The most basic but fully-functional implementation of mixture of discrete flows (assuming factorized posterior) can be previewed in The implementation is used by VAEFlowsBasic.ipynb - a demonstration of MDNF for VAE (amortized inference example).
The code was used and is necessary to reproduce results from the paper:
T. Kuśmierczyk, A. Klami: Reliable Categorical Variational Inference with Mixture of Discrete Normalizing Flows (arXiv preprint)
The code was implemented to support maximum flexibility via modularization, which makes various experiments possible, but at the cost of sacrificing efficiency. It separates the construction of individual flows from the construction of base distributions, from the creation of mixtures and inference algorithms. An exception is the that includes sampling from the base, location-shift transformation, and probability evaluation altogether in a single file.
- notebooks - Jupyter notebooks illustrating use of MDNF with various models (the same code used later for experiments):
BayesianNetworkFlows.ipynb - BNs with MDNF
BayesianNetworkFlowsFactorized.ipynb - BNs with MDNF (configuration assuming factorized posterior)
BayesianNetworkConcrete.ipynb - BNs with Gumbel-Softmax (relaxed priors)
VAEFlows.ipynb - VAEs with MDNF
VAEFlowsBasic.ipynb - VAEs with MDNF (an implementation using the simplified implementation of factorized flows)
VAEConcrete.ipynb - VAEs with Gumbel-Softmax relaxations (both with and without ST; also for improper objectives apart from the Jang's loss)
VAEConcreteJang.ipynb - VAEs with Gumbel-Softmax relaxation using Jang's approximate objective
GaussianMixture.ipynb - GMMs with MDNF
PartialFlows.ipynb - Comparison of partial vs. location-scale flows
VAEFlowsBasic_Variance.ipynb - Estimation of variance of MDNF objective for a VAE
- mdnf - main files implementing flows, mixtures, base distributions, inference etc.:
- - The most basic (single file) implementation of mixture of discrete flows assuming factorized posterior. It implements sampling from delta base distribution, shift-only transformation, mixing and probability evaluation with MDNF.
- - Operations on one-hot encoded vectors.
- - Mixture of discrete normalizing flows.
- - Variational inference algorithms for discrete normalizing flows.
Base distributions:
- - Base for mixture of categorical distributions.
- - Factorized categorical distribution.
- - Creating base mixtures of categorical distributions.
Individual discrete flows:
- - Networks calculating transformations for discrete flows.
- - Basic flows.
- - Discrete flows for factorized distributions.
- - Masked autoencoders.
- - Discrete autoregressive flows.
- - Evaluation of joint probability of observations and latent variables for arbitrary Bayesian networks.
- - Variational Gaussian Mixture using discrete normalizing flows.
- - Wrapping and unwrapping dimensions to match model cardinalities.
- - Recovering probability tables from samples or flows.
- - General auxiliary functions.
- - Auxiliary functions for measuring time.
Unit tests:
Please start by installing requirements.txt. In case of problems consult the following:
The code was tested with Python 3.7.4 (on a Linux platform),
using tensorflow 2.2.0 and tensorflow_probability 0.9.0
(can be installed with pip install tensorflow==2.2.0 tensorflow_probability=0.9.0
It also requires numpy, pandas, sklearn and scipy,
that can be installed with pip install numpy pandas sklearn scipy
but are also available by default in for example,
python Anaconda distributions.
Potential problems with scipy 1.4.1 can be solved by downgrading it to version 1.2.1 with
pip install scipy==1.2.1
Notebooks .ipynb can be previewed using Jupyter Notebook and run from a command line with runipy.
Visualizing results requires matplotlib and seaborn to be available (pip install matplotlib seaborn
Parts of the code for Bayesian networks require PGMPY
(pip install pgmpy==0.1.10
) and
code for Gaussian mixture models builds on
Python codes implementing algorithms described in Bishop's book
(can by installed with git clone; cd PRML; python install
Finally, the code comparing partial and location-scale flows uses
Edward2 that can be installed with
pip install "git+"