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Implement FlatFile encoder for js/String, goog.Uri, Keyword, js/Date,…
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noprompt committed Sep 15, 2020
1 parent b878369 commit 79dde51
Showing 1 changed file with 143 additions and 0 deletions.
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions src/asami/durable/encoder.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Encodes and decodes data for storage. ClojureScript implementation"
:author "Paula Gearon and Joel Holdbrooks"}
(:import [goog.math Long Integer]
[goog Uri])
(:require [clojure.string :as s]))

(def ^{:private true} LONG_BYTES 8)

(defn byte-array [size-or-seq]
(if (number? size-or-seq)
(js/Uint8Array. (js/ArrayBuffer. size-or-seq))
(.from js/Uint8Array size-or-seq)))

(def type->code
{Long (byte 0)
;; Double (byte 1)
js/String (byte 2)
Uri (byte 3) ;; 4 & 5 are reserved for http and https URLs
;; BigInt (byte 6)
;; BigInteger (byte 6)
;; BigDecimal (byte 7)
js/Date (byte 8)
;; Instant (byte 9)
Keyword (byte 10)
UUID (byte 11)
;; :blob (byte 12)
;; :xsd (byte 13)
;; :pojo (byte 14)

(defprotocol FlatFile
(header [this len] "Returns a byte array containing a header")
(body [this] "Returns a byte array containing the encoded data"))

(defn type-code
"Returns a code number for an object"
(throw (ex-info "Not implemented" {}))
(if (bytes? o)
[(type->code :blob) identity]
(if-let [encoder (get @registered-xsd-types (type o))]
[(type->code :xsd) encoder]
(if (str-constructor? (type o))
[(type->code :pojo) (fn [obj] (.getBytes (str (.getName (type o)) " " obj) utf8))]
(throw (ex-info (str "Don't know how to encode a: " (type o)) {:object o}))))))

(defn general-header
"Takes a type number and a length, and encodes to the general header style.
Lengths 0-255 [2r1110tttt length]
Lengths 256-32k [2r1111tttt (low-byte length) (high-byte length)]
Lengths 32k-2G [2r1111tttt (byte0 length) (byte1 length) (byte2 length) (byte3 length)]"
[t len]
(<= len 0xFF)
(byte-array [(bit-or 0xE0 t) len])
(<= len 0x7FFF)
(byte-array [(bit-or 0xF0 t) (bit-shift-right len 8) (bit-and 0xFF len)])
(byte-array [(bit-or 0xF0 t)
(bit-and 0xFF (bit-shift-right len 24))
(bit-and 0xFF (bit-shift-right len 16))
(bit-and 0xFF (bit-shift-right len 8))
(bit-and 0xFF len)])))

(defn int->bytes
{:private true}
[(bit-and (bit-shift-right i 24) 0xFF)
(bit-and (bit-shift-right i 16) 0xFF)
(bit-and (bit-shift-right i 8) 0xFF)
(bit-and (bit-shift-right i 0) 0xFF)])

(defn str->bytes
{:private true}
(let [encoder (js/TextEncoder.)]
(.encode encoder s)))

(extend-protocol FlatFile
(header [this len]
(if (< len 0x80)
(byte-array [len])
(general-header (type->code js/String) len)))
(body [this]
(str->bytes this))

(header [this len]
(if (< len 0x40)
(byte-array [(bit-or 0x80 len)])
(general-header (type->code Uri) len)))
(body [this]
(str->bytes (.toString this)))

(header [this len]
(if (< len 0x20)
(byte-array [(bit-or 0xC0 len)])
(general-header (type->code Keyword) len)))
(body [this]
(let [nms (namespace this)
n (name this)]
(str->bytes (if nms (str nms "/" n) n))))

(header [this len]
(assert (= len LONG_BYTES))
(byte-array [(bit-or 0xE0 (type->code js/Date))]))
(body [this]
(body (.getTime this)))

(header [this len]
(byte-array [(bit-or 0xE0 (type->code UUID))]))
(body [^UUID this]
(let [[a b c d e] (.split (str this) "-")]
(let [least-significant-bits (.fromString Long (str a b c) 16)
most-significant-bits (.fromString Long (str d e) 16)]
(concat (int->bytes (.getHighBits least-significant-bits))
(int->bytes (.getLowBits least-significant-bits))
(int->bytes (.getHighBits most-significant-bits))
(int->bytes (.getLowBits most-significant-bits)))))))

(header [this len]
(let [tc (or (type->code (type this))
(first (type-code this)))]
(general-header tc len)))
(body [this]
(if-let [tc (type->code (type this))]
(str->bytes (str this))
(if-let [[_ encoder] (type-code this)]
(encoder this)))))

(defn to-bytes
"Returns a tuple of byte arrays, representing the header and the body"
(let [b (body o)]
[(header o (.-length b)) b]))

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