- This Repository was built to store my solution and unit tests to the LCA problem
- My goals for this project were to try implement the solution the same way a software engineer would. I first developed a few basic tests to give me an idea on how to create my implementation and over the following weeks I would commit my new programming updates.
- I attempted to use Stephen's advice to choose a testing framework and base my project around these tests I planned to Implement. I tried to implement an agile method of programming and I hoped I suceeded
-Defintion of LCA Let T be a rooted tree. The lowest common ancestor between two nodes n1 and n2 is defined as the lowest node in T that has both n1 and n2 as descendants (where we allow a node to be a descendant of itself).
- testInsertElements
- testDelete
- testIsEmpty
- testLCA
-Definiton of DAG A directed acyclic graph is a finite directed graph with no directed cycles. The goal of this part of the project was to implement the lca algorthim on a DAG and finally merge the two seperate projects together
- testdag
- testindegree
- testoutdegree
- testEdges
- testVerticies
- testAddEdge
- testCycle
- testLCA