The installation of the DeePMD-kit is lengthy, but do not be panic. Just follow step by step. Wish you good luck..
There are two ways of installing the Python interface of tensorflow, either using google's binary, or installing from sources. When you are using google's binary, do not forget to add the option -DTF_GOOGLE_BIN=true
when building DeePMD-kit.
Firstly get the source code of the tensorflow
cd /some/workspace
git clone tensorflow
Currently the DeePMD-kit only works with tensorflow r1.4. Higher and lower versions of tensorflow may not work in the same way. Now checkout version r1.4.
cd tensorflow
git checkout r1.4
Please make sure you have the Bazel higher than version 0.5.4, otherwise, please install it.
DeePMD-kit is compiled by cmake, so we need to compile and integrate tensorflow with cmake projects. The rest of this section basically follows the instruction provided by Tuatini. Now execute
You will answer a list of questions that help configure the building of tensorflow. It is recommended to build for Python3. You may want to answer the question like this:
Please specify the location of python. [Default is /usr/bin/python]: /usr/bin/python3
The library path for Python should be set accordingly.
Now build the shared library of tensorflow:
bazel build -c opt --verbose_failures //
You may want to add options --copt=-msse4.2
, --copt=-mavx
, --copt=-mavx2
and --copt=-mfma
to enable SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2 and FMA SIMD accelerations, respectively. It is noted that these options should be chosen according to the CPU architecture. If the RAM becomes an issue of your machine, you may limit the RAM usage by using --local_resources 2048,.5,1.0
Now I assume you want to install tensorflow in directory $tensorflow_root
. Create the directory if it does not exists
mkdir -p $tensorflow_root
Before moving on, we need to compile the dependencies of tensorflow, including Protobuf, Eigen and nsync. Firstly, protobuf
mkdir /tmp/proto
cd tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads/protobuf/
./configure --prefix=/tmp/proto/
make install
Then Eigen
mkdir /tmp/eigen
cd ../eigen
mkdir build_dir
cd build_dir
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/eigen/ ../
make install
And nsync
mkdir /tmp/nsync
cd ../../nsync
mkdir build_dir
cd build_dir
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/nsync/ ../
make install
cd ../../../../../..
Now, copy the libraries to the tensorflow's installation directory:
mkdir $tensorflow_root/lib
cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/ $tensorflow_root/lib/
cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/ $tensorflow_root/lib/
cp /tmp/proto/lib/libprotobuf.a $tensorflow_root/lib/
cp /tmp/nsync/lib/libnsync.a $tensorflow_root/lib/
Then copy the headers
mkdir -p $tensorflow_root/include/tensorflow
cp -r bazel-genfiles/* $tensorflow_root/include/
cp -r tensorflow/cc $tensorflow_root/include/tensorflow
cp -r tensorflow/core $tensorflow_root/include/tensorflow
cp -r third_party $tensorflow_root/include
cp -r /tmp/proto/include/* $tensorflow_root/include
cp -r /tmp/eigen/include/eigen3/* $tensorflow_root/include
cp -r /tmp/nsync/include/*h $tensorflow_root/include
Now clean up the source files in the header directories:
cd $tensorflow_root/include
find . -name "*.cc" -type f -delete
The temporary installation directories for the dependencies can be removed:
rm -fr /tmp/proto /tmp/eigen /tmp/nsync
xdrfile is a lib that read, compress and write the MD trajectories. Firstly get the source:
cd /some/workspace
I assume you want to install it in $xdrfile_root
, then you will probably do
tar xvf xdrfile-1.1.4.tar.gz
cd xdrfile-1.1.4
./configure --prefix=$xdrfile_root
make install
Firstly clone the DeePMD-kit source code
cd /some/workspace
git clone deepmd-kit
If one downloads the .zip file from the github, then the default folder of source code would be deepmd-kit-master
rather than deepmd-kit
. For convenience, you may want to record the location of source to a variable, saying deepmd_source_dir
cd deepmd-kit
Then goto the source code directory and make a build directory.
cd $deepmd_source_dir/source
mkdir build
cd build
I assume you want to install DeePMD-kit into path $deepmd_root
, then execute cmake
cmake -DXDRFILE_ROOT=$xdrfile_root -DTENSORFLOW_ROOT=$tensorflow_root -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$deepmd_root ..
