- Support CocoaPods
- Fix bugs
- 仿照instagramStory & WeiBoStory。可以在拍摄视频后贴图,贴字,涂鸦。
- You can put up picture, text or doodle after shooting a video. just like the app Instagram and Weibo 's story
- iOS 8.0 or later
- Swift 4.0 or later
- Xcode 8.0 or later
- 基本实现WeiboStory的大部分功能
- Implement most of the function of Weibo's story
- 支持滑动切换滤镜
- Support slide filter
- 支持码率,美颜开关等多项配置
- Support config kpbs, beautifyFilter
- 支持长按录像&短按拍照
- Support long press to shoot a video or short press to take a photo
- 支持相册选择图片&视频
- Support import video or photo from album
- 支持添加导出视频水印
- Support watermark of output movie
- GPUImage
- MBProgressHUD
- 请使用真机运行Demo
- Please use iOS device run this demo
let storyVc = TLStoryViewController()
storyVc.view.frame = CGRect.init(x: 0, y: -44, width: screenWidth, height: screenHeight)
storyVc.delegate = self
extension ViewController:TLStoryViewDelegate {
func storyViewClose() {
func storyViewRecording(running complete: Bool) {
//get output video & photo
func storyViewDidPublish(type: TLStoryType, url: URL?) {
guard let u = url else {
Recorded movies start with a short duration of black video
CVOpenGLESTextureCacheRef leak when I'm using GPUImageMovieWriter
How to build this project
- 项目部分图片素材来自WeiBo,请替换后使用!
- Partial resourse come frome Weibo, please use after replacing