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gdb strategy (deprecated)

Bruno Sutic edited this page Feb 10, 2015 · 1 revision

gdb strategy

This strategy is deprecated because it seems it doesn't solve the problem. It will be removed in the next major release. If you're using this and it *does* work for you, please let me know via the github issue.

This is the most accurate strategy as this finds the exact command used to run the process, however it requires some extra installation setup. To enable, first install gdb, on ubuntu that would be:

    sudo apt-get install gdb

next, edit a gdb configuration file that allows users ( namely tmux ) to access other user's sessions. (this is a potential security vulnerability, use at your own discretion and only on development machines)

    sudo vim /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
    # change the 1 to a 0;  ignore the message about the file changing

Finally, edit .tmux.conf, adding:

set -g @resurrect-save-command-strategy 'gdb'
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