The game Connect Four written in JavaScript. Two players alternate between placing dots with the intention of having four of their color in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, before the other player can. The current release can be played here!
Inspired by tobychin's design of his binary clock.
Master | Dev |
- Node.js
- Browserify
- tape
- faucet
You'll need Node.js installed
Clone the project and cd into the directory, then install depenencies with NPM.
git clone
cd connect-four/
npm install
Run the build script to bundle dependencies, then the game can be played by opening index.html in a web browser.
Some magic needs to happen before the JavaScript can be used on the web. I use Browserify to allow the modules to be required on the client side. The NPM build script takes care of that.
npm run-script build
Tests are written utilizing tape and can be run by simply running the NPM test script. The output is piped through faucet to pretty print test results.
npm test
> @tjkorthal/[email protected] test /Users/tjkorthal/Projects/connect-four
> node tests/test.js | faucet
✓ capitalize capitalizes the first letter of a string
✓ switchColor changes between the 2 colors used in the game
✓ strategies return the next coordinate in a direction
✓ containsCoordinate returns a boolean
✓ checkSequence returns the number of points in a sequence
# tests 15
# pass 15
✓ ok
Faucet shows check marks (✓) for passing tests and Xs (⨯) for failures.
Code should more or less conform to Airbnb's styleguide. I use ESLint and its VSCode extension to highlight formatting errors.