If you are using google binary for tensorflow python interface, then you need to specify
cmake -DXDRFILE_ROOT=$xdrfile_root -DTENSORFLOW_ROOT=$tensorflow_root -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$deepmd_root -DTF_GOOGLE_BIN=true ..
If the cmake has executed successfully, then
make install
If everything works fine, you will have the following executables installed in $deepmd_root/bin
$ ls $deepmd_root/bin
dp_frz dp_ipi dp_mdnn dp_test dp_train
DeePMD-kit provide module for running serial MD simulation with Lammps. Notice that the parallel running is not support at this moment. Now make the DeePMD-kit module for lammps.
cd $deepmd_source_dir/source/build
make lammps
If everything works fine, DeePMD-kit will generate a module called USER-DEEPMD
in the build
directory. Now download your favorite Lammps code, and uncompress it (I assume that you have downloaded the tar lammps-stable.tar.gz
cd /some/workspace
tar xf lammps-stable.tar.gz
The source code of Lammps is store in directory, for example lammps-31Mar17
. Now go into the lammps code and copy the DeePMD-kit module like this
cd lammps-31Mar17/src/
cp -r $deepmd_source_dir/source/build/USER-DEEPMD .
Now build Lammps
make yes-user-deepmd
make serial -j4
The option -j4
means using 4 processes in parallel. You may want to be use a different number according to your hardware. If everything works fine, you will end up with an executable
In this text, we will call the deep neural network that is used to represent the interatomic interactions (Deep Potential) the model. The typical procedure of using DeePMD-kit is
- Prepare data
- Train a model
- Freeze the model
- MD runs with the model (Native MD code or Lammps)
One needs to provide the following information to train a model: the atom type, the simulation box, the atom coordinate, the atom force, system energy and virial. A snapshot of a system that contains these information is called a frame. We use the following convention of units:
Property | Unit |
Time | ps |
Length | A |
Energy | eV |
Force | eV/A |
Pressure | Bar |
The frames of the system are stored in two formats. A raw file is a plain text file with each information item written in one file and one frame written on one line. The default files that provide box, coordinate, force, energy and virial are box.raw
, coord.raw
, force.raw
, energy.raw
and virial.raw
, respectively. We recommend you use these file names. Here is an example of force.raw:
$ cat force.raw
-0.724 2.039 -0.951 0.841 -0.464 0.363
6.737 1.554 -5.587 -2.803 0.062 2.222
-1.968 -0.163 1.020 -0.225 -0.789 0.343
This force.raw
contains 3 frames with each frame having the forces of 2 atoms, thus it has 3 lines and 6 columns. Each line provides all the 3 force components of 2 atoms in 1 frame. The first three numbers are the 3 force components of the first atom, while the second three numbers are the 3 force components of the second atom. The coordinate file coord.raw
is organized similarly. In box.raw
, the 9 components of the box vectors should be provided on each line. In virial.raw
, the 9 components of the virial tensor should be provided on each line. The number of lines of all raw files should be identical.
We assume that the atom types do not change in all frames. It is provide by type.raw
, which has one line with the types of atoms written one by one. The atom types should be integers.
The second format is the data sets of numpy
binary data that are directly used by the training program. User can use the script $deepmd_source_dir/data/raw/
to convert the prepared raw files to data sets. For example, if we have raw files that contains 6000 frames,
$ ls
box.raw coord.raw energy.raw force.raw type.raw virial.raw
$ $deepmd_source_dir/data/raw/ 2000
nframe is 6000
nline per set is 2000
will make 3 sets
making set 0 ...
making set 1 ...
making set 2 ...
$ ls
box.raw coord.raw energy.raw force.raw set.000 set.001 set.002 type.raw virial.raw
It generates two sets set.000
, set.001
and set.002
, with each set contains 2000 frames. The last set (set.002
) is used as testing set, while the rest sets (set.000
and set.001
) are used as training sets. One do not need to take care the binary data files in each of the set.*
directories. The path containing set.*
and type.raw
is called a system.
