Tensor of type float32, float64, int32, int64, complex64, or complex128.
  • y: A Tensor of type float32, float64, int32, int64, complex64, or complex128.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor.

tf.Tensor.__rsub__(y, x) {#Tensor.rsub}

Returns x - y element-wise.

NOTE: Sub supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, float32, float64, int32, int64, complex64, complex128.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor. Has the same type as x.

tf.Tensor.__rtruediv__(y, x) {#Tensor.rtruediv}

tf.Tensor.__rxor__(y, x) {#Tensor.rxor}

x ^ y = (x | y) & ~(x & y).

tf.Tensor.__str__() {#Tensor.str}

tf.Tensor.__sub__(x, y) {#Tensor.sub}

Returns x - y element-wise.

NOTE: Sub supports broadcasting. More about broadcasting here

  • x: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, float32, float64, int32, int64, complex64, complex128.
  • y: A Tensor. Must have the same type as x.
  • name: A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor. Has the same type as x.

tf.Tensor.__truediv__(x, y) {#Tensor.truediv}

tf.Tensor.__xor__(x, y) {#Tensor.xor}

x ^ y = (x | y) & ~(x & y).

tf.Tensor.device {#Tensor.device}

The name of the device on which this tensor will be produced, or None.

Tensor types

class tf.DType {#DType}

Represents the type of the elements in a Tensor.

The following DType objects are defined:

  • tf.float16: 16-bit half-precision floating-point.
  • tf.float32: 32-bit single-precision floating-point.
  • tf.float64: 64-bit double-precision floating-point.
  • tf.bfloat16: 16-bit truncated floating-point.
  • tf.complex64: 64-bit single-precision complex.
  • tf.complex128: 128-bit double-precision complex.
  • tf.int8: 8-bit signed integer.
  • tf.uint8: 8-bit unsigned integer.
  • tf.uint16: 16-bit unsigned integer.
  • tf.int16: 16-bit signed integer.
  • tf.int32: 32-bit signed integer.
  • tf.int64: 64-bit signed integer.
  • tf.bool: Boolean.
  • tf.string: String.
  • tf.qint8: Quantized 8-bit signed integer.
  • tf.quint8: Quantized 8-bit unsigned integer.
  • tf.qint16: Quantized 16-bit signed integer.
  • tf.quint16: Quantized 16-bit unsigned integer.
  • tf.qint32: Quantized 32-bit signed integer.
  • tf.resource: Handle to a mutable resource.

In addition, variants of these types with the _ref suffix are defined for reference-typed tensors.

The tf.as_dtype() function converts numpy types and string type names to a DType object.

tf.DType.is_compatible_with(other) {#DType.is_compatible_with}

Returns True if the other DType will be converted to this DType.

The conversion rules are as follows:

DType(T)       .is_compatible_with(DType(T))        == True
DType(T)       .is_compatible_with(DType(T).as_ref) == True
DType(T).as_ref.is_compatible_with(DType(T))        == False
DType(T).as_ref.is_compatible_with(DType(T).as_ref) == True
  • other: A DType (or object that may be converted to a DType).

True if a Tensor of the other DType will be implicitly converted to this DType. {}

Returns the string name for this DType.

tf.DType.base_dtype {#DType.base_dtype}

Returns a non-reference DType based on this DType.

tf.DType.real_dtype {#DType.real_dtype}

Returns the dtype correspond to this dtype's real part.

tf.DType.is_bool {#DType.is_bool}

Returns whether this is a boolean data type

tf.DType.is_floating {#DType.is_floating}

Returns whether this is a (non-quantized, real) floating point type.

tf.DType.is_complex {#DType.is_complex}

Returns whether this is a complex floating point type.

tf.DType.is_integer {#DType.is_integer}

Returns whether this is a (non-quantized) integer type.

tf.DType.is_quantized {#DType.is_quantized}

Returns whether this is a quantized data type.

tf.DType.is_unsigned {#DType.is_unsigned}

Returns whether this type is unsigned.

Non-numeric, unordered, and quantized types are not considered unsigned, and this function returns False.


Whether a DType is unsigned.

tf.DType.as_numpy_dtype {#DType.as_numpy_dtype}

Returns a numpy.dtype based on this DType.

tf.DType.as_datatype_enum {#DType.as_datatype_enum}

Returns a types_pb2.DataType enum value based on this DType.

tf.DType.limits {#DType.limits}

Return intensity limits, i.e. (min, max) tuple, of the dtype.


clip_negative : bool, optional If True, clip the negative range (i.e. return 0 for min intensity) even if the image dtype allows negative values. Returns min, max : tuple Lower and upper intensity limits.

