--And thanks for all the animal!
This is a simple 2D game, written in C. You operate characters to collect fruits.
After collecting all, head for the stump and escape from the Earth!
This game works on Linux.
Although it works on Mac OS, the rendering may be unstable (Now we are optimizing it, so please wait...).
Please clone this repository as follows.
git clone https://github.com/tmuramat081/42_so_long.git
cd 42_so_long
make play
- The player’s goal is to collect every items present on the map, then escape chosing the shortest possible route.
- You can use WASD (or allow) keys to move the main character.
- The player is able to move in these 4 directions: up, down, left, right.
- The player should not be able to move into walls.
- Sprite animations
- Multiple players
- Limiter of max FPS
- Linier interpolation (LERP)
This game uses the following image materials.
"Sprout Lands" by Cup Nooble
https://cupnooble.itch.io/sprout-lands-asset-pack -
And thanks for all the student, staff, sponser of 42 Tokyo!
Taisei Muramatsu (tmuramat, 42 Tokyo)