The method of training is explained in our DeePMD paper. With the source code we provide a small training dataset taken from 400 frames generated by NVT ab-initio water MD trajectory with 300 frames for training and 100 for testing. An example training parameter file is provided. One can try with the training by
$ cd $deepmd_source_dir/examples/train/
$ $deepmd_root/bin/dp_train water.json
is the training program, and water.json
is the json
format parameter file that controls the training. The components of the water.json
"_comment": " model parameters",
"sel_a": [16, 32],
"sel_r": [30, 60],
"rcut_a": -1,
"rcut_r": 6.00,
"axis_rule": [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
"_comment": " default rule: []",
"_comment": " user defined rule: for each type provides two axes, ",
"_comment": " for each axis: (a_or_r, type, idx)",
"_comment": " if type < 0, exclude type -(type+1)",
"_comment": " for water (O:0, H:1) it can be",
"_comment": " [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]",
"n_neuron": [240, 120, 60, 30, 10],
"_comment": " training controls",
"systems": ["../data/water/"],
"set_prefix": "set",
"stop_batch": 1000000,
"batch_size": 4,
"start_lr": 0.001,
"decay_steps": 5000,
"decay_rate": 0.95,
"start_pref_e": 0.02,
"limit_pref_e": 8,
"start_pref_f": 1000,
"limit_pref_f": 1,
"start_pref_v": 0.02,
"limit_pref_v": 8,
"num_threads": 4,
"seed": 1,
"_comment": " display and restart",
"_comment": " frequencies counted in batch",
"disp_file": "lcurve.out",
"disp_freq": 100,
"numb_test": 100,
"save_freq": 100,
"save_ckpt": "model.ckpt",
"restart": false,
"load_ckpt": "model.ckpt",
"disp_training": true,
"time_training": true,
"_comment": "that's all"
The option rcut_r
is the cut-off radius for neighbor searching. The sel_a
and sel_r
are the maximum selected numbers of fully-local-coordinate and radial-only-coordinate atoms from the neighbor list, respectively. sel_a + sel_r
should larger than the maximum possible number of neighbors in the cut-off radius. sel_a
and sel_r
are vectors, the length of the vectors are same as the number of atom types in the system. sel_a[i]
and sel_r[i]
denote the selected number of neighbors of type i
The option axis_rule
specifies how to make the axis for the local coordinate of each atom. For each atom type, 6 integers should be provided. The first three for the first axis, while the last three for the second axis. Within the three integers, the first one specifies if the axis atom is fully-local-coordinated (0
) or radial-only-coordinated (1
). The second integer specifies the type of the axis atom. If this number is less than 0, saying t < 0
, then this axis exclude atom of type -(t+1)
. If the third integer is, saying s
, then the axis atom is the s
th nearest neighbor satisfying the previous two conditions.
The option n_neuron
is an integer vector that determines the shape the neural network. The size of the vector is identical to the number of hidden layers of the network. From left to right the members denotes the size of each hidden layers from input end to the output end, respectively.
The option systems
provide location of the systems (path to set.*
and type.raw
). It is a vector, thus DeePMD-kit allows you provide multiple systems. DeePMD-kit will train the model with the systems in the vector one by one in a cyclic manner.
The option batch_size
specifies the number of frames in each batch.
The option stop_batch
specifies the total number of batches will be used in the training.
The option start_lr
, decay_rate
and decay_steps
specify how the learning rate changes. For example, the t
th batch will be trained with learning rate:
The options start_pref_e
, limit_pref_e
, start_pref_f
, limit_pref_f
, start_pref_v
and limit_pref_v
determine how the prefactors of energy error, force error and virial error changes in the loss function (see the appendix of the DeePMD paper for details). Taking the prefactor of force error for example, the prefactor at batch t
The option num_threads
specifies the number of threads used in the training.
The option seed
specifies the random seed for neural network initialization.
During the training, the error of the model is tested every disp_freq
batches with numb_test
frames from the last set in the systems
directory on the fly, and the results are output to disp_file
Checkpoints will be written to files with prefix save_ckpt
every save_freq
batches. If restart
is set to true
, then the training will start from the checkpoint named load_ckpt
, rather than from scratch.