Other Methods

tf.DType.__eq__(other) {#DType.eq}

Returns True iff this DType refers to the same type as other.

tf.DType.__hash__() {#DType.hash}

tf.DType.__init__(type_enum) {#DType.init}

Creates a new DataType.

NOTE(mrry): In normal circumstances, you should not need to construct a DataType object directly. Instead, use the tf.as_dtype() function.

  • type_enum: A types_pb2.DataType enum value.
  • TypeError: If type_enum is not a value types_pb2.DataType.

tf.DType.__ne__(other) {}

Returns True iff self != other.

tf.DType.__repr__() {#DType.repr}

tf.DType.__str__() {#DType.str}

tf.DType.is_numpy_compatible {#DType.is_numpy_compatible}

tf.DType.max {#DType.max}

Returns the maximum representable value in this data type.

  • TypeError: if this is a non-numeric, unordered, or quantized type.

tf.DType.min {#DType.min}

Returns the minimum representable value in this data type.

  • TypeError: if this is a non-numeric, unordered, or quantized type.

tf.DType.size {#DType.size}

tf.as_dtype(type_value) {#as_dtype}

Converts the given type_value to a DType.

  • type_value: A value that can be converted to a tf.DType object. This may currently be a tf.DType object, a DataType enum, a string type name, or a numpy.dtype.

A DType corresponding to type_value.

  • TypeError: If type_value cannot be converted to a DType.

Utility functions

tf.device(device_name_or_function) {#device}

Wrapper for Graph.device() using the default graph.

See Graph.device() for more details.

  • device_name_or_function: The device name or function to use in the context.

A context manager that specifies the default device to use for newly created ops.

tf.container(container_name) {#container}

Wrapper for Graph.container() using the default graph.

  • container_name: The container string to use in the context.

A context manager that specifies the default container to use for newly created stateful ops.

tf.name_scope(name, default_name=None, values=None) {#name_scope}

Returns a context manager for use when defining a Python op.

This context manager validates that the given values are from the same graph, makes that graph the default graph, and pushes a name scope in that graph (see Graph.name_scope() for more details on that).

For example, to define a new Python op called my_op:

def my_op(a, b, c, name=None):
  with tf.name_scope(name, "MyOp", [a, b, c]) as scope:
    a = tf.convert_to_tensor(a, name="a")
    b = tf.convert_to_tensor(b, name="b")
    c = tf.convert_to_tensor(c, name="c")
    # Define some computation that uses `a`, `b`, and `c`.
    return foo_op(..., name=scope)
  • name: The name argument that is passed to the op function.
  • default_name: The default name to use if the name argument is None.
  • values: The list of Tensor arguments that are passed to the op function.

A context manager for use in defining Python ops. Yields the name scope.

  • ValueError: if neither name nor default_name is provided but values are.

tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs) {#control_dependencies}

Wrapper for Graph.control_dependencies() using the default graph.

See Graph.control_dependencies() for more details.

  • control_inputs: A list of Operation or Tensor objects which must be executed or computed before running the operations defined in the context. Can also be None to clear the control dependencies.

A context manager that specifies control dependencies for all operations constructed within the context.

tf.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=None, name=None, preferred_dtype=None) {#convert_to_tensor}

Converts the given value to a Tensor.

This function converts Python objects of various types to Tensor objects. It accepts Tensor objects, numpy arrays, Python lists, and Python scalars. For example:

import numpy as np

def my_func(arg):
  arg = tf.convert_to_tensor(arg, dtype=tf.float32)
  return tf.matmul(arg, arg) + arg

# The following calls are equivalent.
value_1 = my_func(tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]))
value_2 = my_func([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
value_3 = my_func(np.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], dtype=np.float32))

This function can be useful when composing a new operation in Python (such as my_func in the example above). All standard Python op constructors apply this function to each of their Tensor-valued inputs, which allows those ops to accept numpy arrays, Python lists, and scalars in addition to Tensor objects.

  • value: An object whose type has a registered Tensor conversion function.
  • dtype: Optional element type for the returned tensor. If missing, the type is inferred from the type of value.
  • name: Optional name to use if a new Tensor is created.
  • preferred_dtype: Optional element type for the returned tensor, used when dtype is None. In some cases, a caller may not have a dtype in mind when converting to a tensor, so preferred_dtype can be used as a soft preference. If the conversion to preferred_dtype is not possible, this argument has no effect.

An Output based on value.

  • TypeError: If no conversion function is registered for value.
  • RuntimeError: If a registered conversion function returns an invalid value.

tf.convert_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices(value, dtype=None, name=None) {#convert_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices}

Converts the given object to a Tensor or an IndexedSlices.

