DuoTone project is API for applying effects onto an image, such as a duotone effect (two color tones image);
To run locally:
npm run dev
To apply an effect, just use the desired effect name as a route, Ex:
´´´ /duotone?image=URLimage&color=green ´´´
Caminho: GET <endpoint>/duotone?image&color&primaryColor&secondaryColor
Descrição: Generates a new imagem from the source image with a duotone effect.
The color query paramater accepts only predetermined colors, wich in turn generates the primary and secondary colors for the effect. The avaliable colors are:
- gray or grey (Primary: #FBFBFB, Secondary: #283B6B)
- yellow (Primary: #FCC862, Secondary: #2D45C6)
- green (Primary: #71DF6F, Secondary: #272D67)
- red (Primary: #D92037, Secondary: #2A3060)
- purple (Primary: #8ADFD0, Secondary: #5C2998)
- sand (Primary: #FCC862, Secondary: #2D45C6)
- tomato (Primary: #A3D5CA, Secondary: #E52839)
The primaryColor and secondaryColor query parameters accept hexaDecimal values an can be use to generate a duotone effect with any color combination.
Field | Description | Format | Obligatory |
image | image URL | Text | Yes |
color | Default Colors Ex:green | Text | No |
primaryColor | Primary Color of the Image | Hex | No |
secondaryColor | Secondary Color of the Image | Hex | No |