The trained neural network is extracted from a checkpoint and dumped into a database. This process is called "freeze" a model. Typically one does
$ $deepmd_root/bin/dp_frz -o graph.pb
in the folder where the model is trained. The output database is called graph.pb
Run an MD simulation with Lammps is simpler. In the Lammps input file, one needs to specify the pair style as follows
pair_style deepmd graph.pb
where graph.pb
is the file name of the frozen model. The pair_coeff
should be left blank. It should be noted that Lammps counts atom types starting from 1, therefore, all Lammps atom type will be firstly subtracted by 1, and then passed into the DeePMD-kit engine to compute the interactions.
The i-PI works in a client-server model. The i-PI provides the server for integrating the replica positions of atoms, while the DeePMD-kit provides a client named dp_ipi
that computes the interactions (including energy, force and virial). The server and client communicates via the Unix domain socket or the Internet socket. The client can be started by
$ dp_ipi water.json
It is noted that multiple instances of the client is allow for computing, in parallel, the interactions of multiple replica of the path-integral MD.
is the parameter file for the client dp_ipi
, and an example is provided:
"verbose": false,
"use_unix": true,
"port": 31415,
"host": "localhost",
"graph_file": "graph.pb",
"coord_file": "",
"atom_type" : {
"OW": 0,
"HW1": 1,
"HW2": 1
The option use_unix
is set to true
to activate the Unix domain socket, otherwise, the Internet socket is used.
The option graph_file
provides the file name of the frozen model.
The dp_ipi
gets the atom names from an XYZ file provided by coord_file
(meanwhile ignores all coordinates in it), and translates the names to atom types by rules provided by atom_type
DeePMD-kit provides a simple MD implementation that runs under either NVE or NVT ensemble. One needs to provide the following input files
$ ls
conf.gro graph.pb water.json
is the file that provides the initial coordinates and/or velocities of all atoms in the system. It is of Gromacs gro
format. Details of this format can be find in this website. It should be notice that the length unit of the gro
format is nm rather than A.
is the frozen model.
is the parameter file that specifies how the MD runs. An example parameter file for water NVT simulation is provided.
"conf_file": "conf.gro",
"conf_format": "gro",
"graph_file": "graph.pb",
"nsteps": 500000,
"dt": 5e-4,
"ener_freq": 20,
"ener_file": "energy.out",
"xtc_freq": 20,
"xtc_file": "traj.xtc",
"trr_freq": 20,
"trr_file": "traj.trr",
"print_force": false,
"T": 300,
"tau_T": 0.1,
"rand_seed": 2017,
"atom_type" : {
"OW": 0,
"HW1": 1,
"HW2": 1
"atom_mass" : {
"OW": 16,
"HW1": 1,
"HW2": 1
The options conf_file
, conf_format
and graph_file
are self-explanatory. It should be noticed, again, the length unit is nm in the gro
format file.
The option nsteps
specifies the number of time steps of the MD simulation. The option dt
specifies the timestep of the simulation.
The options ener_file
and ener_freq
specify the energy output file and frequency.
The options xtc_file
, xtc_freq
, trr_file
and trr_freq
are similar options that specify the output files and frequencies of the xtc and trr trajectory, respectively. When the frequencies are set to 0, the corresponding file will not be output. The instructions of the xtc and trr formats can be found in xtc manual and trr manual. It is noticed that the length unit in the xtc and trr files is nm.
If the option print_force
is set to true
, then the atomic force will be output.
The option T
specifies the temperature of the simulation, and the option tau_T
specifies the timescale of the thermostat. We implement the Langevin thermostat for the NVT simulation. rand_seed
set the random seed of the random generator in the thermostat.
The atom_type
set the type for the atoms in the system. The names of the atoms are those provided in the conf_file
file. The atom_mass
set the mass for the atoms. Again, the name of the atoms are those provided in the conf_file
The code is organized as follows:
: tools manipulating the raw data files.examples
: example json parameter files.source/3rdparty
: third-party packages used by DeePMD-kit.source/cmake
: cmake scripts for building.source/ipi
: source code of i-PI client.source/lib
: source code of DeePMD-kit library.source/lmp
: source code of Lammps module.source/md
: source code of native MD.source/op
: tensorflow op implementation. working with library.source/scripts
: Python script for model freezing.source/train
: Python modules and scripts for training and testing.
The project DeePMD-kit is licensed under GNU LGPLv3.0