If value is an IndexedSlices or SparseTensor it is returned unmodified. Otherwise, it is converted to a Tensor using convert_to_tensor().

  • value: An IndexedSlices, SparseTensor, or an object that can be consumed by convert_to_tensor().
  • dtype: (Optional.) The required DType of the returned Tensor or IndexedSlices.
  • name: (Optional.) A name to use if a new Tensor is created.

An Tensor, IndexedSlices, or SparseTensor based on value.

  • ValueError: If dtype does not match the element type of value.

tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(value, dtype=None, name=None) {#convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor}

Converts value to a SparseTensor or Tensor.

  • value: A SparseTensor, SparseTensorValue, or an object whose type has a registered Tensor conversion function.
  • dtype: Optional element type for the returned tensor. If missing, the type is inferred from the type of value.
  • name: Optional name to use if a new Tensor is created.

A SparseTensor or Tensor based on value.

  • RuntimeError: If result type is incompatible with dtype.

tf.get_default_graph() {#get_default_graph}

Returns the default graph for the current thread.

The returned graph will be the innermost graph on which a Graph.as_default() context has been entered, or a global default graph if none has been explicitly created.

NOTE: The default graph is a property of the current thread. If you create a new thread, and wish to use the default graph in that thread, you must explicitly add a with g.as_default(): in that thread's function.


The default Graph being used in the current thread.

tf.reset_default_graph() {#reset_default_graph}

Clears the default graph stack and resets the global default graph.

NOTE: The default graph is a property of the current thread. This function applies only to the current thread. Calling this function while a tf.Session or tf.InteractiveSession is active will result in undefined behavior. Using any previously created tf.Operation or tf.Tensor objects after calling this function will result in undefined behavior.

tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, input_map=None, return_elements=None, name=None, op_dict=None, producer_op_list=None) {#import_graph_def}

Imports the TensorFlow graph in graph_def into the Python Graph.

This function provides a way to import a serialized TensorFlow GraphDef protocol buffer, and extract individual objects in the GraphDef as Tensor and Operation objects. See Graph.as_graph_def() for a way to create a GraphDef proto.

  • graph_def: A GraphDef proto containing operations to be imported into the default graph.
  • input_map: A dictionary mapping input names (as strings) in graph_def to Tensor objects. The values of the named input tensors in the imported graph will be re-mapped to the respective Tensor values.
  • return_elements: A list of strings containing operation names in graph_def that will be returned as Operation objects; and/or tensor names in graph_def that will be returned as Tensor objects.
  • name: (Optional.) A prefix that will be prepended to the names in graph_def. Defaults to "import".
  • op_dict: (Optional.) A dictionary mapping op type names to OpDef protos. Must contain an OpDef proto for each op type named in graph_def. If omitted, uses the OpDef protos registered in the global registry.
  • producer_op_list: (Optional.) An OpList proto with the (possibly stripped) list of OpDefs used by the producer of the graph. If provided, attrs for ops in graph_def that are not in op_dict that have their default value according to producer_op_list will be removed. This will allow some more GraphDefs produced by later binaries to be accepted by earlier binaries.

A list of Operation and/or Tensor objects from the imported graph, corresponding to the names in return_elements.

  • TypeError: If graph_def is not a GraphDef proto, input_map is not a dictionary mapping strings to Tensor objects, or return_elements is not a list of strings.
  • ValueError: If input_map, or return_elements contains names that do not appear in graph_def, or graph_def is not well-formed (e.g. it refers to an unknown tensor).

tf.load_file_system_library(library_filename) {#load_file_system_library}

Loads a TensorFlow plugin, containing file system implementation.

Pass library_filename to a platform-specific mechanism for dynamically loading a library. The rules for determining the exact location of the library are platform-specific and are not documented here.

  • library_filename: Path to the plugin. Relative or absolute filesystem path to a dynamic library file.


  • RuntimeError: when unable to load the library.

tf.load_op_library(library_filename) {#load_op_library}

Loads a TensorFlow plugin, containing custom ops and kernels.

Pass "library_filename" to a platform-specific mechanism for dynamically loading a library. The rules for determining the exact location of the library are platform-specific and are not documented here. When the library is loaded, ops and kernels registered in the library via the REGISTER_* macros are made available in the TensorFlow process. Note that ops with the same name as an existing op are rejected and not registered with the process.

  • library_filename: Path to the plugin. Relative or absolute filesystem path to a dynamic library file.

A python module containing the Python wrappers for Ops defined in the plugin.

  • RuntimeError: when unable to load the library or get the python wrappers.

