This repositry provides helper tools and additional layers for BVLC/caffe. Basically it is developed for my own use, so documentation is quite poor and codes are not so clean.
This helper tools require to use @tnarihi's branch of Caffe. You can get it by running:
git clone git://
cd caffe
git checkout -b future origin/future
Once you get it, you will follow the installation of python dependencies in the below section, then you can install it as you do to install the original Caffe.
Some Python layers of caffe require additional dependencies.
Here on Gist is a script which installs the dependencies of this tools. This will install Miniconda Python distribution in your home directory, and install the dependencies. If you already have Anaconda/Miniconda, you might be able to skip the python installation step in the script. I've confirmed this works on Ubuntu 12.04/14.04. I am installing OpenCV using conda but I recommend you to install OpenCV from source because there would be some library conflicts. There might be some non-Python dependencies needed to be installed.
To use caffe and tnarihi-caffe-helper, you should set some environmental vars. If you work on bash:
echo "export CAFFE_ROOT=<your caffe directory>" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PYTHONPATH=<your caffe directory>/python:<your caffe helper directory>/python":$PYTHONPATH >> ~/.bashrc
After installing them, run py.test at python folder.
cd <your caffe helper directory>/python