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Startupparameters for Zoraxy

Toby Chui edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

An overview of possible startupparameters for Zoraxy

Defaults are always loaded if nothing is set! You only need to use additional parameters if you want to change values (except port)


Just add additional parameters as wish to the zoraxy start command.


sudo ./zoraxy -port=:8000 -fastgeoip=true -webroot=/my/awesome/website

This can be used in the systemd-file as well!

port (obligatory)

Needed for startup, sets the default port for the webinterface, default to :8000. To set another port use -port=:8080 for example


Sets the webroot directory for the static webserver introduced in v2.6.7, default to ./www/html/ - More info

fastgeoip (true / false)

Allows to use more RAM for faster GEO-IP-Localation, default to false to save RAM, to enable use -fastgeoip=true

noauth (true / false)

If you want to use an additional authmanager in front of Zoraxy, you can enable this with -noauth=true.

USE CAREFULLY, this can be a security risk if the authmanager is not setup properly!

sshlb (true / false)

Allows loopback connecting for ssh via webinterface. If you want to connect from the webinterface via ssh to the host, you need to enable this with -sshlb=true, defaults to false

Advance Use Cases

Here are some parameters for advance users


ACME auto TLS/SSL certificate renew check interval in seconds


ZeroTier Network Controller RESTFUL API port. By default, ZeroTier with Network Controllers will listen to localhost:9933. If you are using the free version of ZeroTier, you can leave this unchanged. For business version with alternative port, you can change this to match your ZeroTier network controller API server port. See here for more information.


ZeroTier auth token. If you run Zoraxy as root using sudo (or Administrator on Windows), the token will be automatically loaded from its default location on disk. If you do not assign Zoraxy root access and you still want to use ZeroTier Network Controller feature, you can fill in this value manually. See here for more information.