Graph collections

tf.add_to_collection(name, value) {#add_to_collection}

Wrapper for Graph.add_to_collection() using the default graph.

See Graph.add_to_collection() for more details.

  • name: The key for the collection. For example, the GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.
  • value: The value to add to the collection.

tf.get_collection(key, scope=None) {#get_collection}

Wrapper for Graph.get_collection() using the default graph.

See Graph.get_collection() for more details.

  • key: The key for the collection. For example, the GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.
  • scope: (Optional.) If supplied, the resulting list is filtered to include only items whose name attribute matches using re.match. Items without a name attribute are never returned if a scope is supplied and the choice or re.match means that a scope without special tokens filters by prefix.

The list of values in the collection with the given name, or an empty list if no value has been added to that collection. The list contains the values in the order under which they were collected.

tf.get_collection_ref(key) {#get_collection_ref}

Wrapper for Graph.get_collection_ref() using the default graph.

See Graph.get_collection_ref() for more details.

  • key: The key for the collection. For example, the GraphKeys class contains many standard names for collections.

The list of values in the collection with the given name, or an empty list if no value has been added to that collection. Note that this returns the collection list itself, which can be modified in place to change the collection.

class tf.GraphKeys {#GraphKeys}

Standard names to use for graph collections.

The standard library uses various well-known names to collect and retrieve values associated with a graph. For example, the tf.Optimizer subclasses default to optimizing the variables collected under tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES if none is specified, but it is also possible to pass an explicit list of variables.

The following standard keys are defined:

  • GLOBAL_VARIABLES: the default collection of Variable objects, shared across distributed environment (model variables are subset of these). See tf.global_variables() for more details. Commonly, all TRAINABLE_VARIABLES variables will be in MODEL_VARIABLES, and all MODEL_VARIABLES variables will be in GLOBAL_VARIABLES.
  • LOCAL_VARIABLES: the subset of Variable objects that are local to each machine. Usually used for temporarily variables, like counters. Note: use tf.contrib.framework.local_variable to add to this collection.
  • MODEL_VARIABLES: the subset of Variable objects that are used in the model for inference (feed forward). Note: use tf.contrib.framework.model_variable to add to this collection.
  • TRAINABLE_VARIABLES: the subset of Variable objects that will be trained by an optimizer. See tf.trainable_variables() for more details.
  • SUMMARIES: the summary Tensor objects that have been created in the graph. See tf.summary.merge_all() for more details.
  • QUEUE_RUNNERS: the QueueRunner objects that are used to produce input for a computation. See tf.start_queue_runners() for more details.
  • MOVING_AVERAGE_VARIABLES: the subset of Variable objects that will also keep moving averages. See tf.moving_average_variables() for more details.
  • REGULARIZATION_LOSSES: regularization losses collected during graph construction.
  • WEIGHTS: weights inside neural network layers
  • BIASES: biases inside neural network layers
  • ACTIVATIONS: activations of neural network layers

Defining new operations

class tf.RegisterGradient {#RegisterGradient}

A decorator for registering the gradient function for an op type.

This decorator is only used when defining a new op type. For an op with m inputs and n outputs, the gradient function is a function that takes the original Operation and n Tensor objects (representing the gradients with respect to each output of the op), and returns m Tensor objects (representing the partial gradients with respect to each input of the op).

For example, assuming that operations of type "Sub" take two inputs x and y, and return a single output x - y, the following gradient function would be registered:

def _sub_grad(unused_op, grad):
  return grad, tf.negative(grad)

The decorator argument op_type is the string type of an operation. This corresponds to the field for the proto that defines the operation.

tf.RegisterGradient.__init__(op_type) {#RegisterGradient.init}

Creates a new decorator with op_type as the Operation type.

  • op_type: The string type of an operation. This corresponds to the field for the proto that defines the operation.

Other Methods

tf.RegisterGradient.__call__(f) {}

Registers the function f as gradient function for op_type.

tf.NotDifferentiable(op_type) {#NotDifferentiable}

Specifies that ops of type op_type is not differentiable.

This function should not be used for operations that have a well-defined gradient that is not yet implemented.

This function is only used when defining a new op type. It may be used for ops such as tf.size() that are not differentiable. For example:


The gradient computed for 'op_type' will then propagate zeros.

For ops that have a well-defined gradient but are not yet implemented, no declaration should be made, and an error must be thrown if an attempt to request its gradient is made.

  • op_type: The string type of an operation. This corresponds to the field for the proto that defines the operation.
  • TypeError: If op_type is not a string.

tf.NoGradient(op_type) {#NoGradient}

Specifies that ops of type op_type is not differentiable.

