1.0.0 – PodGen goes stable!
PodGen has been in use in the RadioRevolt/podkast.radiorevolt.no project for almost an entire year, without really noticing anything wrong. A couple improvements to the documentation and some other minor changes have been done, but nothing incompatible with the 1.0.0b5 release. Thus, this release simply marks the transitioning from the chaos of development 👨🎨 to the tranquil state of stable 🐴
Changes since last release note:
- Rewrite and make additions to the documentation
- Support Python v3.6
- Image URLs not compatible with Itunes no longer raises ValueError; instead they trigger a NotSupportedByItunesWarning.
- Make Media objects compatible with Pickle
- Add support for downloading and fetching metadata about Media objects
- Remove notify methods that were used to notify some pubsubhubbubs
Please report bugs and wishes as GitHub issues, it greatly helps the project! 😄
This new version is available through pip:
pip install -U podgen