This projects uses the transportation network company (TNC) data released by the city of chicago to replicate a CMAP study on transportation in python (originally done in R). The project provides an overview of the demand of Uber/Lyft in the different areas of Chicago. Large-scale computing techniques were applied to process 100+ million rows of data. It was found that economic status can significantly impact people's ride-hailing choices.
Topics Explored:
Topic 1: General Demand for Ride-Hailing Services
Topic 2: Geographic Distribution of Ride-Hailing Services
Topic 3: Evaluation of Congestion
Topic 4: Evaluation of Ride-Sharing
Packages Required:
dask, geopandas, pandas, shapeley, numpy, seaborn, matplotlib and urllib.
- census2010.zip: this includes Chicago census tracts shapefile that is readily available from https://data.cityofchicago.org/Facilities-Geographic-Boundaries/Boundaries-Census-Tracts-2010/5jrd-6zik
- tnc_data_report.ipynb: the codes that I've used to create all the visualizations
- data used in tnc_data_report.ipynb: the transportation network companies (TNC) data is readily availble from https://data.cityofchicago.org/Transportation/Transportation-Network-Providers-Trips/m6dm-c72p. The data I used was downloaded from the website on 2019 Oct 21st. The data is regularly updated on the Chicago Data Portal and can be downloaded easily.
For anyone who's interested in learning more about how to visualize geo-spatial data, I recommend a great course here: https://automating-gis-processes.github.io/site/. I learned everything from this course.