This function should not be used for operations that have a well-defined gradient that is not yet implemented.

This function is only used when defining a new op type. It may be used for ops such as tf.size() that are not differentiable. For example:


The gradient computed for 'op_type' will then propagate zeros.

For ops that have a well-defined gradient but are not yet implemented, no declaration should be made, and an error must be thrown if an attempt to request its gradient is made.

  • op_type: The string type of an operation. This corresponds to the field for the proto that defines the operation.
  • TypeError: If op_type is not a string.

class tf.TensorShape {#TensorShape}

Represents the shape of a Tensor.

A TensorShape represents a possibly-partial shape specification for a Tensor. It may be one of the following:

  • Fully-known shape: has a known number of dimensions and a known size for each dimension.
  • Partially-known shape: has a known number of dimensions, and an unknown size for one or more dimension.
  • Unknown shape: has an unknown number of dimensions, and an unknown size in all dimensions.

If a tensor is produced by an operation of type "Foo", its shape may be inferred if there is a registered shape function for "Foo". See Shape functions in C++ for details of shape functions and how to register them. Alternatively, the shape may be set explicitly using Tensor.set_shape().

tf.TensorShape.merge_with(other) {#TensorShape.merge_with}

Returns a TensorShape combining the information in self and other.

The dimensions in self and other are merged elementwise, according to the rules defined for Dimension.merge_with().

  • other: Another TensorShape.

A TensorShape containing the combined information of self and other.

  • ValueError: If self and other are not compatible.

tf.TensorShape.concatenate(other) {#TensorShape.concatenate}

Returns the concatenation of the dimension in self and other.

N.B. If either self or other is completely unknown, concatenation will discard information about the other shape. In future, we might support concatenation that preserves this information for use with slicing.

  • other: Another TensorShape.

A TensorShape whose dimensions are the concatenation of the dimensions in self and other.

tf.TensorShape.ndims {#TensorShape.ndims}

Returns the rank of this shape, or None if it is unspecified.

tf.TensorShape.dims {#TensorShape.dims}

Returns a list of Dimensions, or None if the shape is unspecified.

tf.TensorShape.as_list() {#TensorShape.as_list}

Returns a list of integers or None for each dimension.


A list of integers or None for each dimension.

  • ValueError: If self is an unknown shape with an unknown rank.

tf.TensorShape.as_proto() {#TensorShape.as_proto}

Returns this shape as a TensorShapeProto.

tf.TensorShape.is_compatible_with(other) {#TensorShape.is_compatible_with}

Returns True iff self is compatible with other.

Two possibly-partially-defined shapes are compatible if there exists a fully-defined shape that both shapes can represent. Thus, compatibility allows the shape inference code to reason about partially-defined shapes. For example:

  • TensorShape(None) is compatible with all shapes.

  • TensorShape([None, None]) is compatible with all two-dimensional shapes, such as TensorShape([32, 784]), and also TensorShape(None). It is not compatible with, for example, TensorShape([None]) or TensorShape([None, None, None]).

  • TensorShape([32, None]) is compatible with all two-dimensional shapes with size 32 in the 0th dimension, and also TensorShape([None, None]) and TensorShape(None). It is not compatible with, for example, TensorShape([32]), TensorShape([32, None, 1]) or TensorShape([64, None]).

  • TensorShape([32, 784]) is compatible with itself, and also TensorShape([32, None]), TensorShape([None, 784]), TensorShape([None, None]) and TensorShape(None). It is not compatible with, for example, TensorShape([32, 1, 784]) or TensorShape([None]).

The compatibility relation is reflexive and symmetric, but not transitive. For example, TensorShape([32, 784]) is compatible with TensorShape(None), and TensorShape(None) is compatible with TensorShape([4, 4]), but TensorShape([32, 784]) is not compatible with TensorShape([4, 4]).

  • other: Another TensorShape.

True iff self is compatible with other.

tf.TensorShape.is_fully_defined() {#TensorShape.is_fully_defined}

Returns True iff self is fully defined in every dimension.

tf.TensorShape.with_rank(rank) {#TensorShape.with_rank}

Returns a shape based on self with the given rank.

This method promotes a completely unknown shape to one with a known rank.

  • rank: An integer.

A shape that is at least as specific as self with the given rank.

  • ValueError: If self does not represent a shape with the given rank.

tf.TensorShape.with_rank_at_least(rank) {#TensorShape.with_rank_at_least}

Returns a shape based on self with at least the given rank.

  • rank: An integer.

A shape that is at least as specific as self with at least the given rank.

