Network security technology(professional elective in my 6th semester in NKUCS) programming assignments.
The course seems to be a combination with Computer network and Cryptography. Taught by Assoc. Prof. Zhang Yu.
There are 4 labs in this course.
Finish a simple p2p chatting-room program in Linux.
- Use socket.
- There are client and server in the chatroom.
- Message before they send to each other and after they receive from one another must be encrypted and decrypted respectively.
Finish a simple p2p chatting-room program in Linux.
- Use socket.
- There are client and server in the chatroom.
- Message before they send to each other and after they receive from one another must be encrypted and decrypted respectively.
- DES key must be encrypted by RSA algorithm.
- Use epoll and asynchronous io interface to support full duplex communication.
Finish a simple file integrity check program based on md5 in Linux.
Finish a port scanner program in Linux.
- Write a port scanner, which provides four basic scanning methods: TCP connect scanning, TCP SYN scanning, TCP FIN scanning and UDP scanning.
- Design and implement a ping program to detect whether the target host is reachable.