microRTPS/DDS agent protocol splitter. Allows to stream and parse MAVLink and RTPS packets in the same serial link.
cmake ..
To install system wise on an UNIX system (might require sudo
make install
Make sure to have the UART link up and the cabling right (if using an TTL-USB adapter).
Run the splitter using:
$ protocol_splitter [options]
Options available:
-b <baudrate> UART device baudrate. Default 460800
-d <uart_device> UART device. Default /dev/ttyUSB0
-i <host_ip> Host IP for UDP. Default
-w <mavlink_udp_recv_port> UDP port for receiving. Default 5800
-x <mavlink_udp_send_port> UDP port for sending. Default 5801
-y <rtps_udp_recv_port> UDP port for receiving. Default 5900
-z <rtps_udp_send_port> UDP port for sending. Default 5901
-f Activates UART link SW flow control
-g Activates UART link HW flow control
-v Add more verbosity
At the same time, the protocol_splitter
should also be run in the client side, so the stream can be multiplexed bidirectionally.
$ docker build -t ghcr.io/tiiuae/tii-agent-protocol-splitter --no-cache -f Dockerfile.containerize .
$ docker run --name protocol_splitter --rm -dt --device /dev/ttyS7 ghcr.io/tiiuae/tii-agent-protocol-splitter /dev/ttyS7