  • ValueError: If self does not represent a shape with at least the given rank.

tf.TensorShape.with_rank_at_most(rank) {#TensorShape.with_rank_at_most}

Returns a shape based on self with at most the given rank.

  • rank: An integer.

A shape that is at least as specific as self with at most the given rank.

  • ValueError: If self does not represent a shape with at most the given rank.

tf.TensorShape.assert_has_rank(rank) {#TensorShape.assert_has_rank}

Raises an exception if self is not compatible with the given rank.

  • rank: An integer.
  • ValueError: If self does not represent a shape with the given rank.

tf.TensorShape.assert_same_rank(other) {#TensorShape.assert_same_rank}

Raises an exception if self and other do not have compatible ranks.

  • other: Another TensorShape.
  • ValueError: If self and other do not represent shapes with the same rank.

tf.TensorShape.assert_is_compatible_with(other) {#TensorShape.assert_is_compatible_with}

Raises exception if self and other do not represent the same shape.

This method can be used to assert that there exists a shape that both self and other represent.

  • other: Another TensorShape.
  • ValueError: If self and other do not represent the same shape.

tf.TensorShape.assert_is_fully_defined() {#TensorShape.assert_is_fully_defined}

Raises an exception if self is not fully defined in every dimension.

  • ValueError: If self does not have a known value for every dimension.

Other Methods

tf.TensorShape.__bool__() {#TensorShape.bool}

Returns True if this shape contains non-zero information.

tf.TensorShape.__eq__(other) {#TensorShape.eq}

Returns True if self is equivalent to other.

tf.TensorShape.__getitem__(key) {#TensorShape.getitem}

Returns the value of a dimension or a shape, depending on the key.

  • key: If key is an integer, returns the dimension at that index; otherwise if key is a slice, returns a TensorShape whose dimensions are those selected by the slice from self.

A dimension if key is an integer, or a TensorShape if key is a slice.

  • ValueError: If key is a slice, and any of its elements are negative, or if self is completely unknown and the step is set.

tf.TensorShape.__init__(dims) {#TensorShape.init}

Creates a new TensorShape with the given dimensions.

  • dims: A list of Dimensions, or None if the shape is unspecified.
  • DEPRECATED: A single integer is treated as a singleton list.
  • TypeError: If dims cannot be converted to a list of dimensions.

tf.TensorShape.__iter__() {#TensorShape.iter}

Returns self.dims if the rank is known, otherwise raises ValueError.

tf.TensorShape.__len__() {#TensorShape.len}

Returns the rank of this shape, or raises ValueError if unspecified.

tf.TensorShape.__ne__(other) {}

Returns True if self is known to be different from other.

tf.TensorShape.__nonzero__() {#TensorShape.nonzero}

Returns True if this shape contains non-zero information.

tf.TensorShape.__repr__() {#TensorShape.repr}

tf.TensorShape.__str__() {#TensorShape.str}

tf.TensorShape.num_elements() {#TensorShape.num_elements}

Returns the total number of elements, or none for incomplete shapes.

class tf.Dimension {#Dimension}

Represents the value of one dimension in a TensorShape.

tf.Dimension.__add__(other) {#Dimension.add}

Returns the sum of self and other.

Dimensions are summed as follows:

Dimension(m) + Dimension(n) == Dimension(m + n) Dimension(m) + Dimension(None) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) + Dimension(n) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) + Dimension(None) == Dimension(None)

  • other: Another Dimension.

A Dimension whose value is the sum of self and other.

tf.Dimension.__div__(other) {#Dimension.div}

DEPRECATED: Use __floordiv__ via x // y instead.

This function exists only for backwards compatibility purposes; new code should use __floordiv__ via the syntax x // y. Using x // y communicates clearly that the result rounds down, and is forward compatible to Python 3.

  • other: Another Dimension.

A Dimension whose value is the integer quotient of self and other.

tf.Dimension.__eq__(other) {#Dimension.eq}

Returns true if other has the same known value as this Dimension.

tf.Dimension.__floordiv__(other) {#Dimension.floordiv}

Returns the quotient of self and other rounded down.

Dimensions are divided as follows:

Dimension(m) // Dimension(n) == Dimension(m // n) Dimension(m) // Dimension(None) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) // Dimension(n) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) // Dimension(None) == Dimension(None)

  • other: Another Dimension.

A Dimension whose value is the integer quotient of self and other.

tf.Dimension.__ge__(other) {}

Returns True if self is known to be greater than or equal to other.

Dimensions are compared as follows:

Dimension(m) >= Dimension(n) == m >= n Dimension(m) >= Dimension(None) == None Dimension(None) >= Dimension(n) == None Dimension(None) >= Dimension(None) == None

  • other: Another Dimension.

