Basic package with Laravel 5.3 + Admin-LTE
This project is inactive, a lot has changed since 5.3 - but the project should still prove useful for learning purpose but it should not be used in production.
- Laravel 5.3
- Login/Logout/Register/Forgot Password
- User Edit Profile Page
- Admin panel with Registered Users overview
- Admin-LTE theme
- Toastr Messaging system
- SweetAlert2
- Clone the project into a folder of your choice with "git clone ."
- Through composer run "composer install"
- (To get the latest packages, run composer update)
- Edit the .env.example file with your database information and save it as .env
- Run "php artisan key:generate" to generate a key for your application
- Run "php artisan migrate" to populate the or "php artisan migrate --seed" to add a seed user
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: test123
Documentation for the framework can be found on the AlmSaeedStudio website. Toastr documentation can be found Here SweetAlert documentation can be found Here
The Laravel Admin Starter is licensed under the MIT license