Useful links:
- Syllabus
- Course Spreadsheet
- Course GitHub
- Course Observable (TBA)
- Slack channel: #capp30239_fall22
Please turn all homework in on your GitHub. Submit in week_##
- Install VS Code (if you don't have it already)
- Install Live Server Extension in VS Code
- If you haven't used GitHub, create an account.
- Create a new repository in GitHub called
This can be done a number of ways so if you are used to a different way you can do that and skip this part.
- Copy URL from repository in browser
- In terminal
git clone [paste your repo URL]
- Open local repository in Visual Studio Code
- In .gitignore file add this line.
- In terminal,
git status
to see change git add
git commit -m 'Add a commit message here'
git push
- Check to make sure commit was uploaded
During this quarter, I want you to get into the habit of writing good documentation as you create code. This includes well-documented Readme files. The root level should contain information about the repository, such as dates, descriptions, images, a general overview of what is included in the repository, and how the code should be used.
- Write introduction to the repository in the root