The value of self.value >= other.value if both are known, otherwise None.

tf.Dimension.__gt__(other) {}

Returns True if self is known to be greater than other.

Dimensions are compared as follows:

Dimension(m) > Dimension(n) == m > n Dimension(m) > Dimension(None) == None Dimension(None) > Dimension(n) == None Dimension(None) > Dimension(None) == None

  • other: Another Dimension.

The value of self.value > other.value if both are known, otherwise None.

tf.Dimension.__index__() {#Dimension.index}

tf.Dimension.__init__(value) {#Dimension.init}

Creates a new Dimension with the given value.

tf.Dimension.__int__() {}

tf.Dimension.__le__(other) {#Dimension.le}

Returns True if self is known to be less than or equal to other.

Dimensions are compared as follows:

Dimension(m) <= Dimension(n) == m <= n Dimension(m) <= Dimension(None) == None Dimension(None) <= Dimension(n) == None Dimension(None) <= Dimension(None) == None

  • other: Another Dimension.

The value of self.value <= other.value if both are known, otherwise None.

tf.Dimension.__lt__(other) {}

Returns True if self is known to be less than other.

Dimensions are compared as follows:

Dimension(m) < Dimension(n) == m < n Dimension(m) < Dimension(None) == None Dimension(None) < Dimension(n) == None Dimension(None) < Dimension(None) == None

  • other: Another Dimension.

The value of self.value < other.value if both are known, otherwise None.

tf.Dimension.__mod__(other) {#Dimension.mod}

Returns self modulo `other.

Dimension moduli are computed as follows:

Dimension(m) % Dimension(n) == Dimension(m % n) Dimension(m) % Dimension(None) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) % Dimension(n) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) % Dimension(None) == Dimension(None)

  • other: Another Dimension.

A Dimension whose value is self modulo other.

tf.Dimension.__mul__(other) {#Dimension.mul}

Returns the product of self and other.

Dimensions are summed as follows:

  Dimension(m)    * Dimension(n)    == Dimension(m * n)
  Dimension(m)    * Dimension(None) == Dimension(None)
  Dimension(None) * Dimension(n)    == Dimension(None)
  Dimension(None) * Dimension(None) == Dimension(None)
  • other: Another Dimension.

A Dimension whose value is the product of self and other.

tf.Dimension.__ne__(other) {}

Returns true if other has a different known value from self.

tf.Dimension.__repr__() {#Dimension.repr}

tf.Dimension.__str__() {#Dimension.str}

tf.Dimension.__sub__(other) {#Dimension.sub}

Returns the subtraction of other from self.

Dimensions are subtracted as follows:

Dimension(m) - Dimension(n) == Dimension(m - n) Dimension(m) - Dimension(None) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) - Dimension(n) == Dimension(None) Dimension(None) - Dimension(None) == Dimension(None)

  • other: Another Dimension.

A Dimension whose value is the subtraction of sum of other from self.

tf.Dimension.assert_is_compatible_with(other) {#Dimension.assert_is_compatible_with}

Raises an exception if other is not compatible with this Dimension.

  • other: Another Dimension.
  • ValueError: If self and other are not compatible (see is_compatible_with).

tf.Dimension.is_compatible_with(other) {#Dimension.is_compatible_with}

Returns true if other is compatible with this Dimension.

Two known Dimensions are compatible if they have the same value. An unknown Dimension is compatible with all other Dimensions.

  • other: Another Dimension.

True if this Dimension and other are compatible.

tf.Dimension.merge_with(other) {#Dimension.merge_with}

Returns a Dimension that combines the information in self and other.

Dimensions are combined as follows:

    Dimension(n)   .merge_with(Dimension(n))    == Dimension(n)
    Dimension(n)   .merge_with(Dimension(None)) == Dimension(n)
    Dimension(None).merge_with(Dimension(n))    == Dimension(n)
    Dimension(None).merge_with(Dimension(None)) == Dimension(None)
    Dimension(n)   .merge_with(Dimension(m)) raises ValueError for n != m
  • other: Another Dimension.

A Dimension containing the combined information of self and other.

  • ValueError: If self and other are not compatible (see is_compatible_with).

tf.Dimension.value {#Dimension.value}

The value of this dimension, or None if it is unknown.

tf.op_scope(values, name, default_name=None) {#op_scope}

DEPRECATED. Same as name_scope above, just different argument order.

tf.get_seed(op_seed) {#get_seed}

Returns the local seeds an operation should use given an op-specific seed.

