Toby Thurston -- 02 Jun 2017
A perl filter that parses text and lines things up in columns.
Intended to be used as a filter for vim.
Copy to a convenient folder, or try:
git clone
Add these perl libraries (unless you already have them):
cpanm Statistics::Descriptive cpanm Math::Prime::Util cpanm Math::SigFigs cpanm Math::Round
Add a line like the following to your ".vimrc" file.
:command! -nargs=* -range=% Table <line1>,<line2>!perl ~/your-folder/ <q-args>
which you should adjust appropriately so your perl can find where you put
You can of course use some word other than "Table" as the command name. Take your pick, except that Vim insists on the name starting with an uppercase letter.