The main purpose of this project is to import real estate information provided in the OpenImmo format [1] into Elasticsearch. Since the imported data is converted into an Elasticsearch mapping that is independent of OpenImmo it is conceivable to extend the import to other formats in the future.
#Fixing XML Files before importing ##Immonet $ sed -i 's///' immonet_export.xml
##PlanetHome sed -i 's/</imo:/<//g' phmaklerimport.xml sed -i 's/<imo:/</g' phmaklerimport.xml
#Running OpenImmo import with Maven
mvn install exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="de.joeakeem.elasticimmo.openimmo.dataimport.OpenImmoImporter"
Specifying the elasticsearch cluster nodes and an OpenImmo XML file:
mvn install exec:java -Dcluster-nodes=localhost:9301 -Dopenimmo.import.file=file:///home/joeakeem/openimmo/openimmo-data_127.xml -Dexec.mainClass="de.joeakeem.elasticimmo.openimmo.dataimport.OpenImmoImporter"
Defaults are:
- cluster-nodes=localhost:9300
- openimmo.import.file=classpath:de/joeakeem/elasticimmo/openimmo/dataimport/openimmo-data_127.xml