Given operation-specific seed, op_seed, this helper function returns two seeds derived from graph-level and op-level seeds. Many random operations internally use the two seeds to allow user to change the seed globally for a graph, or for only specific operations.

For details on how the graph-level seed interacts with op seeds, see set_random_seed.

  • op_seed: integer.

A tuple of two integers that should be used for the local seed of this operation.

For libraries building on TensorFlow

tf.register_tensor_conversion_function(base_type, conversion_func, priority=100) {#register_tensor_conversion_function}

Registers a function for converting objects of base_type to Tensor.

The conversion function must have the following signature:

    def conversion_func(value, dtype=None, name=None, as_ref=False):
      # ...

It must return a Tensor with the given dtype if specified. If the conversion function creates a new Tensor, it should use the given name if specified. All exceptions will be propagated to the caller.

The conversion function may return NotImplemented for some inputs. In this case, the conversion process will continue to try subsequent conversion functions.

If as_ref is true, the function must return a Tensor reference, such as a Variable.

NOTE: The conversion functions will execute in order of priority, followed by order of registration. To ensure that a conversion function F runs before another conversion function G, ensure that F is registered with a smaller priority than G.

  • base_type: The base type or tuple of base types for all objects that conversion_func accepts.
  • conversion_func: A function that converts instances of base_type to Tensor.
  • priority: Optional integer that indicates the priority for applying this conversion function. Conversion functions with smaller priority values run earlier than conversion functions with larger priority values. Defaults to 100.
  • TypeError: If the arguments do not have the appropriate type.

Other Functions and Classes

class tf.DeviceSpec {#DeviceSpec}

Represents a (possibly partial) specification for a TensorFlow device.

DeviceSpecs are used throughout TensorFlow to describe where state is stored and computations occur. Using DeviceSpec allows you to parse device spec strings to verify their validity, merge them or compose them programmatically.


# Place the operations on device "GPU:0" in the "ps" job.
device_spec = DeviceSpec(job="ps", device_type="GPU", device_index=0)
with tf.device(device_spec):
  # Both my_var and squared_var will be placed on /job:ps/device:GPU:0.
  my_var = tf.Variable(..., name="my_variable")
  squared_var = tf.square(my_var)

If a DeviceSpec is partially specified, it will be merged with other DeviceSpecs according to the scope in which it is defined. DeviceSpec components defined in inner scopes take precedence over those defined in outer scopes.

with tf.device(DeviceSpec(job="train", )):
  with tf.device(DeviceSpec(job="ps", device_type="GPU", device_index=0):
    # Nodes created here will be assigned to /job:ps/device:GPU:0.
  with tf.device(DeviceSpec(device_type="GPU", device_index=1):
    # Nodes created here will be assigned to /job:train/device:GPU:1.

A DeviceSpec consists of 5 components -- each of which is optionally specified:

  • Job: The job name.
  • Replica: The replica index.
  • Task: The task index.
  • Device type: The device type string (e.g. "CPU" or "GPU").
  • Device index: The device index.

tf.DeviceSpec.__init__(job=None, replica=None, task=None, device_type=None, device_index=None) {#DeviceSpec.init}

Create a new DeviceSpec object.

  • job: string. Optional job name.
  • replica: int. Optional replica index.
  • task: int. Optional task index.
  • device_type: Optional device type string (e.g. "CPU" or "GPU")
  • device_index: int. Optional device index. If left unspecified, device represents 'any' device_index.

tf.DeviceSpec.from_string(spec) {#DeviceSpec.from_string}

Construct a DeviceSpec from a string.

  • spec: a string of the form /job:/replica:/task:/device:CPU: or /job:/replica:/task:/device:GPU: as cpu and gpu are mutually exclusive. All entries are optional.

A DeviceSpec.

tf.DeviceSpec.job {#DeviceSpec.job}

tf.DeviceSpec.merge_from(dev) {#DeviceSpec.merge_from}

Merge the properties of "dev" into this DeviceSpec.

  • dev: a DeviceSpec.

tf.DeviceSpec.parse_from_string(spec) {#DeviceSpec.parse_from_string}

Parse a DeviceSpec name into its components.

  • spec: a string of the form /job:/replica:/task:/device:CPU: or /job:/replica:/task:/device:GPU: as cpu and gpu are mutually exclusive. All entries are optional.

The DeviceSpec.

  • ValueError: if the spec was not valid.

tf.DeviceSpec.replica {#DeviceSpec.replica}

tf.DeviceSpec.task {#DeviceSpec.task}

tf.DeviceSpec.to_string() {#DeviceSpec.to_string}

Return a string representation of this DeviceSpec.


a string of the form /job:/replica:/task:/device:<device_type>:.